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Ordering Ebay Pepper Plants?

I was looking at these bhuts just incase mine don't take off, seller has some insanely good feedback but is there another place I should look,I checked it out 8 plants are $28.00 so they are $3.50 each which is resonible compared to the $5 a guy wants thats about 2 hours from me.

Here's the link.
I've never ordered from an eBay seller, but the general consensus on this forum seems to be that it's a pretty risky endeavor. There's even an active thread right now where someone was scammed into buying habanero seeds under the assumption that they were bhut jolokias.

That said, the seller that you linked to has excellent buyer feedback. You could give it a shot, if the difference in price is worth it. A safer idea would be to check out this thread for a list of reputable providers.
I was checking out some of those sites, I went ahead and ordered 8 plants from http://hirts-gardens.amazonwebstore.com/ I'll update this thread when they arrive including pictures.
I ordered some peppers from Hirt's Gardens this year... some of them looked a little sad when they got here, but they recovered quickly enough. It remains to be seen if they'll grow true to type.

I did order a couple plants from ebay sellers too, but I did so acknowledging that they might not be as advertised. Sometimes it's just an honest mistake, but unfortunately it's all too common for plants to be sold under a false label, especially some of the less common varieties.
I did order a couple plants from ebay sellers too, but I did so acknowledging that they might not be as advertised. Sometimes it's just an honest mistake, but unfortunately it's all too common for plants to be sold under a false label, especially some of the less common varieties.

Too true. The benefit of the seed ordering thread is that there's an initial list of sellers, and then there's eleven whole pages of feedback from experienced growers and new chileheads alike.

How'd the plants you ordered on eBay turn out? Or was that too recent to tell?
I am going legit next year with some of the sellers in that seed thread, this year is my first attempt and my seeds came from legit sellers but they could easily be mislabeled or mistaken them for another.

I will definitely keep up to date on this one, they may be an over looked source as well but either way I'll be growing peppers and happy bhuts or other wise growing plants is something I enjoy, I never joined a rose forum though those people are a little to up tight for my hillbilly ways :D I enjoy growing roses as well but the people are not very laid back seems more like a competition than hobby and with a little care anyone can grow roses from a clipping.

Anyways we'll see how it goes :D

Thanks for the info, I know newbies always try everything before coming around so bare with me :D
Too true. The benefit of the seed ordering thread is that there's an initial list of sellers, and then there's eleven whole pages of feedback from experienced growers and new chileheads alike.

How'd the plants you ordered on eBay turn out? Or was that too recent to tell?

They haven't started fruiting yet. They were about to, but hail pretty much demolished my larger plants last night, so now I'm playing the waiting game.
Be careful about ebay seeds. I once bought something labeled a "Chile De Negro," It ended up being a Capsicum pubescens - AKA Rocotto. I've had better luck trading with users here.
They haven't started fruiting yet. They were about to, but hail pretty much demolished my larger plants last night, so now I'm playing the waiting game.

I'm sorry to hear that, man. The weather has been absolutely batshit over the past year or two. We went from a day in the late 70s to golf ball sized hail overnight here.

I regret not seeing and replying to this post earlier. Last year I unsuccessfully attempted to grow some bhut seeds and since they did not do anything and I really wanted some bhuts, I unfortunately went to ebay. I ordered 4 red bhut jolokia plants from Hirts gardens on ebay as did my friend on a separate occasion and every single plant of mine and every single plant of my friends who also bought 'bhut jolokia' seedlings from hirts gardens turned out to be carribean red habenaros. I read afterwards on many other online forums about other individuals who had the same thing happen to my friend and I from plants they received from hirts gardens. The problem is, ebay has a time frame on when feedback can be left and by the time it was apparent that the plants were indeed not bhut jolokias, it was too late for me to leave negative feedback and hirts refused to do anything about it. I would recommend to anyone not to purchase plants from them. I hope for your sake that they have heard about other peoples complaints concerning their fabrications and decided to change and are sending you actual bhuts.
I too found seeds on eBay but they were from asiasgarden. Turns out he is a member on this forum. I think he is legit.

When I was first looking for bhuts, I looked on Amazon and ran across hirts gardens and they had horrible feedback. Seemed everyone that ordered bhuts from them turned out to be Caribbean reds.
I encourage everyone who orders from ebay or amazon to let the folks here know how things worked out.

I can't stand thieves and wish I could have 10 minutes with every one of them. Since that isn't going to happen we need to get the word out as best we can to people. Also, even if you can't leave feedback due to time expiring you can still contact Amazon and ebay folks and register your complaint. If enough people do it they'll have to do something. Don't let these bastards get away with it!
I need to add to the Hirts Gardens criticism. Last April through Amazon, I ordered a Live Bhut Jolokia plant from Hirts Gardens. I have no idea if it was really a Bhut, but I seem to remember posting some pics here and having somebody reply that it appeared to not be a Bhut. The site does not allow me to search my content prior to October, 2010, so I can't find the exact post. I had to throw the plant out, as it came with Aphids! I didn't notice them at first, but they bred like crazy and my efforts at killing them with Schultz insect spray, and by hand, completely failed.

Their Amazon profile page shows a 93% positive feedback rate. That is awful. I will never do business with them again.

Take a look:

Well this is bad, I just sent this email in hopes they may correct the problem in my case but wow what a screw up if you guys are right.

I have found several complaints actually more than a few since my order of you guys passing off Caribbean Red Habanero as Bhuts Jolokia, are you sure you have what I ordered and that these are Bhut Jolokia peppers?

I'm sorry to question you guys after reading the history of your place I felt more than comfortable ordering but now I have serious doubts about the peppers I will receive.

IF there is any question that these are not Bhuts please refund my money, if there is no doubt I apologize and thank you for the peppers.

I bought my Aji Amarillos, White Habaneros, and Cayenne peppers through Hirt's. I blame naivety, as this is my first year growing peppers. I probably won't buy from them again simply for the fact that the Cayenne and Amarillos were, in retrospect, the leggiest seedlings I've ever seen sold by a nursery. 2-3 inches between nodes in some cases. One of the Habaneros was rotting from the roots up.

At the moment, at least they look like they could be plausibly true to type, but, I'm not overly optimistic.
I never had heard of that outfit before so IÂ’m not sure.

Last season I bought 5 Chocolate Bhuts from this place and harvest 100 pods each easily!!

I love deals, but sometimes you get what you pay for!
I encourage everyone who orders from ebay or amazon to let the folks here know how things worked out.

I can't stand thieves and wish I could have 10 minutes with every one of them. Since that isn't going to happen we need to get the word out as best we can to people. Also, even if you can't leave feedback due to time expiring you can still contact Amazon and ebay folks and register your complaint. If enough people do it they'll have to do something. Don't let these bastards get away with it!

+1 on Patrick
Here is what deterred me from ordering from them. Link to the reviews on Amazon.


I would suggest not wasting your time and just cancel the order.

Check these people out. I have seen them mentioned on this forum.
