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Okay I admit it...

My dinner last night: cottage cheese w/ 1/2 an avocado, and chips and salsa! Cheap salsa! perfectly satisfying snack right there......
ok, toniht. im alone and i have some quiet! so one of my favs,cheap ass pizza with much added. i love frozen cheap pizza!
Ok screw it here i go, i'm currently "friends with benefits" with a women 17 years my senior and just lined up a date with one 8 years my senior that has 5 kids and three are 7 year old triplets.
It's international womens day, the least they deserve is the truth. Even if it's on a site they will probably never see :lol:
You're giving her an ego boost, at any rate.....

Okay, I admit it. I sometimes wear powder pink clothing items. Even if they're in a place you will probably never see. :cool:
Ok screw it here i go, i'm currently "friends with benefits" with a women 17 years my senior and just lined up a date with one 8 years my senior that has 5 kids and three are 7 year old triplets.
It's international womens day, the least they deserve is the truth. Even if it's on a site they will probably never see :lol:

Leave it to Nova to talk about banging cougars in a food thread. You Aussie's so crazy!
OK, I admit it... I like Kraft Mac and cheese, microwaved hot dogs and hot sauces other than my own.
Oh, and wine too....I like wine....



there's a geeme'd glass of wine in the kitchen right now~~~
I'm not a fan of vinegar, or any vinegar based hot sauce... I only use fresh pods, puree'd, with a little bit of olive oil and coriander (and use it fast).

I taste regular hot sauces now, and am overwhelmed by the taste of vinegar... I can't stand nor can I eat them any more =(.
I'm not a fan of vinegar, or any vinegar based hot sauce... I only use fresh pods, puree'd, with a little bit of olive oil and coriander (and use it fast).

I taste regular hot sauces now, and am overwhelmed by the taste of vinegar... I can't stand nor can I eat them any more =(.

there's a lot of small independant sauce makers that don't use a lot of (or any) vinegar. You might not find them on the shelf your local supermarket, but they're out there. Check out the reviews section here on THP and check out other review sites. They do a pretty good job of describing the sauces and noting if it has a strong vinegar presence or not. Home made sauces are alway great, but sometimes it's nice to just open the bottle and go.

ok i admit it too i like Pace too

my wife even liked it and that says alot shes picky!!
ps i love tabasco green they just dont make bottles big enough, i usually eat a whole bottle in one sitting
so you need not feel anymore shame my friend im with ya!!

thanks your friend Joe
Okay. I like Pace. BUT.......

I decided tonight that I'm really just a gingerbread men marshmallow whore. I don't normally care for marshmallows too much - one or two, nicely toasted, will do for months and months. But the soft, fluffy little fellas?

I just went to WalMart to pick up a prescription, and happened to walk down a clearance aisle. And there, glory of glories, were CASES of gingerbread men marshmallows, left over from the holiday season. It was all I could do to only pick up 2 bags instead of 2 cases..... and on my way from there to the grocery store, probably ate at least 20 of them. From the grocery store to home ~~~ yep, the one bag is close to half empty now. Kind of makes me want to sing a song, made up just for them.....
LOL Pi!!!! :D

new food admission....collard greens (or spinach), on toasted english muffin...with a tiny dollop of mayo....insta-comfort food! :)