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OMG...My back is killing me....

Pepperfreak said:
As of the bath...I may have to consider that, maybe add some Epsom salts too. I just never thought of it, thanks...:)

Bath Hell....get your A** back out there and finish that bed PF.... :lol:
AlabamaJack said:
Bath Hell....get your A** back out there and finish that bed PF.... :lol:

LOL....Just got off the phone with a co-worker's husband, who is currently laid off. He is a pro block layer (actually in the union) and he is going to help me tomorrow. Things should be moving quicker now....;)
so are you going to be the supervisor or the helper?....
Hehehe...Probably both and I don't mind as long as it gets done. I only have about 3 weeks left before the big plant out time and I have been stressed over getting all of this finished. Ya, I have OCD tendencies, can't stand to see a project sit unfinished :lol: