Oh Deer

Currently I've got cages around my tomatoes both for support and protection. Any time I pick a bad hot pod, I toss it around the tomato patch. Hab spray is coming, what's the easiest/best way to make it? Also looking into chile cannon and chile grenades for elephants. lol
Hab spray is coming, what's the easiest/best way to make it?
Take one garlic clove and one medium onion and finely mince it. Finely chop a hab or three and put all the ingredients into one quart jar full of water. Add a teaspoon or two of dishwasher liquid(DO NOT USE ANTI-BACTERIAL!!!!!) stir and let sit for an hour. Now you have an organic hab spray that also works great for getting rid of certain bugs as well. Just be sure to store it in the refridgerator because it will be usable for about a week.

Also looking into chile cannon and chile grenades for elephants. lol
Ya, I have the same problem with Elephants out here in LA. They always end up going into my fridge and eating my peanut butter. I can tell because they leave foot prints in the Jiffy jar...
imaguitargod said:
Take one garlic clove and one medium onion and finely mince it. Finely chop a hab or three and put all the ingredients into one quart jar full of water. Add a teaspoon or two of dishwasher liquid(DO NOT USE ANTI-BACTERIAL!!!!!) stir and let sit for an hour. Now you have an organic hab spray that also works great for getting rid of certain bugs as well. Just be sure to store it in the refridgerator because it will be usable for about a week....

No duct tape involved?

I read somewhere that bears may be attracted to peppers and pepper spray repellants. I can't remember where though.
No duct tape involved?

I read somewhere that bears may be attracted to peppers and pepper spray repellants. I can't remember where though.

Hummm, haven't heard that one before. :) My best guess would be that if yer not havin problems with bears eating your peppers, then I think that it would be safe to assume that the spray wouldn't attract them.
Course I hear that bear be sum good eatin'!!
Cap'n Bones said:
Hummm, haven't heard that one before. :) My best guess would be that if yer not havin problems with bears eating your peppers, then I think that it would be safe to assume that the spray wouldn't attract them.
Course I hear that bear be sum good eatin'!!

I know that this is the wrong place, but it is the right time. Talking about bears reminded me of a bottle of hot sauce that collectors might have an interest in.
It's a special edition bottle of "Stupid Hot", renamed "Unbearable". Although the original bottle is pretty cool also. It has a cartoon boy with his tongue stuck to a flag pole in the middle winter. Sorry if you southern folks don't get it. If you would like I could help you understand by doing a little experiment!;)
Cap said:
Not my favorite. Too fatty during bear hunting season. The oldtimers around here marinate bear in milk and soy sauce. Sounds weird but the milk takes away the gamey taste. Myself I think I'd do a chile/garlic rub and serve with some Defcon#2.

If the bear or deer eat my chile, I'll just consider it pre-marinating.
Not my favorite. Too fatty during bear hunting season. The oldtimers around here marinate bear in milk and soy sauce. Sounds weird but the milk takes away the gamey taste. Myself I think I'd do a chile/garlic rub and serve with some Defcon#2.

If the bear or deer eat my chile, I'll just consider it pre-marinating.

We have customers who use Fusion Fire in the field. It's the only way to pre-marinate, if you ask me.
Deer eats hab

The other day I heard a deer snorting near my garden which usually means that my crazy cats are stalking them but this time it was louder so I had to check it out. There was a total of four deer and one was stomping and snorting with snot spraying out of her nose while trying to paw at her face. This lasted for about 3-4 minutes before they ran away. Just the day before this I decided to throw all my rotting habs around some small apple trees and perennials which the deer usually love. I think it worked. At least one deer learned a valuable lesson. Wish I had have got that one on camera.
I think we are all avoiding the obvious solution...just cross breed everything with a habanero. Habanero-tomato, habanero corn, habanero-cucumber...that should keep pests away from food permanently.
dreamtheatervt said:
I think we are all avoiding the obvious solution...just cross breed everything with a habanero. Habanero-tomato, habanero corn, habanero-cucumber...that should keep pests away from food permanently.

Works 4 me! :shocked:
The other day I heard a deer snorting near my garden which usually means that my crazy cats are stalking them but this time it was louder so I had to check it out. There was a total of four deer and one was stomping and snorting with snot spraying out of her nose while trying to paw at her face. This lasted for about 3-4 minutes before they ran away. Just the day before this I decided to throw all my rotting habs around some small apple trees and perennials which the deer usually love. I think it worked. At least one deer learned a valuable lesson. Wish I had have got that one on camera.


OH, that is funny!
I need T.P. for my bunghole. I am the great cornholio, are you threatening me!

Beavis for president.

Best trick I have found and very easy to do, I take 4 tall tomato stakes and put one on each corner or if your garden is odd shaped space out as needed. Take a heavy string, nylon kite string or a bright colored (so you can see it) wrap a complete circle of string around your stakes one time stomach to chest high. A deer does not like anything touching the underside of it's neck and will turn and leave. Very effective. You can hook one side to open and enter if you need to.