• If you can't find a "Hot" category that fits, post it here!

Okay I admit it...

Thanks Jay and Seth! You guys helped my habanero sadness :( :)

I also admit I don't like any dark beer.... I like beer that's piss colored... sounds so gross put like that... oh well

my true story
I don't hate habs, they're just not particularly my peppers of choice. About the only food-type substance I reserve "hate" for is anything remotely related to BP - that nasty stuff that so many people on the face of this planet have a weird predilection for. Why anyone would want to put something on their food that smells and tastes like a 3-week old dirty diaper pail is beyond me...... gag.
Aversion G,
Same with me and a certain stage of "roasted" Onion.
I never know when it's rank, but sauted, translucent, grilled etc, I LOVE.
But a certain stage of roasted, makes me GAG. I only know it when its there...

I'll make more sense in a day or 40
You planning on being flooded, Scovie? LOL

PS - It makes perfect sense right now. Onions actually have a fairly high sugar content. Cooking them to translucent (and especially to caramelized - golden brown) sweats off the not-so-sweet stuff and brings out the sugar flavors.
Decided for lunch I would have some burritos. I threw some in the microwave topped it with some American cheese and melted that. Then added some La Victorian "hot" sauce. MMM MM MMMM GIOD SHIT THERE


No need to duck-n-run from that Kiddo!!!! That there's soul food on-the-fly as far as I'm concerned!!!!! :)

When Scovie's trying to really woo me, he'll even fry 'em up once in a while - works every time! hahahaha ...he's so romantic!!!! ;)
Why anyone would want to put something on their food that smells and tastes like a 3-week old dirty diaper pail is beyond me...... gag.

not going to ask how g~ knows about that specific reference....

Aversion, G, a certain stage makes me GAG. I only know it when its there...

I'll make more sense in a day or 40

No need to duck-n-run from that Kiddo!!!! That there's soul food on-the-fly as far as I'm concerned!!!!! :)

When Scovie's trying to really woo me, he'll even fry 'em up once in a while - works every time! hahahaha ...he's so romantic!!!! ;)

Pssst, CJ, just wanna make sure..... when scovie's serving these wonderfully semi-deep-fried burrito things, he didn't just return from the local grocery store with a HotDeli bag in hand?????

Everynight around 1am I make myself 2 sandwiches on regular white bread consisting of 2 slices of American cheese and 2 slices of ham or turkey. Thats it.
I leave the sandwiches plain for speed and quiet so the wife and kids don't get woken. I did, however, put some Pure Evil on it. Very odd, but surprisingly good.

SL- 1 am is for when I have a day off, on my days that I work I eat them when I get home. That could very from 2 am til 5 am depending on the day. This would probably make it dinner.
All types of tobasco are wretched, so is Frank's red hot. I do like Texas Pete though.

HAH! Get a rope! That swill is made in North Carolina. They had to put Texas on the label so somebody would buy it!

Please enjoy these disgusting pics of my sardines and Crystal.


HAH! Get a rope! That swill is made in North Carolina. They had to put Texas on the label so somebody would buy it!

Please enjoy these disgusting pics of my sardines and Crystal.

Tastes pretty much the same as Crystal to me, which I also like at times. I just can't stand the extreme sourness and skunky flavor of tobasco, it gives me major bitter beer face. Green tobasco has a weird chalky taste to me. The standard cayenne/vinegar sauces like Texas Pete and Crystal are good for some things, e.g. red beans and rice or chili when I want some vinegar flavor.