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Olympic athlete dies....

Yup no reason to send the best in the world down a track going 90 mph. The team mates said they will compete in his honor so we will see what happens. I say its too dangerous and it should be taken down or closed.Have the athletes compete in another tack some other place in the world and the medals still count.
RIP, my thoughts go out to his family and friends, its a shame because that could have been prevented, as in most types of racing such as auto racing , luge etc, most accidents occur going into or coming out of a turn, there was no saftey barrier coming off that turn..
They should at least put up a rope or mesh fence like on the downhill courses so this doesn't happen to someone else! Horrible tragedy.
I suppose that his family and friends can take some comfort in knowing that he past quickly. I have seen videos of those guys and all i can say is there is no way i would ever try that. Jump out of a plane any day but that just looks plain scary.
truly aweful. they keep creating tracks to be faster and faster but it's just getting senseless and careless. What's even more senseless is the media playing it over and over again in slow motion. His loss of life doesn't deserve to be today's highlight reel.
I guess since the figure it was just a "hit" and not bloody they can play it over and over to sick audiences which is too many people these days.
Horrible start to the Olympics, or any event!

I did not watch the video, but sometimes I miss not having TV. It's pretty bad when I get breaking news from a forum!
it's a long story........

big brother, FTA...........alternative technology lifestyles...........
It is truly sad for the family and his friends...my condolences to them.

There is a time in every young mans life when he realizes he isn't "bulletproof". This time, the young man didn't survive, however, if he had he would surely have realized that he is not.
Novacastrian said:
Ok...... Any tinfoil hats?
heeheehee~ nope, just got tired of the $60 bills. google FTA

My condolences to the family also.
Wow, saw the video an that could of been avoided. The wall should of been higher an padded an their should be no access to those I-Beams. So sad.
They built a wall there now and the men's competition will start in a few hours... Amazing that noone thought of that wall before the accident...