• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

OCD 2017!!!

Well it's 2017. Finally! Last year was a success, as far as the ground plants were concerned. Virgin, clay ground. My Chinese got smacked by hail twice! No room for error with those. Out of 12 plants I got ONE BBG. First and only. That variety is cursed. Tried for the past 3 years and some sort of calimity happens.

This year I decided to try 21+ different varieties of the BBG. I have 9 Reaper crosses. 21 and counting other varieties. I built a hoophouse and some COB led's. Planning on getting them outside in March sometime. That might be a delusion, beings I'm in Colorado. We shall see. There is only a few varieties that I've grown before. The rest are all new. I'm planning on isolating most of them.

Just started some Lemon Drops for Throwdown Growdown. I will wait a couple weeks before I start the others. Everything needs to be in order before I germinate. No turning back at that point. I want two plants from most varieties. Plants need to be woody by ground day. That's the only way I have a chance at success with late maturity varieties. If I have extras, I'll give away to my friends of THP.

My list is growing, but not much. Here is some of the varieties that made the cut.

Naga BBG (Red)
Chocolate BBG
Orange BBG (ISO)
Tobago Treasure x BBG
Red Gum Tiger Mamp
BBG Peach Ghost Jami
BBG Cluster
BBG Yellow (large)
BBG Scorpion
Aji Jobito x BBG
Red Gum Nagabrain Tiger Mamp
Peach Bhut BBG
BBG Apocalypse
Bhutla x BBG
Srtsl x BBG
7pot Lava Chocolate x BBG
Bleeding Borg9
Tommy Gum
Orange Naga BBG
Peach Naga BBG

Reaper x Red Mayan Habanero
Reaper x Yellow Scorpion
Reaper x Purple Bhut
Reaper x Pimenta
Reaper x Peach Bhut
Naga Reaper
Brainstrain x Reaper
Sepia Reaper x Neyde
ButchT x Reaper

Congo x ButchT
Peach Ghost Scorpion x Primo
Apocalypse Scorpion
Black Bhutlah Scorpion
Chocolate Primo
Baby Morich
Scorpion XXX (Holiday)
Fidalgo Roxa x Grao De Bode
BOC (Gary)
Andy's King BOC
Bhut Peach
Jigsaw x Habanero
Giant Trinidad Scorpion (Randy)
Taba Naga
Perfect red Bhut (Rick)
Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw (Jukka)
Scotch Brain (ISO)
Naga Brain Yellow
Rocato (Chinese) (Jukka)

3Way Caribbean Red
4Way Caribbean Red
Sicman's Mystery (Red, Purple Spots) (Jason)
SB7J (UFO) (Justin)
Venezuela Tiger x SRTSL
Mustard Moruga Brain
Black Panther
Aji Lemondrop
Aji Pineapple
Aji Amarillo
Goats Weed

Thanks for stopping by. Wish you all the best of luck in 2017.
Couple shots of the garden. Lots of plants flowering. We shall see if any stick. Overall, the plants are doing good. Just tied drip irrigation into the potted plants, as well as the row outside. Just need to figure out where to put the remaining potted plants. They may end up next to the outside row. Then I can tie into the drip there.


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Superhot Sim said:
Looking good Chuck, love the dark foliage plant 3 down, stunning foliage.
Exciting part now as the plants start the flower set stage.
Your bossing it

Sent from my VFD 900 using Tapatalk
Thanks Sim!

I like it too. Never grown anything like it. I hope to get some pods soon. The frozen stuff just isn't cutting it these days. I can smell fresh pods in the air. LOL!

I haven't forgot about you. Hopefully I get some fruit from all the varieties your interested in.

Take care!
OCD Chilehead said:
Thanks Sim!

The frozen stuff just isn't cutting it these days. I can smell fresh pods in the air. LOL!

I haven't forgot about you. Hopefully I get some fruit from all the varieties your interested in.

Take care!
Nothing tastes like the peppers of the vine Chuck, and the frozen ones just don't have that "zing" that wakes the tongue up lol.

No pressure on getting pods on the ones I've mentioned buddy, do your best and what will be will be. Make sure your stocked up first my friend lol.
Were help each other soon enough, iv got some killer stuff lined up to send you back [emoji41] [emoji57]
Share  the love is what we preach. . :lol: :lol:

Sent from my VFD 900 using Tapatalk
Superhot Sim said:
Nothing tastes like the peppers of the vine Chuck, and the frozen ones just don't have that "zing" that wakes the tongue up lol.

No pressure on getting pods on the ones I've mentioned buddy, do your best and what will be will be. Make sure your stocked up first my friend lol.
Were help each other soon enough, iv got some killer stuff lined up to send you back [emoji41] [emoji57]
Share  the love is what we preach. . :lol: :lol:

Sent from my VFD 900 using Tapatalk
Thanks Simmy!

You rock!

I have a feeling this might be a good year for me in awhile. Knock on wood. If the garden does well, we all win!

Wishing you the best in your season as well.
Got the drip irrigation going on the plants in the pots and the row outside. Made the mistake somehow of installing 2gph emitters. Needless to say there was a little flooding. LOL! I switched them to 1/2gph after the photo. Had to adjust the timer down. I'm going to do another row on the other side of the hoophouse as well. Maybe tomorrow.


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Devv said:
Just awesome looking pods from the Redgum TigerMAMP ;)  I'm hoping mine sets some pods soon!
I'm jelly of the drip system; it looks great. I wish I could use one here. ;)
Yeah, they do look pretty cool.

Drip system is a life saver. I have irrigation, but don't use it because of the mud. It clogs up everything. I was thinking of putting in a filtration system, but a waste of time from all the cleaning. I know you have a mineral problem. That doesn't work we'll either.
Had to make a cover for my row. Came homes for lunch and saw what I see every year. Plants wilted over from the Sun. I tell you, they grow better in the shade at my altitude. I didn't get home from work until 7:45, but had to do something. Grabbed some scrap wood and built this frame. The clothe is recycled from a dump truck tarp. This will do for tonight. When I gind the time, I'll raise it up and build a wall on the hoophouse side. For now this will do. Now it's time for shower and some water. Been working in the 90 degree heat for 2 weeks now. Its amazing how much water one uses. Now I know how my plants feel.


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Superhot Sim said:
Great improvisation and well thought off under the pressure of searing heat. Gals will love their new shade hat. Nice work Chuck.

Sent from my VFD 900 using Tapatalk
Thanks Sim!

If I had time to plan, it would have been a lot better. I've got some time before the plants start to stretch. That's when I'll raise it up and add supports. Next year I may get twelve foot timbers and shade the whole growing area. Hoophouse and all. That would solve a lot of problems. Just like Scott does. Always loved that setup he has.