Had some extra money and decided to support this site and get a membership. Now its Glog Time. View attachment 9515 This is what I will be growing. I apologize in advance. This is the first time I have done this pictures and posts thing.
I've had Jalepeno and Habanero jelly and jams. Never had super hot. That's why I decided to try and make it. Super easy.TrentL said:Hmm.. pepper jelly. Never had that before. Going to need to try some this year.![]()
Thanks Rick. I will give that a try this weekend. Thought maybe Aji or Fatalii would be good. Peaches will ripen here around the same time. Can't wait.stickman said:Good-looking jelly you made Chuck... If you want to tone it down to where most people can eat it, try about 3 Serrano pods to a batch. In a few weeks the peaches will be ripe here and I'll be making peach-serrano jam to put away for the winter.
Thanks BB81. Got the recipe from Kraft. They make the pectin. Just tweaked it. All is well over here. The plants are looking fantastic, just can't get the blossoms to stick. Temps have been in mid to upper 90s for awhile. Thanks for asking.beerbreath81 said:1 more comment on a great looking jelly, good amount of heat in that one nicely done! Thanks for the recipe too, never made jelly before but after looking at yours I'm tempted to give it a go. Hope all is well on your side of the mountain buddy.
Thanks Adam. I used frozen supers, worked great since just boiling it down. Has a distinct Scorpion smell and flavor. First time making it. I would like to add less sugar. Tastes like it should though.maximumcapsicum said:That looks fantastic Chuck! I may follow your recipe and give it a whirl... been giving lots of thought to preserving some of the supers, and your approach looks fantastic. And it looks light... I like drawing down the sugar requirement. Can't wait for the next update!
Thanks Jeff. Serrano's I bought from the store where pretty good. They had a nice little burn to them. Great roasted, one of my favs.HillBilly Jeff said:Serrano makes a really good jelly. Not sure the difference in the serrano peppers out there, but I think there is like three.
Grow is looking good.
Thanks Charles. I'm amazed by the cutting. Will post an updated pic.Spicegeist said:Great peppers, nice cutting too!
Thanks Mikey. Jelly is excellent. I have been ignoring the plants as far as looking for pods. I just water look at overall health and walk away. Since you've mentioned it, I walked out last night and found numerous pods. WhooHooooo! I will post pics when I return from work tonight. I have some larger pods from the little Habs that King Denniz gave me. They don't look like Habs. Will post them later as well.jedisushi06 said:jelly looks great!
serrano jelly!
you should be getting pods soon. i'm getting mine on now.
Thanks Bill. Yeah I just made it and left it alone. Lucked out. The cutting is growing lots of roots. Don't know where to go with it from here. I will post a pic later tonight. I have just changed tap water every 4 days or so and add some nutes once a week. Amazed it made it.bpwilly said:Chuck,
That jelly does look great. Fun to try and keep everything suspended when it is cooling down, but yours sure looks like it worked out fine.
That cutting that is rooting up, just blows my mind. The thought that it has been in that glass since May and is now kicking out roots (and a leaf) is incredible. I never have much luck at cuttings, but will keep trying just to see if I can do it.
Great job
Thanks Tristen. I like to give the jelly and jams away, so I can make more. LOL. Yeah he's growing up quick. Just turned 8. He's a good kid very respectful. Thanks for tuning in.Trippa said:Hey bro .... nice to see you have some Super's sticking and growing at long last and all of the other plants and pods look like they are healthy and happy .,.. all you can ask for... Also Jelly/Jam is a great use of Chilli's I think ... can be used on anything and is great for gifting/bribing...
Yeah before long he will be all grown up and giving you attitude ... My oldest (12) has started and its all downhill from here... best of continued luck with your growing/bottling season bro ... cheers!
Thanks Jason. I do and yes very quick. To quick.GA Growhead said:Charish that time. They grow up quick!
Thanks Jeff. I'm happy with what I've got so far. Growing keeps my mind at bay. Learning a lot this year. I really want to grow in ground and raised beds only next year. Maybe a few in containers for ornamental factor around the house.HillBilly Jeff said:Nice looking pods, and he will be borrowing your keys before you know it!!!
Thanks Bill. I'm being challenged know days.LOL. That's what I do is try to give him positive and fun memories to go home with until I see him again. Yeah it looks like its starting to pay off. Will have to plant up the cutting this week.bpwilly said:Chuck,
Nice selection of pods coming along. Your going to have fun picking your favorites, if that is even possible.
Great to hear you spending time with your son. They may give you challenges later, but they will always remember the times they spent with their dad. And visa-versa.
The roots on that cutting are crazy. Better get that one planted, as it looks like it is itching to take off.
Thanks John. I will pot up this weekend. I'm thinking of keeping it going through the winter since it wasn't suppose to be.Sawyer said:Pod time! Things will just get better for awhile now.
I agree, time to pot up that cutting. Be careful with introducing it to the sun, though.
Thanks Rick. The peaches are coming in now, so Im thinking of finding a recipe this weekend to work with. Yeah the Denniz Habs were those flying saucer looking Habs the stores had awhile back. Can't wait to see what color they produce.stickman said:Alright Chuck... glad to see you're getting some pod action goin' now! It looks like there're some interesting crosses along with the usual Annuum suspects... hey, it's all good!I'd say you nailed it with the Serrano jelly. You aught to give it a try with Peaches too. The fruity acidity adds something to the flavor.
Thanks BB81. Yeah the cutting is in plain tap water. At first I was just curious to see how long the cutting would live. Then it started showing signs of life after a couple weeks with a leaf trying to grow under water. By the way that leaf is still growing under water. So I decided to give it a drop of Age old Kelp once a week with regular water changes when I can remember. It sits on the window sill. Yeah me and my son try to ride bikes at least once every time he comes. He doesn't get to ride at his house. That shot was actually at the Colorado River about a mile from the house. We do go to the lakes as well though. I hope your plants turn around for you. This is another learning year of growing for sure. Crazy Colorado weather.beerbreath81 said:7 weeks on that cutting, your a very patient man and the results are freaking outstanding, I agree I think its time to put that baby in some soil. Is that just water youve had that cutting in all this time or do you have some type of cutting solution? Looks like a good day at the lake with your boy. Keep doin what your doin its all lookin great!