Had some extra money and decided to support this site and get a membership. Now its Glog Time. View attachment 9515 This is what I will be growing. I apologize in advance. This is the first time I have done this pictures and posts thing.
OCD Chilehead said:Thanks Rick. I just picked up enough pipe to make a couple hoops for the hoophouse. I think I'm going to need it.
Your not kidding. Hottest pods to date. Got a nice burn in the mouth that kept building. Then he stomach cramps. Ouch!
Thanks Scott. The no bump must come with the paid membership. Not sure.
I'm stoked Jason. Didnt think this day would ever come after two months of flower drop.
Made some pickles for the first time. Picked some farm fresh picklers, garlic, and jalapenos. I added some supers I got from Judy. Jigsaw, Yellow Naga, Orange Bhut, and dont forget the Bhut x Moruga cross from hell. Thanks to Beerbreath81 for the motivation. That guy knows his canning.
Thanks for reading. Hope you all had a great weekend.
I'm practicing patience John. I'm all over salsa the next day. Don't know about the 10 pic thang. Will try again when I have something relevant.Sawyer said:I never last more than a few days before opening the first jar of a new batch of whatever.
I thought Extreme members weren't subject to the 10 pic posting limit, but if Greg can't post more, that shoots down that theory.
Sure Scott. Never made this before, so I wouldn't try it until I get back with a review in a week.Devv said:Can you post the pickle recipe? I'm always on the hunt![]()
Thanks Jeff for the information. That's good stuff to know. I will be picking your brain soon.HillBilly Jeff said:
Awesome plant shots. You don't have to can your pickles to get em to keep. You can mix up a brine and throw them in the fridge and they'll last a year for you in there. The last recipe I used was with vinegar and brown sugar, and those don't need to be kept in the fridge and they weren't canned either. If you'd like the recipes, give me a shout.
I hope they come out good.jedisushi06 said:damn those pickles look good! I gotta make some more soon.
Sorry to horn in, Charles, but I'd like those recipes, too, Jeff!HillBilly Jeff said:
Awesome plant shots. You don't have to can your pickles to get em to keep. You can mix up a brine and throw them in the fridge and they'll last a year for you in there. The last recipe I used was with vinegar and brown sugar, and those don't need to be kept in the fridge and they weren't canned either. If you'd like the recipes, give me a shout.
Thanks Denniz. Dang it. Your right. I didn't post any pics of the Habs. I took the pics of the pods just didn't add them to post. I'll get some more recent pics and post. As soon as they mature I'll send you some back. The least I can do for sending me the seeds in the first place.KiNGDeNNiZ said:Nice canned products. Lovely rows of healthy happy plants. Any pods on the bonnet shaped orange habs
Thanks Paul for the very kind words. I wasn't lazy this year and it shows compared to last. The education I've received from joining this wonderful community of growers has been a major factor in this years grow. Please horn in anytime.PaulG said:Sorry to horn in, Charles, but I'd like those recipes, too, Jeff!
Your grow is outstanding, brother. Every plant and pod looks just about perfect!
I need to not wait to have to get through 12 pages the next time, though!
I will let you know as soon as I taste. I think about it every time I look in the fridge. I'll have it look into how long I have to wait. Going to be making some pickled hot carrots in a couple days. I will processes them in the pressure canner as I like them a little on the softer side.Devv said:Thanks for posting the recipe Chuck. Let us know how they come out.![]()
Thanks Anthony. Pods are forming well. Hope I get more than I need. I'll send you some it that happens. Ibeerbreath81 said:Pods are coming along great chuck, wont be long now and youll be taking some pretty large harvests! Pickles! nice work buddy, I thought that I saw some tumeric in there haha. At first I thought you were using a Mrs. Wages pickle pack (which really arent bad, expecially when peppers are added). Looks like you were going for a spicy bread and butter type pickle? You dont have to store in the fridge tho. Take the bands off and store them in your pantry, they will be just fine.
OCD Chilehead said:Thanks Anthony. Pods are forming well. Hope I get more than I need. I'll send you some it that happens.
Thanks Chuck, you may think off pulling a few green pods and pickling a small jar of them. Or if at near the end of the season you have some that havent rippend up. I had some green scorpion toungues last year that turned out pretty good. My best was Aji brazilian pumpkins canned green...WOW them things was good. Like a cherry pepper but alot better! I think those cayenne would be pretty good canned up with one of those fresh pods from Judy. If canning whole peppers, let me know, there is a trick to canning them whole.
I don't know where I was going with the pickle project. Never done it before. I couldn't taste the sugar in the brine. A couple
of questions if you don't mind?
How long do you think I should wait to open and try?
I believe 6 weeks is standard but I will usually open one jar in a month to give them a taste. Save at least one jar for 5-6 months. You will not be dispointed. To me that is when they have peaked in flavor!
