Opinions on a SFR box of peppers just recieved please

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Well. Since this thread is already off topic in so many ways. Here's my ice cream from tonight. So delicious. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6nORAd3M0cFcGNLcjFfTktZZmc/edit?usp=docslist_api
This guy's style is disliked by many here.This is the norm for when he comes up. most people here are tired of his shady dealings and would like to see him banned. Bet as a new poster you never thought you would generate a six page thread over a few days. lol
And the hot cream looks goooood
also, to answer a question to your OP
yes you need an upgraded membership to upload pics to the site, otherwise you can use an image sharing site like photobucket, imgur, even facebook and use this code:
thanks Ikeepfish
I used photobucket forever, but they have recently completely destoyed the former simple nearly ad free quick hosting site they began with. 
I refuse to deal with the shenanigans they impose on users lately.
seems like I should look for a new hosting site soon though.
Maybe I will upgrade my membership here. It sure feels like a cool forum.
We're waiting...
Shurbryn said:
He's gotta write his novel in bold text first and then CAPITALIZE some of them as well. It takes time Cap
Not to mention do a massivly multi-quote reply that would put War & Peace to shame in terms of length
The mixed sampler fresh pepper order arrived today from Bakers Peppers. Everything looks to be in good order no mold, rot or shriveled fruit. I might add there was 32 total peppers in the box.
Well.....It looks like I have to come in here ONCE AGAIN and "right the wrongs" of people spreading horrible FALSE things about Bakers Peppers....Here goes...
I have the ORIGINAL POST & another post in this thread which represent 2 different customers, whos orders both went out at the same time, to different parts of the USA. On this VERY SAME DAY i sent out 218 OTHER SFRB's to other customers as well. I have heard back from a TOTAL of 4 of them! Thats right, i sent out 218 SFRB's and heard something back from 4 of them saying there was a slight issue with their order, 2 of these customers are represented here. I dont care what any other "Vendor" here or ANYWHERE of INTERNET/MAIL ORDER FRESH PRODUCE will come in here and say to you guys, THEY WOULD LOVE those kinds of STATS! PERIOD!! Thats OVER 98% SATISFACTION!! If EVERY week I ship out those kinds of numbers (strictly from website SFRB sales btw, NOT bulk or other side contracts, STRICTLY SFRB orders via our website alone!), and only have less than 2% slightly negative feedback from that week, I CONSIDER THAT AS A FRESH PRODUCE GROWER to be outstanding results!! And i will take those results EVERY WEEK, while others would KILL for that kind of satifaction rating!!!! But wait theres more......I have spoken with BOTH of the customers here with order issues and while BOTH of them ended up getting what they paid for, one of them got MORE! I will explain below...
MNhots said:
Hello everyone,
First post here.
New guy from Minnesota.
I have recently entered into the superhot realm and am pretty excited about it.
I have a bunch of plants in the ground, have picked up several varieties of dried pods, made powders, etc.
I have a bunch of seeds set aside for trading. 
I will post up some pics etc when I find some time soon.
This small flat rate box of peppers just arrived today. ( I am still trying to figure out if this forum allows direct uploads. maybe only with the extreme membership?)
I ordered a variety box, hoping to get several different peppers to sample.
This looks like it might only be 2 types of pepper.
I think the orange pods might just be half ripe?
the green are unripe I am sure.
I know some people like pods that are not fully ripe, so maybe this is not an issue.
The 4 moldy pods in the top right corner concern me. Yes, these spent 2 days in the mail. But I have grown and stored peppers plenty of times before and did not expect moldy peppers in the box. It seems unlikely that these were picked and shipped the same day.
Please chime in and let me know if you guys and gals think I should be satisified with this purchase.
Also, what exactly do I have here?
Thanks and we will chat more soon!
Awesome forum!
This customer emailed me and stated that they were shorted a few peppers due to rot or mold. I returned the email and simply asked how many "good" peppers came in the box, along with the "bad" ones...The customer replied that all in all they received 25+ "good" peppers in the box, but there was loss of others due to "issues".
I replied again that if they did indeed come out with a total of 25+ "good" peppers that is exactly what we GUARANTEE right in the listing on the page where he purchased them. I also added that even though they ended up getting exactly what was promised to them, i offered to send out a WHOLE NEW STUFFED FULL SFRB for just the cost of shipping (Since we pay the shipping the first time), just to show we value our customers VERY MUCH!. They repied that wouldnt be necessary and that they loved the peppers. I havent heard back.....
So, theres a customer who started this WHOLE THREAD, when in ALL TRUTH got EXACTLY what they paid for, and was THRILLED with the peppers that made it AS GUARANTEED, and they were ALSO offered a FULL NEW REPLACEMENT BOX for $6 shipping!! SO basically a BOGO additional FREE BOX for the cost of shipping! HOW ON EARTH AM I SCREWING THESE GUYS??? PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME.... But Baker's Peppers is ALL of these horrible things u guys CLAIM??? WOW!!! Simply WOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!
Gomojoe said:
I just got a SFRB today that I ordered months ago from Baker's Peppers, before I heard of any issues.  It has the same variety of peppers and has 9 of them in the box that are either mushy or have bugs on them.

I've sent him a text, so hopefully he will fix it.

