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Okay I admit it...

What fast food place doesn't use some sort of processed cheese? Show me ONE! It's not like I eat it all the time, but this is supposed to be about guilty pleasures. Here's another, once every six months or so, usually while hungover, I get a big family meal from Long John Silvers. There, beat that!
They use to use real roast beef though.
I heard Arby's meat is actually a roasted processed meat object. In other words, the meat is ground and pressed into a roast shape, then roasted and sliced. Heard they had to lobby congress or the FDA or someone to be able to call it "roast beef".

Ok, I admit it, I'm on a diet and drinking wine....(sabotaging the diet....not good~)
i just ate taco bell two days in a row! im sorry,and my bowels are sorry. yesterday was actually by choice, not sure what i was thinking today was we just feeding some workers and needed quick meal and wife was at lowes next door to toxic hell.once again i apoligize for this :scared:
White Castle is the Toxic Hell of Burgers. You can almost feel the burger-like objects moving through your system... but I'm only near one when I visit the family, so after I've had a year to forget the experience I usually subject myself to the food again. Greasy deliciousness followed by almost immediate regret.

(Also, I'm lactose intolerant, which compounds my problems because I love a cheeseburger)
Ok, I admit it, the'Kid and I ate at Dick's Drive In, at the original one in north Seattle, a couple months ago, and we didn't like it. 2 burgers, fries and a shake. The kid didn't even finish his burger. :(
I know, TB, I've been there several times before, hubby's been there TONS as he lived there, and it's always been a treat for the 'Kid when we go to Seattle to go get a Dick's burger. We'd make it a point to go there. But this last time... :( It almost feels sacrilegious saying we didn't like it.
Ok, I admit it, the'Kid and I ate at Dick's Drive In, at the original one in north Seattle, a couple months ago, and we didn't like it. 2 burgers, fries and a shake. The kid didn't even finish his burger. :(

NNOOOOOOO! How could you not like Dick's burgers?
They own NO FREEZERS. Everyhting is fresh, prepped right there in front of you!
That's too bad, I would have told you to bring home a bag of Delux's....
I grew up on Dick's burgers....and still have to have one whenever I'm in Sea-town. I've even been known to bribe friends to bring me back one (or a couple)!!!! hahaha You know tho - I have to admit, the Greenwood one is, for some reason, my least fav. I wonder why? It's always had odd vibes to me. Plus, the people watching there isn't quite as fun either!!!!!! Dang...now I want a strawberry milkshake!!!!!
I really enjoy the "stuffed tortillas" and fish tacos at Cheesecake Factory - they're actually about the closest thing to real Tex-Mex I can get here without making my own. Still - Cheesecake Factory for Tex-Mex???
Ivar's chowder ROCKS, and we can get it through Costco or even our local grocery store. The kid likes it, so I don't mind buying it every now and then. Haven't been to their restaurant in (20???) years-

Maybe next time we're in C-town, we'll try one of the other Dick's. We were at the Green Lake one in north Seattle. Dunno what it was, but the burgers were just YUCK. Haven't been to the one in SoDo, but every so often I'm in that area picking up supplies. Hhmmmmm add Dick's South to the agenda!
I don't remember that one TB, but the Kingdome is long gone.
There were thousands of people show up when they pushed the teletubby button on that hunk o concrete.

+1 on the Ivar's chowder. I worked there for a time as a youngster, and I ate the Hell out of that stuff.