event NWCF 2017 Seattle area campout - RESERVATIONS OPEN!!!

Working on my hot sauce competition entry.  All fresh from the farmers market this morning- and some not pictured cilantro-



Tomatillo, Green Chile, valdalia onion, poblano, 2 cayenne chiles for heat? i bet there is a whole lot more brewing up in that cauldron haha.
Yellow- sweet gypsy peppers, anaheim, pasillo, regular yellow onions, tomatillo and 2cayennes from my own pepper plant! The rest was all from the market. Plus a few other thing. Cant give the competitors too much info. Nice job, Voodoo!

Y'all aint gonna believe this...but the family said it needs more heat.

Onefowl1...i remember a salsa you brought to sammamish. Hope you bring some again.
Watch it y'all, she is hiding the ace. haha perhaps the fam has been desensitized to heat? I heard of that happening with families of hot sauce makers and families living around nuclear reactor sites. hehe
I want to see the popcorn challenge again. I think it is fun to watch and do. With it more can join to do it and drop out as they hit their limit. The romen challenge has me pretty much out from the start not because of the spicey heat but because of the boiling hot heat and know i am not the only one.
Are we still considering bringing smokers for Saturday?
What's up for Friday night?
Let me know if I need to bring anything else.
I think chileaddict is smoking chickens, not sure how many will fit in his smoker. Onefowl has some sea bass, organic pepper is doing something...i think ribs? Thats what i know of for proteins on saturday. Do you think we need more meats?

Friday...no plans set yet, any ideas? Maybe someone who would be arriving before 4:00-ish could bring a batch of chili. We could put it in a crock pot (i have one), people can come and eat whenever.
salsalady said:
Just picked up a package from IronMikeUSMC with sauces for the contests.
Thanks, Mike!!! PepperPeopleRock!
You're very welcome, Ann! Enjoy the event! I wish I lived closer, sounds like a lot of fun!

salsalady said:
Shoot...now I have to share.
(pssssst......) No you don't ;)
I mailed out another box for you guys yesterday morning (a few duplicate bottles). Keep some for yourself and share the rest! I was just repaying you for the box you sent me in May; I forgot you had the potluck coming up :)
MikeUSMC said:
You're very welcome, Ann! Enjoy the event! I wish I lived closer, sounds like a lot of fun!

(pssssst......) No you don't ;)
I mailed out another box for you guys yesterday morning (a few duplicate bottles). Keep some for yourself and share the rest! I was just repaying you for the box you sent me in May; I forgot you had the potluck coming up :)
:WOOHOO!!!!:  :dance:  In that case, I'm cracking open the toro verde right now!  :dance:
IronMikeRocks!  :lol: