Had some extra money and decided to support this site and get a membership. Now its Glog Time. View attachment 9515 This is what I will be growing. I apologize in advance. This is the first time I have done this pictures and posts thing.
i had grasshoppers eat a few holes in some of my pods. Never seen a slug out here in Colorado.OCD Chilehead said:Seems something has been eating some pods. The only pest I have are grasshoppers. Do you guys think they are the culprits?20140817_094921.JPG![]()
Any bait or repelent suggestions?
OCD Chilehead said:Seems something has been eating some pods. The only pest I have are grasshoppers. Do you guys think they are the culprits?20140817_094921.JPG![]()
Any bait or repelent suggestions?
Come to think of it, Ive never seen a slug or snail the whole 9 years I've lived in Colorado. The only bugs I've seen are ants, earwigs, yellow jackets and grass hoppers. Whatever it's is it ate all the peppers in the same place and ate half the seed and placenta. I will have to investigate some more.stickman said:Do you have any slugs around Chuck? That's what it looks like to me. Hope you get a handle on it...
jedisushi06 said:i had grasshoppers eat a few holes in some of my pods. Never seen a slug out here in Colorado.
Thanks guys. I killed 3 grasshoppers on the plant in question. All those pods came from the same plant. I have noticed the leave my Arbol, Sads, and Jals alone. They love the supers leaves.Devv said:
I've seen damage like that form grasshoppers and Hornworms. I deal with grasshoppers here too. They like tall grass, go figure, my garden sticks out in a pastureA product exists that kills them, but it's during the nymph stage. Birds like 'em.
Devv said:What's really strange is how they single out a variety, they flat tore up my Jay's Peach and the Peach Bhut. Also hammered the Douglah.
bpwilly said:Chuck,
I don't have much experience with Grass hoppers, but if it is slugs, just go out once it gets dark and check with a flashlight. They are pretty regular, so if they are hitting them, you should find a few.
If you do find them and use slug poison, make sure you don't have any pets that can eat it. It can do a number on dogs/cats, as it is a nerve toxin.
Good luck, I know you have worked hard to get your plants to this point.
Thanks Scott. I might have to prop it up soon. The SIP's are rocking. If I do container gardening again, thats the way I'm going. Pickles are dwindling as we speak.Devv said:Looking good Chuck!
That cluster has some major pod set!
Glad the pickles came out good too!
Oh yeah. As soon as I get some more picklers, it's on.beerbreath81 said:Canned stuff turned out great!Glad the pickles worked out for ya too! I'm sure the first of many to come.
Thanks Bill. Unfortunately, I haven't seen one bee this year. I lucked out on the SIPs. Glad I didn't cover them up with plastic. I add nutes to the top and water from the bottom. They didn't seem to have as much defenciecy problems. I have some Pablanos in a raised bed. There 5 feet tall. I agree on the fabrics. Same results here. I think they need more water or bottom watering. I have no pods on them and they look kinda sick compared to the others.bpwilly said:I get a kick out of looking at that cluster of pods, I bet some bee felt he had hit the jack-pot when he saw the cluster of flowers under there!
Glad to hear your SIP are doing it for you. Do you have any plants in the ground? I ask, because my plants in the buckets grow sooner than the in-ground plants, but the in-ground ones seem to catch up with them about this time of the year. On the other hand, my plants in the 2 fabric pots, have finally put out some pods, but they do seem to be slower and smaller than the other plants. I am wondering if this might be due to me watering them on the same schedule as all the other potted plants and maybe they are drying out sooner? They don't show leave droop, but they sure are smaller. How does this compare with your findings?
Will post more pics as the ripen. Yeah they are great producers. I wish I would have planted them up. There only in 1gallon pots and 14inches tall. Some have over 20 full size pods on them. I'll keep you informed. Thanks Denniz.KiNGDeNNiZ said:Wow..
I am amazed.at the different odd shaped pods you're getting. Can't wait to see the colors and final shapes. Is it prolific? ?
Im at war with the hoppers right now. I love the idea of having your own bee hive. I was reading somewhere about the bees are on the decline world wide. Not good. Thanks for the good vibes Bill.bpwilly said:Sheese, No Bee's, no slugs! You Colorado guys need to get your grasshoppers to multi-task!
I am actually thinking of making a bee box this winter and maybe trying to raise a hive or 2 next year, as we were retty scares with bees here this spring. Seems like our early flowers either get bumble bees, or mason bees or nothing, as the regular honey bees don't show up till later in the summer.
Will have to see if I get around to it!
Nice grow on your crop this year!
LOL. Thanks Greg. That plant keeps pushing flowers and pods. The Scorpion and Bhut seeds I bought from CPI. Both varieties dont seem very true. That plant doesnt look like a Scorp, but thats what im going to keep calling it until they mature.PIC 1 said:Colorful canning products.
More pods in that cluster than a cable car full of skiers in the Swiss Alps........Scorpion ?
Thanks Jeff. I hope to have a garden half as good as you guys next year. Still learning. This is my first serious pepper grow.HillBilly Jeff said:Looking good.
Thanks Bill. Not enough light on the first pic. I might have to change my Avatar. The pic I have now is a Red Savina I grew last year.bpwilly said:Nice multi-color on that scorpion, great picture!
OCD Chilehead said:I went out after sunset and found a couple more grasshoppers in the same plant. Did a check on other plants and found a huge hopper on one of the Arbol x Pequin's. Was just using it as a perch. But it had to go. I wish I had more birds this year. Usually have lots of finches and robins. Don't see any birds besides a couple doves. No bees either.