contest Octoberfest?? TD

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we were never off-track, Boss.....just meandering.......

Scovie's meandering through the chicken coop for eggs, HH81's meanering throught the barnyard for a little piggy to go WeeeWeeWeWEEEEEE all the way to the roasting pit....Pauly's meandering through Germany's massive tropical coastal regions looking for seafood, geeme's meandering through ever recipe on the interhwebz looking for German recipes that don't contain BP, TB's lost in Holland in the cheese section, not realizing German's don't eat cheese, JayT and hwheebz are meandering through the fresh meats looking for the biggest sausages they can find...... [sub](dunno why they don't just look in their own cupboards!!!)...[/sub] me? I'm just wine-ing~ :cool:

xoxo, everyone, it's all in good fun!
OK! I'm calling out a German Potato Salad challenge!

Anyone who makes German Potato Salad must have the destruction of a can of canned potato slald as part of their post!

Doesn't have to be a gun... sledgehammer works fine, monster truck, M80, spud gun, microwave (actually, don't do that unless the micro is on the way to the dump anyways....)...

sheesh, now I'm thinkin' I wanna do potato salad just so I can do that!!! It wasn't even remotely part of the deal before......
Yea, but I'm sure there's some other creative minds out there that can figure out how to safely destroy a can of spud salad.

I'm just having a good time, don't take it seriously.......

but I still love Pauly's vid.......
Let's see what everyone is thinking, no spoilers, just broad hints...

Post the parent cuisine and the child cuisine under it.
How about we donate some food, and smash/shoot/blow-up/run-over empty cans with a custom made [Paulky] label?

How does that fit into a German fusion TD?

I'm still thinking Spanferkel, but not sure if I want to go cajun or what. May go completley out of the box and fuse it with a completley different country.
Well, since I just did "frenchican", I should be able to come up with something "germican".... wait, that doesn't sound right.... "germanican"? Hm.....

... and is German and Greek just.... GEEK?

My Hint!!!!!

Robert De Niro!

Well, since I just did "frenchican", I should be able to come up with something "germican".... wait, that doesn't sound right.... "germanican"? Hm.....

... and is German and Greek just.... GEEK?

yea, that's just GEEK! :lol: you'll rock it out whatever you do....
make a chipotle sausage, grill it, wrap it in a tortilla, top it with some FRESH SAURKRAUT (ftw) and call it, dude!

btw- gotta sausage grinder/stuffer thang you can use.....IAG!
Get the German Greek thang goin on,

Schnitzel and spetzal on a stack of Greek plates,

Somebody yells OPA! and throws the stack across the room onto the floor shattering the whole mess into a thousand shards,
sheesh, I was working in the wrong joint! My Boss got pissed at me when I broke a stack o' plates!
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