event NW Chilefest 2013 Discussion

KD, and the other out of towners....

There are tents and some camping gear available to use. From Friday evening through Sunday morning, we will likely coordinate family-style meals, so no need to worry about cooking gear. Just personal effects. The campground is closest to Spokane Airport. We can make a pick up run on Friday and a delivery back to Spokane on Sunday (preferable afternoon! ) I'm planning (and I thing CJ and Scovie also) are planning on being there THursday, so earlier flights on Friday are better......(the sooner we're done driving, the sooner we can start drinking! :cheers: )

Hawkeye, is your waffle iron up and running yet? That sounds like a good Sunday thang, We'll figger it out~

Y'all get your vacation time booked! Cash in those airline miles!

If people want to come in early or stay late, it's probably best to coordinate those things with individuals who you would be staying with for the extra days. Or
Yep,Got the old waffle iron working when I got back home.My grandparents made breakfast on that thing for my Dad when he was young.
Sorry everyone couldn't try the sweet potato and pecan waffles,its a family thing,I might buy a cast iron waffle thingie so it works for sure
I was so full of biscuits-n-gravy when you showed up with that waffle iron Hawkeye! I knew if I had a bit of that decadent waffle you were going to make, I'd be miserable for hours!

But ya know what? I was soooooooooo going to eat it anyway!!!!!!!!! Sweet Potato & Pecan waffles......they've been haunting me ever since!!!!!!!!! Can not wait to try one next year!!!!!!!!!! :)

Hawkeye, I have a CI waffle iron if you want me to bring it along. It worked out good last year to just have breakfast ready and as people rallied up, they could get ther breakfast and coffee. Waffles with thegoodies, and I can do eggs also, sounds good.

OK, Sunday breakfast is done. I'll let the rest of y'all hash out Saturday's picnic. What about brisket? how long does that take to cook? I'm just trying to make it easy and not have anyone getting up at 0:dark-30 ....

chicken wings and chili
plain ol' hot dogs and burgers (snore)
Ribs (expensive)
Are we seriously talking about food already?

Maybe we should, as there is only 307 days, 20 hours, and 38 minutes until 8/16/12 8:AM
MegPie - we should change your handle to "PepperDancer"!!!!!


(or maybe "PepperPolka" would be better?! Swedes polka, right?????) :rofl:

Or PepperHot Potato...(before your time)
Pepper Watusi?
PepperCabbagePatch...naw...that's just wrong.....:D
It all sounds good. I'll go with the flow! Sun Lakes sounds like a good place. I'll probably camp out unless my wife comes, then we'd want a cabin. I'd like to come up on Thurs. so I'm not so whacked out after driving and get toasted so bad I can't function. I'll have to see when the time gets closer, but count me in in any case.
we are in for camping. beers will be brewed for the occasion. Nick and myself have a couple of fun things planned. going to be even bigger than this years.
my impression of the 2013 NWCF:


ETA - dang - they stopped dancing. :(