event NW Chilefest 2013 Discussion

I got's a cooking challenge for anyone who wants to step up to the campfire.

Not enough for a meal, but maybe an app.....

But for now, my vote is ... not butts that Scovie has to get up at 6am on a party weekend to get in the smoke. Unless he really really WANTS to get up at 6am again...... :thumbsup:
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I'll tell y'all the HardOn story at the party, not something to go on the interWHEEBZ..... it's a mixed drink story...... that's all...
Hereza idea - spicy hot dog monstrosities :) This would for sure make for a lot of possibilities - even butt rubbing in the wee hours of the morning for making some of the best darn Q this side of the Mississippi! :woohoo:
All I know is that I need to get :drunk: I never get to get :drunk: anymore...... sobriety is a b!itch FEI.

I would be willing to one morning during all the craziness I got up and made brekky...... I make a mean bowl of fruit loops :) jajajaja!!!!! No but really I could probably figure out some buffet style bfast.
Anywho I think hubby should do his kick a$$ pulled pork! CJ can you make some of your yummiful dip??? Please!

Crap now I am starving.............
Megan, we just did 40lbs of pulled pork. Sorry you missed it, but I hit it out of the park.


(I just dislocated my shoulder patting myself on the back).

Hopefully it WON'T be a FULL moon next NWCF.

babyoilmoonlightwrestling.... sheesh. I'm in.
Eastern Washington KD! If you need transportation from the airport I am sure we can make arrangements. Better get to filling out a request for time off form August 16-18 or longer if you want :) wutev........ JUST GET HERE!!!

BTW.... my sister works at Sonoma State University.
Oh I thought you were saying you did it again at home. Don't mind me I'm kinda slow. And yeah the nap was necessary after the crash from the PE endorphin rush. That was one heck of an adrenaline dump