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pics One McIlhenny Tabasco Plant Harvest Pics 10-15-08

Well, what the h##l does one do with this now? My wrist hurts from picking one plant!! This is a hobby? lol.


looks about like mine Chris...if you like turnip greens, collards, kale, etc...you can make pepper sauce with them....I don't know whether you would enjoy a meal of fried pork chops, fresh turnip greens, purple hull pees/new potatos, and pepper cornbread or not...but if you do, the pepper sauce is great on the turnips...

by the way....Tabasco
I need to spell better. lol. I'm thinking perhaps pickling them and grinding them into powder. It's a great method. I never pickled peppers before. I need some ideas.

Check HotPeppersFlyFishing's thread about canning/pickling and the thread I started about the same topic. There are some pepper pickling recipes on the THSC website, too!
LOL @ SM...he man, I think I have talked myself into that exact menu tomorrow evening....

I think what I call Pepper Sauce is just pickled peppers...

I just use distilled vinegar, tabasco peppers, a clove of garlic, and salt...but I haven't ever eaten the peppers :doh: ...just used the sauce...now that I think of it, the peppers would be killer...

just finished picking...check out my harvest (new thread on gardening)
Why on earth would I need more than one Tabasco plant? I just got done de-stemming the pods I pictured earlier. Out of curiosity, I counted them as I was doing it....guess how many off one plant....537! Note, I live in a poor pepper growing environment, short season, and the plant was in soil not as good as other areas...OMG!


Wicked, and to think i have around 6 Tabasco seedlings, im gunna be in for some sore hands at harvest time :)
AlabamaJack said:
I think what I call Pepper Sauce is just pickled peppers...I just use distilled vinegar, tabasco peppers, a clove of garlic, and salt...but I haven't ever eaten the peppers
I think you and I went to different schools together, AJ. I have jars of Datil sauce, Bhut sauce, Orange Hab sauce and Jalapeno sauce in the fridge right now that are exactly how you make yours. Sea salt, garlic, vinegar and the peppers.

Hab vinegar on a steamed mix of Mustard greens/Spinach is awesome! A little Bhut vinegar on a baked potato with some butter, YUM!
NatGreenMeds said:
I think you and I went to different schools together, AJ.

This is just the way my grandmother made them...but she used cayenne...
AlabamaJack said:
This is just the way my grandmother made them...but she used cayenne...
Do you boil the vinegar first and then add the peppers? I don't. I pour the vinegar into a clean jar, add the salt, garlic and peppers and let it sit in the fridge for a month before using it. If it has a date label on it, it's not ready. As soon as the month has gone by, I take the label off and move it to the front of the fridge for use. The bhut one is hot as it gets. Two dried peppers in a pint of vinegar and man oh man, it's one hot addition to almost anything.
I boil my jars, then pack the peppers in the jars (I use a fork and stab each pepper a couple of times - again, like my grandma), place a couple cloves of garlic on top....boil the vinegar (white vinegar), then pour it over the peppers...takes a bit to get the peppers to soak in the vinegar but I "mash" them down and release the pressure and they suck in the vinegar...add more boiling vinegar and repeat a couple of times...then cap, label/date, store on shelf in pantry.....
AlabamaJack said:
I boil my jars, then pack the peppers in the jars (I use a fork and stab each pepper a couple of times - again, like my grandma), place a couple cloves of garlic on top....boil the vinegar (white vinegar), then pour it over the peppers...takes a bit to get the peppers to soak in the vinegar but I "mash" them down and release the pressure and they suck in the vinegar...add more boiling vinegar and repeat a couple of times...then cap, label/date, store on shelf in pantry.....

I like it! That's as easy as it gets AJ.

Cheers, TB.
AlabamaJack said:
I boil my jars, then pack the peppers in the jars (I use a fork and stab each pepper a couple of times - again, like my grandma), place a couple cloves of garlic on top....boil the vinegar (white vinegar), then pour it over the peppers...takes a bit to get the peppers to soak in the vinegar but I "mash" them down and release the pressure and they suck in the vinegar...add more boiling vinegar and repeat a couple of times...then cap, label/date, store on shelf in pantry.....
Makes me wonder how I lived this long. In the Army, I was known for the ability to eat in the wild with no harmful effects. Some of them called me a goat. hehe

I always ate well in the field. I ate what the natives ate. It screwed with me at first, but after a few years, I could eat anything, anywhere.

I can eat anything, I'm horny and I like a good butt. I guess I am a goat.....:lol:
ABurningMouth said:
Sound like you and the natives had a lot of fun together.
Roughly half of them liked me. The other half were trying to do bad things to me. Bad time, bad place. I tried to make the best of a bad situation.