food Ok everyone IT IS ON!!!

Well....concidering two of the most prolific cooks/drinkers on this site just came together in one place at the same time....

....we may be looking at the begining of a giant black hole in space and the end of all we know as reality.....and just don't know it yet.

Or perhaps they're sleeping it off "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" style:

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly....

And a big que' paso from the big dry ditch and Las Vegas ya'll! I picked up Sir Jay up on the strip out in front of Margaritaville around noon and we made a beeline across town to Lee's Discount Liquors. (Google this joint, it's great. Jay was in love!) We picked up a few "items" shall we say. Then I drove him over to see Whole Foods, aka "the hippy joint" where I buy alot of the crap I post piccy's of here on THP. Did the tour, bought some wasabi and headed to the Blues Casa. We just barely got in the door, Jay had a Shiner hosky cracked and he was already throwing "the kitty" for Blues 'Dawg Missylou.

First we had to organize the booze....
A sixer of Shiner Bock
A couple Westvale ales
A bottle of Patron Silver
2 bottles of Sauza Hornitos
a 36 pack of Bud Lite
a bottle of Baileys
a bottle of Crown Royal
a bottle of Kahlua
3 bottles of '87 Thomas Hardy's Ale
4 Sapporo's
a bottle of Pinkus Alt
a bottle of Pinkus Pils
3 bottles of Samiclaus
And a half bottle of Mondavi Chard....for cooking with ya' know...

I reckoned we had enough firewater and hosky to get started...

Sir JayT...


Does this shirt make me look fat?


Some of hosky and booze. Too much to fit in the piccy.


The ceremonial Duckfarts...


Standby kids....heaps of pics and lies to come....
I had made some ceviche the night before with halibut, scallops, onion, smoked paprika, sea salt, fresh squeezed lime juice, red bell and tomato and cilantro..



Before I went off to get Jay, I whipped out a quick guacamole...and some salsa...


I also started some onion and garlic and butter in the cast iron, then browned ups some chorizo.


Heaps more coming ya'll.....
To the chorizo, I then added cream and a big honkin' hunk of aged Velveeta! 'Lawd have mercy!


Once we had a few hosky's and several shots of liquid stoopid....I brought out the skirt steak and let Jay
work his magic. He brought some of his own dry rub. Great stuff...


The party was on ya'll...


Ceviche, guac and salsa. Barely out of camera shot on the left is a platter of 2 kinds of Chipotle cheese and one of hab...and of course there is the mandatory TB's smoked salmon and capers...


Even still more ya'll....
I keep a beer fridge out in The Blues Garage and Jay was laughing his ass off to my homage to all 'thangs Drunken Chef....I had a mountain of empty assorted beer cases. I take the empty cans and bag'em up and give to a homeless guy who recycles them. At about 5 cents a pound, I reckon he has made about $42,000.00 off me so far this year. Anywhoo...I have a bad habit of not breaking down the cardboard boxes until I have about 20 or 30 or so....about every 4 days...



For some oddball weird shit-o-meter reason known only to Jay and Mrs. Jay, he had me take a pic of my open fridge in The Blues Kitchen just for her to see....I dunno'...must me some kind of bizarre Pennsylvanian food fetish...


And now for your continued entertainment pleasure....back to the party...


Even mooooooore to come.....
The Chorizo Fundido cheese sauce was kickass ya'll...that is...once Jay and I added 2 teaspoons of AJ's Bhut Jolokia Puree...


Still more of the goin's on...


I put Jay to work on grill duty with the skirt steaks, ahi tuna, and some skewered prawns lovingly seasoned with some of PF's Fatalli Powder....


Geez louise the man's sloppy....that stainless was all shiny until he splooged it....


Keep your knickers on ya'll...I gots more....
I shit you not ya'll...the MAN CAN COOK! Just smell the love...



Jay made a soy, sriacha and wasabi dip for the tuna...a touch over done but hey...we were drunk!


The prawns were perfect and a definite knockout with the fatalli powder..


And still more....
I had planned on having warm tortilla's and we'd do up the skirt ala fajita's but decided to skip it and eat as is...the skirt was KILLER!!


Just ask this cat...


More money....


How did I miss this shot....


Still gots more....
I sauteed up a piece of fresh halibut I had. Dredged in flour, into the pan, deglazed with chardonnay, a squeezin' of lemon, tossed in some capers and bada bing bada on a paper plate!!


Well ya'll, we ate like kings and drank like village idiots but alas all good 'thangs must come to an end.
The Jayster was running on about 3 hours of sleep from his carousing about the strip until about 4am...something about a drunken transgendered side show he was rambling on about...but's all cool and the gang...what happens in Vegas....gets posted right here on THP!

mrs. blues arrived home and as it was apparent neither Jay nor I could even remember how to operate an automobile, she obligingly got us into her Jezebel Red Ford 150 and we headed off to the strip.

I must say, Jay is one helluva cat and an awful lot of fun. Know's his way around the kitchen like nobody's 'bidness and yes...he really does eat that hot stuff!! I sent him on his way with an unopened Thomas Hardy's and several other assorted "items" although it plumb evades me now exactly what those "items" were....hmmmm...I see missylou's 'dawg collar is missing.....

So I've met Philiperv, Passow, and now JayT....who's next? Who wants a shot at the title?????

Adios Jay and vaya con dios compadre!

All this posting..geez louise I need a beer! Salute' ya'll
TB....Jay.....this was, hands down, a historic event here on THP!! The food looks perfect....the fun makes me jealous.....and the description brings it all together.

No doubt about it.....HB&R!!!!

I bow to to sirs with respect and envy!
How much of that mountain of food did you guys make it through? I can guess how much of the booze :lol:

Looks like my type of night, beer, beer, beer, food, beer, food, nap, f@ckdarts (love this version now, thanks paulky ;) ) food, hey where did that hobo come from, food, tequila, wake up in Canada :lol:

I hope you're not posting in Tales from the loo TB, it's gonna shut the internet down :rofl:
Deathtosnails said:
How much of that mountain of food did you guys make it through? I can guess how much of the booze :lol:

Looks like my type of night, beer, beer, beer, food, beer, food, nap, f@ckdarts (love this version now, thanks paulky ;) ) food, hey where did that hobo come from, food, tequila, wake up in Canada :lol:

I hope you're not posting in Tales from the loo TB, it's gonna shut the internet down :rofl:

'Lemme see...we ate almost all of the Chorizo/cheese dip, about 1/4 of the cevich and guac, about half the salmon, half the shrimp, and half of the skirt steak. We ate ALL of the halibut and tuna. We drank 1 Thomas Hardy's, both Westvales, all of the Shiner, about a dozen Bud Lites, a round of duckfarts. I lost count of the number of shots of tequila. I myself may have had about 7 or 8. We were to skeered to try the Samiclaus. Just one will have you taking your pants off over your head.

As for the loo....I was definitely the more worried of the two of us as I am up and running at 4am and was worried about "issues" associated with eating hot stuff. While the shrimp was pretty hot with the fatalli powder, it wasn't melt your face. The cheese sauce was killer with the bhut jolokia puree. The cheese and cream in it acted as a containment field for the bhut. So in the end....all was well this morning. No hangover and no colon projectile blowing. In fact I felt great!