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Wow, lookin' good, everyone!

I'm bringing 4 bundles of wood for fire
four loaves of bread for Fri night
two pkgs of coffee one house blend, one breakfast blend - 12 oz each for whenever
cooler with beers
pods, some from Andy, some from my pepper patch
cigars (10)
gear for sleeping out.

Let me know if there is anything else.

I'm looking at a noon-one o'clock departure from home, so should be there by
4'30 or 5'00. It's about 150-60 miles. I assume the best way is I-5 to Auburn
exit east toward Covington. I'll try to get away a little earlier if I can.

I haven't heard anything from Richard, so am assuming his trip is going well, and
we will have to check the satellite to see if we can see him on the trail!
10:30am and I'm DONE COOKING!!!! :woohoo:

more teasers~


I made some regular and some Pure Evil brownies, but I'm not sure I have the trays labeled properly.... :eek:



Who Likes Big Butts?

Everything's coming together well. That sounds great, Paul. We'll see y'all tomorrow!
Started packing yesterday, the wife has been baking up a storm. My contact came through, and I scored some great homegrown for the Zucchini bread. Not is it only for breakfast, but if you need relief from the heat, there ya go!

Is anyone bringing Tiki torches with the oil that keeps bugs away? The park is apt to have biters, deer and horse fly is possible, plus the west nile virus outbreak has me spooked.
Good idea, Walt, on the tiki torches, if anyone has them. I have a citronella bucket I'll try to throw in. The 'Burban's all packed, just got to throw the cold stuff in the coolers in the morning, and we are OUTAHERE!

Picked up another tag-along (friend of the 'Kid) who wants to try Pure Evil. He's bugging me that if he does 2 drops of Pure Evil, I give him a bottle. [sub]there'll definitely be a vid for that![/sub]

Time for another TEASER!

(queu stripper music....)

and who is this from?????.......

wait for it.......

wait for it................

wait for it....................................


49 varieties.......this pic does NOT do it justice.......

Cross-posting with Scovie! OMG!

Who's bringing the preparationH wipes and Pepto?

Walt, can you re-post the GPS info? And a reminder to all that I'll ask this thread to be locked tomorrow and we'll start the official thread for pics, stories, etc.
The coordinates for the entrance to the park are:
N47° 18.723'
W121° 53.923'

Directions from SR 18, either direction:
Exit at SE 272nd St, SR 516
at end of ramp, turn east toward Maple Valley, and Black Diamond
follow SR 516 for 8 miles
keep right at "Y" to turn onto Retreat-Kanaskat Rd
3 miles to...
Turn right onto Cumberland Kanaskat Rd
follow 1.8 miles to park entrance on right
Thanks, Walt! That just saved me about an hour looking at the map and trying to decide which would be the best route pulling the trailer~

Target for departure is 9:00am. But add in gas stop, pee stops, food stops......yea, we'll probably still get there around 3:00. :~:
When you said you had a grade A grower hookup I knew it had to be Robert and I knew it was going to BIG

My lord that is alot of pods. Thanks to justaguy and seth as well! :)

And of course everyone bringing food! :D

On my check list I have
48 buns.
2cases of chips.

Is there anything else I could help out with?

This thing is gonna be epic.

My wife and I should be there around noon on Saturday. Looking foward to it! :)
Okay all I get to come friday and stay until sunday. SO it will be me and my son that came last year. Next question is who has room at their camp for us? Willing to chip in on paying for the spot. Bring a few food items myself for all who dare.lol...I will check back here in a bit have to take the dog to her sitter for while we are gone tonight because they will be gone till after I want to pull out tomorrow to head up. We are both so excited for this.
ONEFOWL! YeeHAA! There's camping room a-plenty. I have the 3-person tent, the back of the suburban, and an 8 person tent. Just bring your gear, it'll get figgered out~ Looking forward to seeing you and the T-dude again. Are you going to enter the Pure Evil Popcorn Challenge?

Brandon, that's perfect! We're all getting our check lists checked off.

Yep, I hooked up with SilverSurfer. OMG! I'm STILL blown away with what he sent. That picture doesn't even begin to show all the varieties. We're gonna be playing "name that pod" for a while. :lol: and If y'all get really stumped, I "might" be persuaded to break out the cheat sheet. But it'll cost ya.....

I've been stoked up 'til now...but now I'm REALLY stoked with all these fresh pods. THANK YOU! to SilverSurfer, SethSquatch and Justaguy.

I'm done with cooking for the weekend, basically done with packing, just have to make sure I don't re-wine too much tonight.
Not really I have been eating the hot peppers daily at work with whoever was there and brave enough. The tears and drool on the store floor this last week from those poor victims.lol....
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