olho de peixe (fisheye)

i was mesmerised the first time i saw pictures of this brazilian olho de peixe (fisheye) chilli, cultivated by cle么menes caminha, one of most knowledgeable chilli pepper gardeners i have come across. in his own words, he describes the variety as a "shrub plant up to 1.80m tall. dark green leaves with purple stems, branches and veins due to intense presence of anthocyanin. flowers: 2 to 3 per node, with purple anthers and white-green corolla with purple spots on the back face of the petals. it enters into production 120 days after transplanting. highly pungent fruits, ball-shaped measuring 1 x 1 cm, purple colour (immature) to reddish brown (mature), with an average of 30 seeds cream-coloured. it produces an average of 170 to 180 fruits per season. in hot weather, it can produce up to three crops a year. extremely aromatic, the fruits are used to season fresh seafood and the preparation of sauces and pickles."


whitekoohii said:
i was mesmerised the first time i saw pictures of this brazilian olho de peixe (fisheye) chilli, cultivated by cle么menes caminha, one of most knowledgeable chilli pepper gardeners i have come across. in his own words, he describes the variety as a "shrub plant up to 1.80m tall. dark green leaves with purple stems, branches and veins due to intense presence of anthocyanin. flowers: 2 to 3 per node, with purple anthers and white-green corolla with purple spots on the back face of the petals. it enters into production 120 days after transplanting. highly pungent fruits, ball-shaped measuring 1 x 1 cm, purple colour (immature) to reddish brown (mature), with an average of 30 seeds cream-coloured. it produces an average of 170 to 180 fruits per season. in hot weather, it can produce up to three crops a year. extremely aromatic, the fruits are used to season fresh seafood and the preparation of sauces and pickles."



wow w.k thats one plant id like to grow next season sounds fantastic..the pictures really set the stage,3 crops a year would be fantastic but ill settle for one with our cool weather,really interesting plant..thx for showing us something i haven't seen before :)
whitekoohii said:
i was mesmerised the first time i saw pictures of this brazilian olho de peixe (fisheye) chilli, cultivated by cle么menes caminha, one of most knowledgeable chilli pepper gardeners i have come across. in his own words, he describes the variety as a "shrub plant up to 1.80m tall. dark green leaves with purple stems, branches and veins due to intense presence of anthocyanin. flowers: 2 to 3 per node, with purple anthers and white-green corolla with purple spots on the back face of the petals. it enters into production 120 days after transplanting. highly pungent fruits, ball-shaped measuring 1 x 1 cm, purple colour (immature) to reddish brown (mature), with an average of 30 seeds cream-coloured. it produces an average of 170 to 180 fruits per season. in hot weather, it can produce up to three crops a year. extremely aromatic, the fruits are used to season fresh seafood and the preparation of sauces and pickles."



Very nice the way you describe this new species of pepper, look very good.
it starts off as a completely black little ball (thus fisheye i suppose). after a few days it becomes purpleish, even unripe it looks rather tasty...

whitekoohii said:
it starts off as a completely black little ball (thus fisheye i suppose). after a few days it becomes purpleish, even unripe it looks rather tasty...


whitekoohii lovely plant pic of the olho de peixe..agree it looks tasty..looking forward to growing this next season ;)
uh-huh!!! You can say that again!

Think you can come up with some seeds for your fellow chiliheads (please)!? :)
Sorry to drag up a really old thread, but i'm really keen to find somebody who has some seeds for this pepper!
I've tried placing a wanted ad in the marketplace, but figured it cant hurt to ask here too, as i guess not everyone uses the marketplace?

So yeah, if anyone can help me out, that would be great!

My wifes cousin went on a trip around the world and had this chilli in the Amazon, so im trying to sort seeds out for him for nostalgia's sake, as he'd love to taste these again!

Thanks to anyone who can help :)