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Of These, What Would You Grow?

I need some help with rounding out the upper end of my 2015 grow. I have a very small # of over 200 varieties of seeds that I've amassed in the past 2 months. I'm more into things around the Baccatum to Habanero/Fatalii heat range but the superhots are growing on me. Loving the Reaper & Bhut powders sent to me. I don't have much experience tasting superhots. Differences between 7 Pots, for instance... mystery to me. I've only really had Chaguanas, which I liked (the 1/4 I ate- put the other portion in the freezer for later cooking or sauce). Anyway, if you were growing 15-20 peppers in the Bhut/7 Pot/Scorpion range, what would they be? Currently have the following in dirt that are in that range. What would you add?
7 Pot White
7 Pot Primo, Red
Brown Moruga
Butch T
Carolina Reaper
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
Bhut Peach
Thanks in advance!
This may sound silly, but I'm growing 2 bhut peach for the simple fact that a pure bhut peach puree will look so outrageous.
Oh yes, you must grow the Carolina Reaper simply because it is the hottest pepper in the known world . Guinness says so, therefore, it is.  Only real men grow this pepper.  Be a man.  Grow the Reaper.
man I went crazy last year and have like 8 plants of reapers. But I started to late and no true pods formed I overwintered them and planted them around my home. So hoping they come back strong and plan on doing a bunch of giveaway to return you all the favor you have done for me. Thanks again guys and gals for all your help and knowledge.
Roguejim said:
Oh yes, you must grow the Carolina Reaper simply because it is the hottest pepper in the known world . Guinness says so, therefore, it is.  Only real men grow this pepper.  Be a man.  Grow the Reaper.
I hope I didn't come off that way. I basically said I can't handle a full pod of anything hotter than a fatalii. That's not the sign of a guy out to prove his manhood is it? But yes, I have a feeling people will ask for "the hottest ever." Wasn't going to grow it on principle until I tried & enjoyed the powder.
The taste of the reaper is awesome. Grow, dry and powder them.

Jays peach is a real good choice.

I would also go with the brown moruga. Grow, dry and powder. Power goes great in fudge.(try it you'll love it)
Rymerpt said:
The taste of the reaper is awesome. Grow, dry and powder them.

Jays peach is a real good choice.

I would also go with the brown moruga. Grow, dry and powder. Power goes great in fudge.(try it you'll love it)
That list is of things I'm already growing (tiny as they might be now). Looking for ideas for others. 
I also would go with the brown moruga. I have space for 5 plants and understand the space plight (cursed apartment living). I picked the scorpion, Peruvian white hab, bullet hab, pequin and aji pineapple. I particularly like the brown moruga because it tastes good, then it hits you with the heat. I'm not a huge fan of the 7 pots; for whatever reason, they hurt me more than the reaper or primos or any other peppers did and I did not enjoy the flavor as much.
I appreciate the input. I know what I like as far as baccatums, habaneros, scotch bonnets, fataliis, etc go & have some started & other planned. Just looking for 10 more above that in heat. I'll end up with about 100 varieties planted. That number keeps getting higher, but I've turned down some trades this week, which is a good sign.  ;)  
I've grown most of those strains and out of those I'd pick peach bhut mostly because of its yield...they turned out to be one of the most prolific plants I grew this past season.  A close second for me would be Butch T because they're PAINFUL and pretty prolific. 
You know what, just grow 'em all :P
ikeepfish said:
I've grown most of those strains and out of those I'd pick peach bhut mostly because of its yield...they turned out to be one of the most prolific plants I grew this past season.  A close second for me would be Butch T because they're PAINFUL and pretty prolific. 
You know what, just grow 'em all :P
Eh, I am growing all from that short list.
I'm trying to come up with those plus about 10 more not listed of very hot peppers to end up with a total of 100+ varieties. Needed some advice on adding to that list. Thanks.
coachspencerxc said:
I need some help with rounding out the upper end of my 2015 grow. I have a very small # of over 200 varieties of seeds that I've amassed in the past 2 months. I'm more into things around the Baccatum to Habanero/Fatalii heat range but the superhots are growing on me. Loving the Reaper & Bhut powders sent to me. I don't have much experience tasting superhots. Differences between 7 Pots, for instance... mystery to me. I've only really had Chaguanas, which I liked (the 1/4 I ate- put the other portion in the freezer for later cooking or sauce). Anyway, if you were growing 15-20 peppers in the Bhut/7 Pot/Scorpion range, what would they be? Currently have the following in dirt that are in that range. What would you add?
7 Pot White
7 Pot Primo, Red
Brown Moruga

Butch T
Carolina Reaper
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion

Bhut Peach
Thanks in advance!
Heard great things about these ones, i'm growing them all except from the Primo, next year.
I also wouldn't count out Douglah 7 Pod and the Brain Strains, the Yellow one specially!
TS CARDI yellow is not a superhot but it has a great taste. Choc hab and Bahamian goat pepper are very good, not superhot though. For me, Jonah is one of the best tasting superhots. Choc scorpion is unbelievably hot.
TS Yellow CARDI is a must on my list. Year after year, mine are very prolific. Great blend of flavor and heat. Plus, I need them for my annual yellow hot sauce!
Pepper seeds can really stack up.I passed on some seeds offers too.I would plant a few Red  Bhuts,they put on a lot of peppers. Now,I just need to find some madballz seeds and my list will be done.All the peppers on your list will make some killer sauces. 
Sorry guys I noticed an error I typed in box I meant to add box.Never post with out coffee.In addition you may want to checkout DevilCreatedPods 2015 glog list,that should help round out anyone's grow list(for superhots)