• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

OCD Chilehead 2014 Glog

Plants are looking great Chuck!
Happy to see the poddage, especially on the supers.
Jelly looks superb! LB requested I "do something with all the peppers" the rest of the week...LOL So that gives me an idea.
I agree with the consensus, the cutting is ready to be potted, but not ready for sun.
Nice pic of you and your son, and yes they grow up so fast!
OCD Chilehead said:
Just home. Here is some picks of store bought Habs King Denniz sent me. Not looking like habs. Cool looking pods.

i am thankful that you decided to grow them out... you are THE ONLY ONE growing them...crazy that those even look more different than the ones i got the seeds from... great find... great grow chuck
Devv said:
Plants are looking great Chuck!
Happy to see the poddage, especially on the supers.
Jelly looks superb! LB requested I "do something with all the peppers" the rest of the week...LOL So that gives me an idea.
I agree with the consensus, the cutting is ready to be potted, but not ready for sun.
Nice pic of you and your son, and yes they grow up so fast!
Thanks Scott. Sorry for the late reply. My son starts back to school today. Due to school shopping and trying to have fun I didn't get around to planting the cutting. Maybe after work today. I really like the pepper jelly. The flavors of the peppers really stand out compared to salsa. I guess to many things going on with salsa. Yeah he's growing up really quick this year.

KiNGDeNNiZ said:
i am thankful that you decided to grow them out... you are THE ONLY ONE growing them...crazy that those even look more different than the ones i got the seeds from... great find... great grow chuck
Thanks Denniz. I try to do what I say I'm going to do. I'm glad I grew them as well. Don't know if they crossed or what? Will send you some pods back as soon as they get ripe if you want. There only 12-14 inches tall, but one of them has over a dozen nice size pods. There in 1gallon containers as well. Learning new things here. I will post some pictures soon on your seed giveaway post for comparison.

Thanks for reading. Hope you guys have a great week.

jedisushi06 said:
you got pods yet?  the weather here is perfect.
The Habs from Denniz are podding up like crazy. No flower drop. 7pod, Scorpions and Reapers are starting to show some pods. My Chiltepin is podding up as well as the Sadabahar's and Arbol x Pequin's.

The weather has been good here as well. Lots of rain this past week. Will get pics up as soon as I get home and it's not dark.
Good to hear you are getting some cooler weather, as it gets tough to watch the plants flower like heck and then drop all the flowers.  Bet your liking the rain for a change!
bpwilly said:
Sure is a nice looking present you got in the mail. Look forward to hearing your taste tests! Nice score from Judy.
Don't hurt yourself.
Thanks Bill. I actually purchased the pods. Great deal. It still feels like its my birthday or something. Dont hurt myself? I am accident prone when it comes to peppers.LOL

AZ-Mason said:
Evil looking pods from judy... That red is crazy bright in that picture too... Agreed that we need some taste test feedback!
I was very happy with those pics. They are that bright in person. Thanks for stopping by.

annie57 said:
Ditto on taste feedback. Love the pepper jelly (do it: uses up peppers; I make one with mango/bonnets/red habs or throw in a red primo, any red super for color and kick, another jal, lime zest, lime) and great that weather's settling out for you, esp. on supers!
Thanks Annie. I'm really enjoying the canning. Just picked up some picklers from a local farm today. Im going to try pickled carrots, garlic, and supers. I need to make some more jelly with these Jigsaws.

Devv said:
Lot's of nice pods there Chuck!
Thanks Scott. I have been promising more pics so here is what is going on.

Garden shots

Reaper pods

7pot brain


Moruga Scorpion (Duffy)

Trinidad Scorpion


Chile Arbol x Pequin




I got the Arbol x Pequin cutting potted and some Tomatoes ripening.

Well that's it for now boys and girls. Sorry if I double posted pics. Its a pain posting from my Samsung smart camera. The pics on the bottom are Brain, Scorpion, and Jalapenos.

Thanks for reading. I've got a date with a Jigsaw.


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Good news on shared pepper love and your garden explosion Chuck! I hope the season holds on long enough for you to get most of those pods harvested! Plants are looking very happy after a rough start. Cheers!
Wow Chuck!
Such fantastic looking plants!  They sure look happy, so happy they're loading up!
And how did you get more than 10 up there in one post without needing a bump?  The image popo always nails me for speeding...
stickman said:
Good news on shared pepper love and your garden explosion Chuck! I hope the season holds on long enough for you to get most of those pods harvested! Plants are looking very happy after a rough start. Cheers!
Thanks Rick. I just picked up enough pipe to make a couple hoops for the hoophouse. I think I'm going to need it.
jedisushi06 said:
Hey buddy you got some nice pods going on up north from me there!  Watch out those bhut x mourgas from judy are hot as hades!  
Your not kidding. Hottest pods to date. Got a nice burn in the mouth that kept building. Then he stomach cramps. Ouch!
Devv said:
Wow Chuck!
Such fantastic looking plants!  They sure look happy, so happy they're loading up!
And how did you get more than 10 up there in one post without needing a bump?  The image popo always nails me for speeding...
Thanks Scott. The no bump must come with the paid membership. Not sure.
GA Growhead said:
Hell yeah Chuck!
Lots of pods on the way!
I'm stoked Jason. Didnt think this day would ever come after two months of flower drop.

Made some pickles for the first time. Picked some farm fresh picklers, garlic, and jalapenos. I added some supers I got from Judy. Jigsaw, Yellow Naga, Orange Bhut, and dont forget the Bhut x Moruga cross from hell. Thanks to Beerbreath81 for the motivation. That guy knows his canning.


Thanks for reading. Hope you all had a great weekend.
Sawyer said:
Now I'm hungry for pickles.
Me too John. I don't know how long I should wait before tasting. I hope they taste as good as they look.

PIC 1 said:
Awesome pods photos....that Reaper is da bomb...bomb..ba.Bomb !
How did you get a string of that many photos in a row...... :confused: 
Thanks Greg. That Reaper was the first of the pods. Hopefully it will be the first to mature. Believe it or not, I still haven't tried a Reaper. I haven't had a problem with over posting pics. Had more pics but was getting tired and thought that was enough.

Thanks for reading.