Would you recommend any changes to the recipe?
Not really, alot about pickling is what the user prefers. I personally dont like using sugar, just cause I dont like sweet stuff. Dont like cake, ice cream, sweet tea, etc. Never have, so bread and butter chips I have never done, if i was I probably would have done mine pretty similar to yours, I may have cut the vinegar with a bit of water but NBD. My pickles are always plain dill or spicy dill. Your recipe is actually pretty similiar to canning insitutes. I would be more apt to try yours because of the reduced sugar and increased salt/vinegar! Only thing I will say is if you plan to do dill pickles in the future go with fresh dill, I have used the dill seed and dill weed before and it never works. If dill is unavalable go with the Mrs. Wages packets. Though nothing beats homeade, these are actually pretty damn good, very simple/cheap, in my opinion, and work really well with the hot pepper additions too. I also noticed you skipped the waterbath, that will work for the chips and spears but not if doing whole cucumbers...FYI. Good job, they look great!!
Thanks again.
Thanks a bunch. I did go looking for fresh dill at farmers markets and community grow. Maybe this week I'll find some. Thanks for the link, thats my new friend. I wilk take your advice and save a jar.beerbreath81 said:Thanks Anthony. Pods are forming well. Hope I get more than I need. I'll send you some it that happens.
Thanks Chuck, you may think off pulling a few green pods and pickling a small jar of them. Or if at near the end of the season you have some that havent rippend up. I had some green scorpion toungues last year that turned out pretty good. My best was Aji brazilian pumpkins canned green...WOW them things was good. Like a cherry pepper but alot better! I think those cayenne would be pretty good canned up with one of those fresh pods from Judy. If canning whole peppers, letters me know, there is a trick to canning them whole.
I don't know where I was going with the pickle project. Never done it before. I couldn't taste the sugar in the brine. A couple
of questions if you don't mind?
How long do you think I should wait to open and try?
I believe 6 weeks is standard but I will usually open one jar in a month to give them a taste. Save at least one jar for 5-6 months. You will not be dispointed. To me that is when they have peaked in flavor!
Would you recommend any changes to the recipe?
Not really, alot about pickling is what the user prefers. I personally dont like using sugar, just cause I dont like sweet stuff. Dont like cake, ice cream, sweet tea, etc. Never have, so bread and butter chips I have never done, if i was I probably would have done mine pretty similar to yours, I may have cut the vinegar with a bit of water but NBD. My pickles are always plain dill or spicy dill. Your recipe is actually pretty similiar to canning insitutes. I would be more apt to try yours because of the reduced sugar and increased salt/vinegar! Only thing I will say is if you plan to do dill pickles in the future go with fresh dill, I have used the dill seed and dill weed before and it never works. If dill is unavalable go with the Mrs. Wages packets. Though nothing beats homeade, these are actually pretty damn good, very simple/cheap, in my opinion, and work really well with the hot pepper additions too. I also noticed you skipped the waterbath, that will work for the chips and spears but not if doing whole cucumbers...FYI. Good job, they look great!!
Thanks again.
Thanks Bill. Those Habs are only 14inches tall. One of them has over 20 pods. Lighting isn't good sometimes. I'm going to make a light box. My girlfriend uses one for taking pictures and is great. Should get better pics.bpwilly said:Nice pod shots Chuck. Looks like your reapers, brains and bhuts are doing pretty well. That Hab from King Denniz looks to be pretty loaded up. Nice production. That picture of the peppers you got from Pepperlover was nice, I was wondering what those light color pods at the back were. Guessing they were the peach Fatalii. Looked like a unusual butter color on the screen.
How are your fabric potted plants doing now? Mine are still seeming to lag behind the other plants in the plastic buckets.
Nive looking grow!
Thanks for the positive words and thanks for stopping in.AZ-Mason said:Nice garden pics! I've only seen the last couple pages of this flog but it's great! Keep growin strong
Thanks Mike. Hoping to get some color before frost.capsidadburn said:Great looking plants and pods Chuck!
Have a great day!
Thanks Scott. That's depressing to think about. Everybody says with all the rain we had in August means that a wicked winter will follow. I hope not. Reminds me, I need to start splitting wood. To answer your question anywhere around the 1st of October on is game. I will have shelter if need be by then. I made it until 3rd week of October last season. Had to throw sheets and plastic over the plants. This year if the hoophouse is up. I want to cover with plastic and make some hoop row covers inside for double insulation. Experiment.Devv said:Very nice Chuck!
Glad to see the poddage you have going on!
How long will the grow go before the cold seeps in?
Keep it green!
OCD Chilehead said:Seems something has been eating some pods. The only pest I have are grasshoppers. Do you guys think they are the culprits?20140817_094921.JPG![]()
Any bait or repelent suggestions?