UPDATE: He replied pretty quickly and is replacing the whole box for the cost of shipping.
I TRULY hoped this customer would come back in here and do the right thing.............but im SAD to report they DID NOT!! So I will finish the story and ADD all the correct info, so YOU guys here who LOVE to HATE on me the INSTANT theres "smoke", can see I DID NOT SCREW ANYONE!! And IN FACT they GOT GREAT DEALS!!!!
This guy emailed me and said that he got 9 or so "bad" peppers in his SFRB, and also asked if there was a way for me to "make it right" as he was not happy! I replied with the same question to the before mentioned customer, "How many peppers came in the box in total, and how many "good" ones out of that total?" He replied that the box had a TOTAL of 35+ peppers and now a "NEW" number of "bad" ones jumped up to 14 from 9 before! From 9 to 14?? Seems fishy, but i dont question customers on things like this anymore as it ALWAYS ends badly. I asked him on the math and we ended up agreeing that he got roughly 25+ "good" peppers in the SFRB and thats EXACTLY what we guarantee. With that being said i STILL offered a FULL REPLACEMENT BOX of peppers for just the cost of shipping, thats $6!! Again, he got what he paid for on the first box after all, and now is being offered a FULL FREE box for just shipping fees for his "bad" experience of GETTING EXACTLY WHAT HE PAID FOR................................MAN IM REALLY SCREWING PEOPLE HERE IT LOOKS LIKE!!!! The customer paid the $6 and was shipped a FULL NEW BOX already!!
Now, on to the rest of YOU commenting here......
You see, Im a working guy.....i work 15+ hours a day, 7 days a week out in the nursery growing these frigging things you guys CHERISH so much!! Im NOT on here looking to read every single thread from people about US! I simply DONT have that kind of time, but since i dont reply IMMEDIATLEY im ALL OF A SUDDEN GUILTY of treating these customers poorly..................................this place is absolutely a JOKE!!! A Friggin JOKE!!! I have said NUMEROUS times that i dont reply to customers here in threads.....but you guys keep doing it, and NO SINGLE person, MOD or member, will politely tell them that i do not reply here??????? What a JOKE!!!!!!!! GREAT way to run a website MODS........AWESOME JOB!!!
Now on to the comments on how i run my business.......
I have been shipping "Fresh Peppers" sold online for years now, and it has led me to have certain "terms & conditions" that customers MUST agree to BEFORE purchasing product from us. I have got to this point by trial and error and to be quite frank, THIS IS MY BUSINESS AND I CAN RUN IT HOW I DAMN WELL PLEASE!
But theres STILL gonna be that comment here on this, so i MUST address it!
You see, we guarantee that EVERY SFRB ordered from our website will come with AT LEAST 25+ "GOOD" peppers inside. It lists that on EACH listing, as well as in the "terms & conditions" you are required to read prior to completing your purchase from us. You checked the "box" saying you read it, its not my problem you didnt! PERIOD!!!!!!!!! EVERY ONLINE STORE HAS THE SAME TYPE OF THING!! It just took me a few years to get smart enough to apply it to our business! You see, this way we have outlined "COMPANY POLICIES" and EVERY customer gets EQUAL TREATMENT in the event of a "situation". Its the ONLY way to be able to treat every customer equally, so we have chosen to do the best we can to make sure our customers are aware of the "risks" associated with purchasing produce online. We even go as far to post it RIGHT ON OUR HOMEPAGE as well to "PLEASE READ THE TERMS & CONDITIONS PAGE CAREFULLY, AS YOU WILL BE ASKED TO SIGN OFF THAT YOU HAVE READ THEM BEFORE COMPLETING A PURCHASE FROM US!! I warn on the home page, i tell EXACTLY what we guarantee in each box right on the page where purchased, and THEN before checkout the customer "clicks the box" saying they read and AGREE to ALL this stuff........then BOOM here they are, saying they got screwed or are unhappy when 25+ "GOOD FRESH PEPPERS arrives at their door!!...............Please tell me what more i can do to ALERT people of OUR POLICIES!!
I STUFF FULL every SFRB that leaves my business with at least 40+ peppers depending on variety (some are just too big to fit any more than the 25+ guaranteed). I do this to try to ELIMINATE these types of situations. I put 15+ or more than advertised in EVERY box so to account for loss due to rot or spoilage. So since the customers didnt read that part in the 80 places its posted on our website, i somehow "screwed" them cus a handfull of their 40+ peppers that arrived were "bad"....when we only guarantee 25+.....seems to me like ive done all i can here........
Sizzling Salutations!,
Dale Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers on Twitter
813-446-0101 Call Or Text
BakersPeppers said:
Thats right, i sent out 218 SFRB's and heard something back from 4 of them saying there was a slight issue with their order, 2 of these customers are represented here. I dont care what any other "Vendor" here or ANYWHERE of INTERNET/MAIL ORDER FRESH PRODUCE will come in here and say to you guys, THEY WOULD LOVE those kinds of STATS! PERIOD!! Thats OVER 98% SATISFACTION!! If EVERY week I ship out those kinds of numbers (strictly from website SFRB sales btw, NOT bulk or other side contracts, STRICTLY SFRB orders via our website alone!)
If this is true. Pay Rhody. You're making enough money to do so.
Shurbryn said:
If this is true. Pay Rhody. You're making enough money to do so.
Dave and I have an agreement...he's being paid....enough about that crap already...I mean really...do u see "rhody" in here saying I won't pay him?? Mods please DO WORK!

Dale Jr
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