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OCD 2017!!!

Well it's 2017. Finally! Last year was a success, as far as the ground plants were concerned. Virgin, clay ground. My Chinese got smacked by hail twice! No room for error with those. Out of 12 plants I got ONE BBG. First and only. That variety is cursed. Tried for the past 3 years and some sort of calimity happens.

This year I decided to try 21+ different varieties of the BBG. I have 9 Reaper crosses. 21 and counting other varieties. I built a hoophouse and some COB led's. Planning on getting them outside in March sometime. That might be a delusion, beings I'm in Colorado. We shall see. There is only a few varieties that I've grown before. The rest are all new. I'm planning on isolating most of them.

Just started some Lemon Drops for Throwdown Growdown. I will wait a couple weeks before I start the others. Everything needs to be in order before I germinate. No turning back at that point. I want two plants from most varieties. Plants need to be woody by ground day. That's the only way I have a chance at success with late maturity varieties. If I have extras, I'll give away to my friends of THP.

My list is growing, but not much. Here is some of the varieties that made the cut.

Naga BBG (Red)
Chocolate BBG
Orange BBG (ISO)
Tobago Treasure x BBG
Red Gum Tiger Mamp
BBG Peach Ghost Jami
BBG Cluster
BBG Yellow (large)
BBG Scorpion
Aji Jobito x BBG
Red Gum Nagabrain Tiger Mamp
Peach Bhut BBG
BBG Apocalypse
Bhutla x BBG
Srtsl x BBG
7pot Lava Chocolate x BBG
Bleeding Borg9
Tommy Gum
Orange Naga BBG
Peach Naga BBG

Reaper x Red Mayan Habanero
Reaper x Yellow Scorpion
Reaper x Purple Bhut
Reaper x Pimenta
Reaper x Peach Bhut
Naga Reaper
Brainstrain x Reaper
Sepia Reaper x Neyde
ButchT x Reaper

Congo x ButchT
Peach Ghost Scorpion x Primo
Apocalypse Scorpion
Black Bhutlah Scorpion
Chocolate Primo
Baby Morich
Scorpion XXX (Holiday)
Fidalgo Roxa x Grao De Bode
BOC (Gary)
Andy's King BOC
Bhut Peach
Jigsaw x Habanero
Giant Trinidad Scorpion (Randy)
Taba Naga
Perfect red Bhut (Rick)
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw (Jukka)
Scotch Brain (ISO)
Naga Brain Yellow
Rocato (Chinese) (Jukka)

3Way Caribbean Red
4Way Caribbean Red
Sicman's Mystery (Red, Purple Spots) (Jason)
SB7J (UFO) (Justin)
Venezuela Tiger x SRTSL
Mustard Moruga Brain
Black Panther
Aji Lemondrop
Aji Pineapple
Aji Amarillo
Goats Weed

Thanks for stopping by. Wish you all the best of luck in 2017.
moruga welder said:
All is looking well my friend !  That hoop house will do wonders for them little ones when its done . Some good ol' sun is what the doctor ordered !,    :party:
Thanks Frank! Can't wait for sunshine. I hope the hoophouse works out. It's been a lot of work. I've got about $350 into it. Not to bad considering it's 12 x 20. Still not done.

stickman said:
It's all coming together Chuck! Looking forward to seeing your babies in the dirt! Glad to hear they're growing better after re-potting.
Thanks Rick! Me and you too. Some garden soil would be nice. Once I get the plastic fitted, I'll lay out the solar mulch. Can't wait!

Superhot Sim said:
Great work on the loop  house chuck, framework looks nice and sturdy.
Them potted up babies going to fly when they hit dirt.
Warmer days are here and we're getting some nice sunshine.
Keep chugging along , and nicely set up.

Sent from my VFD 900 using Tapatalk
Thank Sim! The weather is not quite warm enough. We have a spell if weather the rest of the week. Should warm up though. My girlfriend is visiting her parents in the U.K. As we speak. The pictures she has sent back look like the weather is great over there. Lincolnshire.

ThatBlondGuy101 said:
Loop house is looking fa-a-a-a-antastic! All is coming along nicely!
Thanks TBG! It's been a long haul this year, but well worth it.

Devv said:
Yeah Baby! Now we're talkin' ;)
Can't wait Chuck, I can't wait :dance:
Thanks Scott!
I'm pretty happy with the results of the hoophouse, LED COBS, and the new soil.

catherinew said:
Lots of work went into your hoop house and it shows. Very nice job. Here's hoping for a great plant out!
Thank you Jane!

I hope, I can get most of the plants in the ground. I'll have a bunch in pots as well. When I run out of soil that's it. I'll have to find homes for any that's left over.

PaulG said:
Nice hoop house upgrade, Charles!  
Dirt looks good and you are getting close!
Looking forward to seeing your plants in their
final spot!
Thanks Paul!

I am definitely taking advantage of the shed and lights right now. I had some ice on my truck from the rain last night. I had my archenemy show its face today. HAIL!!! I am prepared. Every year I get held back by it.
Added another 2x6 to the sides. It gave it some more support. I also added 2x4 for more support. I will put plastic up this week. If I don't have to work this weekend. It's been windy lately. I don't want the frustration of the wind.

The plants are doing great. It's been twelve days since I replanted in the new soil. Another couple of weeks and I'll be happy. Wanted them in the ground weeks ago, but glad I didn't it's hit the 20's a couple times. I'll wait till the first of May and see what happens.


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Chuck! Very impressive! Plants look great!
Hoophouse is going to be there a while, it's killer!
I have one suggestion, and I hope you don't mind. If the 2x4's were inside the pipe, I'm thinking it would be less stress on the plastic, chafe wise. Especially as windy as it gets there. But then a different fastener would be needed that only goes through one side of the pipe. OK, I'm anal... ;)
ThatBlondGuy101 said:
Plants looking great! What is the one with the colourful leaves in the top right of the third last picture? It looks spectacular!
Thank you TBG.

That is a Perilla Magilla. Heat and cold tolerant. Full sun and shade tolerant. First plant I've own. I'm going to put it in a bigger container.
Devv said:
Chuck! Very impressive! Plants look great!
Hoophouse is going to be there a while, it's killer!
I have one suggestion, and I hope you don't mind. If the 2x4's were inside the pipe, I'm thinking it would be less stress on the plastic, chafe wise. Especially as windy as it gets there. But then a different fastener would be needed that only goes through one side of the pipe. OK, I'm anal... ;)
Thanks Scott.

Thank you for the input. I thought about putting them on the inside. I've researched a lot of builds. I see that a lot of people that use pipe, put it on the inside, 2x4's in the outside. I think I'm may have to do with the radius of the hoop. I don't know how hot it's going to get in there. I figured if it gets to hit I can roll up the bottoms to the 2x4's. I went to my local nursery and they have about 6 hoophouses and they have 2x4's on the outside. My friend gave me a new roll of construction plastic. I'm going to try it out. If things don't work I can redo it. I had to laugh, the nursery is using the same fiberglass reinforced plastic I'm using.