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seeds Ok guys Im about to start some peppers from seeds and I need a little guidance.

whocares was nice enough to send me some Fatalii seeds but she only had a few so I want to do it right and not screw up. Can someone give me a kind of step by step to make sure these grow?? Ive never started from seed before.

Hey good luck necro.This is my 1st yr growing from scratch and have been in the same boat.Best thing i`ve found is keeping the soil warm.Keep a heating pad under it maintaining a good temp.Knock on wood but my plants have turned out nice this yr.Also I crushed 2 non salted crackers and put them in the soil working as a fertilizer that won`t burn when I screw up. lol happy growing
A few tip:
Germinate in a humid environment or the paper towel method(try a search)
Don't fertilize when they are small
Don't overwater, make sure you use a well draining soil and have holes in the bottom of your container. Bottom watering is usually easiest.
Bottom heat as hixs mentioned above
If you are using fluorescent lights, keep them very close to the plant once they sprout

Here's a beginner's guide from the chileman's site
Necrocannibal said:
whocares was nice enough to send me some Fatalii seeds but she only had a few so I want to do it right and not screw up. Can someone give me a kind of step by step to make sure these grow?? Ive never started from seed before.


Whocares does rock and she is super generous! Don't screw this up!!! LOL

A few tip:
Germinate in a humid environment or the paper towel method(try a search)
Don't fertilize when they are small
Don't overwater, make sure you use a well draining soil and have holes in the bottom of your container. Bottom watering is usually easiest.
Bottom heat as hixs mentioned above
If you are using fluorescent lights, keep them very close to the plant once they sprout

Here's a beginner's guide from the chileman's site

Listen to whatever Potawie tells you. He has the experience to back up anything he says. Let his pepper porn do the talking...:mouthonfire:
Necrocannibal said:
whocares was nice enough to send me some Fatalii seeds but she only had a few so I want to do it right and not screw up. Can someone give me a kind of step by step to make sure these grow?? Ive never started from seed before.


Hey, Good Luck! I am a newbie to growing peppers as well. I think the biggest tip I got on here was to not over water the plants. I think when they first sprouted I got so excited that I was constantly feeling the need to water them. Hopefully, I am finally over that now.

This site is such a great resource and just searching the forum will turn up all sorts of great advice.

Keep us posted.......
Thanks for all of the help guys. Seems Im not alone in the seed thing. Ill be starting this weekend and if they take off Ill have seeds to share. I didnt open the package until today and she sent me 2 Fatalli seeds and 2 Nagas!! I cant wait to get thoe growing. Im sure some here would like some Nagas.
Congrats and welcome!
It's an addictive, but 'fruitful' hobby. ;)

Potawie pretty much summed it up, I've startyed seeds in a moist coffee filter in a ziplock baggy in a warm place. (I use one of my old monitors, as they make lots of heat.) Also, Jiffy starters work well too.


Ok about to start today and just thought of something. I keep it 65* F in my house and I know they need some warm moist place. Well that really just does not exist here. Will they be ok??
Some extra heat would be great for germinating but after that its not as neccessary. Do you have a hot water tank you can use for heat? or top of the fridge maybe?
Some extra heat would be great for germinating but after that its not as neccessary. Do you have a hot water tank you can use for heat? or top of the fridge maybe?

Yeah GREAT idea about the hot water tank, warm and moist. Thanks!!
I've always had good results soaking the seeds overnight and then pre-sprouting them in a moist (not sopping wet!!) paper towel or coffee filter sealed in a zip-lock bag placed in a warm (about 80-85F) location. I usually get germination anywhere from 1-5 days later....on rare occasions it may take 10-15 days for particularly hard to sprout varieties. Good Luck!
Havent done them yet, waiting on the wife to get home. When she does Im thinking of trying one in soil in a small cup and one in a damp paper towel with the hope one sprouts. Do you guys totally close the bag or leave it cracked open??
rainbowberry said:
I just put the paper towel in a freezer/food bad and wrap/fold it up but not too tight. Just make sure it dosen't dry out though.

Awesome thanks!! Ill try on in soil and one this way and maybe Ill get lucky and have one sprout of each. :)