event NWCF/Seattle Area Potluck 2016- happened! Sept 9, 10, 11.

salsalady said:
food did happen, but I didn't get pics on my camera.  Only this---

Franks RedHot sauce getting all happy...and then getting happy again...
Everyone forgets something when going on camping trips....I just happened to forget the FRICKIN 20 GALLON STOCK POT FOR CHICKEN WINGS!!!  -banghead-  I had to use the chafing dish insert.  Cooked about 10 wings at a time instead of 10 pounds.  Aw Well... they all got cooked and I think 22 people ate 32 pounds of wings.  NICE!!!
(I think pics of the wings are on John's camera which is in Oregon atm....)  PaulG, ChileAddict and a couple others got pics of the food, so I hope they post.
Pancakes, sausage, eggs and BLOODY MARY'S!  -WOOT-
Harold brought a really nice looking -cough- Bubblegum pod and posted up a $20 for someone to eat it.  A few more people posted up some $$ and a PureEvil and a pepper grinder....finally got some sucker brave soul to step up.  JUSTIN!
Why is it that we all enjoy others' suffering, hiccups, snot-fest, and such?  I dunno, but he rocked it out and earned the goods.
Yeah... poor Justin! My Chocolate Borg 9 really did a number on him! He handled it like a man though!
Sorry about that, Megahot!   Harold was doing all the smack talking, I thought he'd brought the pepper.  It definitely put the hurt on Justin!   
Great to hear you had a good time.  Same time next year, same bat channel~ 
Wonder who the victim volunteer will be next year? :rofl:
Great pix, folks! I'll throw in my 2 cents worth!
Setup for cooking up some wings:

Gettin' after some sauces:

About 40 sauces to sample:



Chillin' in kitchen central Saturday afternoon:

Cook and assistant making sure all is picture perfect Saturday afternoon:

Saturday night wings with four sauces and some pork stuffed Padron peppers:

More chillin' out:


The bet: Eat this Chocolate Borg 9 for $20:

Justin says, "Sure, I can do that!"

Upping the ante - Powder plunger, $60, Scorpion Pods, Pure Evil:

Harold explains:

Justin takes the bait:

About ten seconds in:

Ann looks pretty good on Sunday morning, after cooking all day Saturday:

I have a great video of Justin eating the pod, but can't upload it.  
I'd be happy to send it to someone else so they can try.  It's 7 minutes.
Awesome pods, Jon.  They look disgusting!
Definitely brought Justin to his knees...
It was great hooking up with you again - hope
to see you again next year.
those are some of the gnarliest pods.  Great vid, thanks for posting.  Justin was hurtin' for a while, manned up big time though.
The original deal was cash for the pod (I think it ended up to be about $60?) or allthe goodies if he did a Gusher.  (13 drops of Pure Evil inside the pod).  Justin ended up getting the cash, the fresh pods, the pepper plunger and the Pure Evil.... even though he didn't do the Gusher.  What can I say, we all said he earned it! 
PaulG said:
Awesome pods, Jon.  They look disgusting!
Definitely brought Justin to his knees...

It was great hooking up with you again - hope
to see you again next year.
Haha thanks Paul! Yes it was quite fun and very nice to see you Paul. Its always a pleasure to chit-chat with you
salsalady said:
those are some of the gnarliest pods.  Great vid, thanks for posting.  Justin was hurtin' for a while, manned up big time though.

The original deal was cash for the pod (I think it ended up to be about $60?) or allthe goodies if he did a Gusher.  (13 drops of Pure Evil inside the pod).  Justin ended up getting the cash, the fresh pods, the pepper plunger and the Pure Evil.... even though he didn't do the Gusher.  What can I say, we all said he earned it!
I agree with you Ann. Very big and gnarly pods!
I also agree with Justin being a man and earning it! Well said.
It sure was wonderful getting together again with everybody. The conversations and time spent with everyone was every bit as good as the food and spices. I encourage anyone to come to this event next year. Plan ahead and use a few vacation days if you have to. You will not regret it...unless you eat too many Chocolate Borg 9s. Again, thank you Ann for all the time and dedication you put into this event :dance:
Thanks Richard.  It's everyone's event and works because of the people who come out.
FTR- I'm NOT COOKING next year!!!  :lol:  Well, I will cook some stuff, but with my f-up with not bringing the large pot, I didn't have near enough time to talk with people.  Next year, It'll be chili in a crock pot from me and more time to hang out!  :lol: 
Maybe some smoker action?  If we had 2-3 small ones
we might be able to smoke some stuff.  I could smoke
3 whole chickens or 15-18 lbs. of ribs.