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OMG...My back is killing me....

imaguitargod said:
Question for you. Based on the pic it seems you are leaving one side open....why's that?

Good question...My wife says it looks like I'm building a garage for the 4 wheeler.

I left it open to make it easier wheeling in the gravel and dirt. As I fill it up with soil, working my way out, I'll enclose it with block. I was taught a saying by an old timer "Work smarter not harder" I don't know if I am, but this seemed to make sense to me...
Pepperfreak said:
Good question...My wife says it looks like I'm building a garage for the 4 wheeler.

I left it open to make it easier wheeling in the gravel and dirt. As I fill it up with soil, working my way out, I'll enclose it with block. I was taught a saying by an old timer "Work smarter not harder" I don't know if I am, but this seemed to make sense to me...

That's a good idea. I'm plotting out a raised flower bed, and one of the headaches was thinking how I was going to get dirt in the thing. It's not especially deep, but it's pretty wide.
i think i'm still too young to be saying 'kids today' but damn kids today are lazy, last year some thirteen year old boy was handing out flyers to mow lawns for ten bucks and mum asked if he'd do some digging for her for twenty. he dug for fifteen minutes tops then said it was too hard and he'd changed his mind. mum still gave him the twenty, then did the digging herself.
GrumpyBear said:
i think i'm still too young to be saying 'kids today' but damn kids today are lazy, last year some thirteen year old boy was handing out flyers to mow lawns for ten bucks and mum asked if he'd do some digging for her for twenty. he dug for fifteen minutes tops then said it was too hard and he'd changed his mind. mum still gave him the twenty, then did the digging herself.
Lazy bastard. well he's just 13, so there's time to learn.
GrumpyBear said:
i think i'm still too young to be saying 'kids today' but damn kids today are lazy, last year some thirteen year old boy was handing out flyers to mow lawns for ten bucks and mum asked if he'd do some digging for her for twenty. he dug for fifteen minutes tops then said it was too hard and he'd changed his mind. mum still gave him the twenty, then did the digging herself.

That was one thing that my mom wouldn't allow, if you gave your word to do something you were going to do it if it took all day. She would say a man is only as good as his word.
shit 13 is not too young to do work!!!
I remember being that age & doing all kinds of farm work & some dangerous.
(this being minor)even being in a trench (digging) in standing water almost to the knees with pouring rain/sleet in november (wintertime for us) while my uncle sat in the backhoe cab & laughing :lol:

& if you didnt do what your told, well lets just say you're gonna do what your told to do! & you dont get payed for not doing something! lazy POS kids nowadays!
I could go on & on but good times I tell yea :lol: just glad I wasnt born into the family farm otherwise I would of been doing that about 4 years sooner :shocked: like my dad. but I still wouldnt give up the experience or time.

Honest to goodness, when I graduated from Kindergarten, dad gave me a nice present - a baseball glove. But instead of playing toss, he said since I was old enough to graduate from Kindegarten, I was old enough to work in the tobacco field. So off I went.

Maybe three years or so later, his friends needed help setting tobacoo. Dad said I would help which I did - worked six t- seven hours a day for two days. My pay: $5.00

Can't say any of this hurt me.

4-19-08 Update....

I finished 1 of 4 beds today. After shoveling 2 pick truck loads of dirt and compost (a fancy name for 1 1/2 year old cow sh*t) I can barely stand up straight. I have learned a few things along the way in this process though. First, it is important to dig the sod out first to level the ground where the blocks are going...I know that may sound quite elementary, but I attempted to do with out it on this bed and it turned out crooked (something I'm going to have to live with cause I'm not re-doing it :lol:) Second, I goofed laying out this bed. I used inner dimensions of 4x12 feet, ending up using more blocks than I planned. Live and Learn...Here is a photo, please don't be too critical on my block laying abilities, it works and I'm learning :lol:

AJ, you might not want to show your wife since I stained the block ;)

looking good Paul...

***wondering how I can keep the wife from seeing this***
GrumpyBear said:
i think i'm still too young to be saying 'kids today' but damn kids today are lazy, last year some thirteen year old boy was handing out flyers to mow lawns for ten bucks and mum asked if he'd do some digging for her for twenty. he dug for fifteen minutes tops then said it was too hard and he'd changed his mind. mum still gave him the twenty, then did the digging herself.

Heck I was planting my own garden by that time. But then I have always liked dealing with all things that deal with nature. The rewards for your hard work are good home grown food and the satisfaction that you did it plus helped you and your family.

Pepperfreak said:
I finished 1 of 4 beds today. After shoveling 2 pick truck loads of dirt and compost (a fancy name for 1 1/2 year old cow sh*t) I can barely stand up straight. I have learned a few things along the way in this process though. First, it is important to dig the sod out first to level the ground where the blocks are going...I know that may sound quite elementary, but I attempted to do with out it on this bed and it turned out crooked (something I'm going to have to live with cause I'm not re-doing it :lol:) Second, I goofed laying out this bed. I used inner dimensions of 4x12 feet, ending up using more blocks than I planned. Live and Learn...Here is a photo, please don't be too critical on my block laying abilities, it works and I'm learning :lol:

AJ, you might not want to show your wife since I stained the block ;)


Not bad Paul. You should be able to get some great peppers out of that.

Thanks everyone for your encouragement, I am aching all over now and am anxious to finish this project...Well, I've got a start on the second bed. I sure wish I had access to bobcat, it would make my life tons easier. I spent almost all day just digging up the sod and laying a few block. I'm taking my time on this one and using a level. I'll post some pics when its done.

IGG, your right, its getting close for us Ohioans :) me and my plants can't wait...
Ciao Paul-

The bed looks lovely, truly, but it looks like way more work than perhaps was necessary. I don't pretend to know a thing about how men think, but why did you go for stone rather than wooden boards? Before you tweak your back, you might consider contracting some of the work out or renting that bobcat.

PS: A hot bath will do wonders on your back even if you have to shoe-horn yourself in. I know many men don't consider baths particularly manly, but neither is a bad back.
Sorellina said:
Ciao Paul-

The bed looks lovely, truly, but it looks like way more work than perhaps was necessary. I don't pretend to know a thing about how men think, but why did you go for stone rather than wooden boards? Before you tweak your back, you might consider contracting some of the work out or renting that bobcat.

PS: A hot bath will do wonders on your back even if you have to shoe-horn yourself in. I know many men don't consider baths particularly manly, but neither is a bad back.

Thanks...I decided on concrete block because it will last a long long time and it was cheaper than wood. However, it is more work, but I should only have to do this once.

As of the bath...I may have to consider that, maybe add some Epsom salts too. I just never thought of it, thanks...:)