I know, the "popper" peppers. Or the "appleby's" pepper.

As much of a chain as Chile's is, I have to commend them on keeping their jalapenos real. That may be the only chain that does.
Also we can't figure out the formula to convert a "9" into Scoville units.

What about something like each level (1-10) is about twice as hot as the one below it.
2,000 or below
125,000 (128,00 if one wanted to nit-pick)
> 750,000

On this scale, a 9 would be between 500,000-750,000 SHUs. I did something like this for the list I am trying to grow, just so I have a reference point. People who really are not that much into the terminology can understand if a pepper they haven't tried is 125 times hotter than one they have.

Omri said:
It's like computer stuff! :lol:
8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096... :P
Yep, but we first learned it as Base 2 (back in the '60s). However, I would be wary of any pepper that was rated as 4,096,000 SHU!

wordwiz - you'd ONLY be WARY of a 4,000,000 SHU chile :shocked: I wont even think about eating it or touching it w/o gloves on :lol:
BTW they dont exsist, that level of SHU
Pam said:
Lemon Drop is one of my very favorite peppers. I not only like the flavor, I like the texture of the flesh, it's so crisp and easy to work with in the kitchen.

I think I'm definitely going to try growing this one, if not this year then definitely sounds too good to pass up!
As far as I understand, naga, bhut are all variations of the name far the identically same pepper. Please someone clarify for the people that have been testing that thing those are identical plants but it seems some of the members here have other information that implies that these are not only separate plants but have different Scoville ratings please someone clarify.
Pepper Belly said:
As far as I understand, naga, bhut are all variations of the name far the identically same pepper. Please someone clarify for the people that have been testing that thing those are identical plants but it seems some of the members here have other information that implies that these are not only separate plants but have different Scoville ratings please someone clarify.
They're somewhat different, but not insanely different.
lol you should list scorpion above the naga as CARDI (carribean agricultural research and-development institute) has recorded over 1 mil SHU for the scorpion and (from what i hear) the trinidad douglah aswell :P
cap lover said:
lol you should list scorpion above the naga as CARDI (carribean agricultural research and-development institute) has recorded over 1 mil SHU for the scorpion and (from what i hear) the trinidad douglah aswell :P
Bhut Jolokia was also recorded over 1,000,000SHU... what's your point?
I couldn't find anything regarding the "Douglah".
i only heard from trinihottie that it was recorded above 1mil SHU but apparently that is classified :P probably well over 1.5mil hybrid made for the government in making a super secret capsaicin-bomb!!!!! lol
cap lover said:
i only heard from trinihottie that it was recorded above 1mil SHU but apparently that is classified :P probably well over 1.5mil hybrid made for the government in making a super secret capsaicin-bomb!!!!! lol
Don't get me wrong I like you, but that's not funny.
We take peppers very seriously here in THP...

:lol: Just messing with you. :lol:
Pam said:
Lemon Drop is one of my very favorite peppers. I not only like the flavor, I like the texture of the flesh, it's so crisp and easy to work with in the kitchen.

I love these peppers! they don't seem to stop fruiting! soooooooo productive!