seed-plant-vendors Ordering Pepper Seeds

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Thanks joeknowsjolokia for the link to peppergal, I just put in an order for some seeds as she was one of the few places I found that actually had yellow Thai seeds.

Now if only I could find seeds for Harolds St Barts :(

So far I've ordered from Tomato growers Supply, Peppermania and now peppergal. I've also wanted to try The hippy seed company as they have the yellow congo trinidads I want to try. The only problem is, I'd be too tempted to buy other seeds, and I'm already close to maxing out my pepper space with all the peppers I'm planning on growing next year.
Biscombe said:
Best rainbow and peppermania - enthusiasts and a pleasure to buy from

Worst Nickys Nursery - Rubbish service

I made a couple of orders with Nicky's Nursery, I had no problem with service at all tbh.

A packet of Beetroot seeds I got from them had awfull germination rates though, so I suspect old seeds but everything else was fine.
I have had very good germination results with seeds from
As far as them being what they are supposed to be, will have to wait for
the plant to have pods before I can verify.

Good luck!
Auton0my said:
Speak to Neil, from Hippy Seed Company. He runs a great business and his prices are great. Great range also.

He sure does, I got my latest batch of seeds from him in the mail yesterday. As well as a bonus some naga peppercorns in the pack.
tinsoomboon said:
I bought 25 Naga Jolokia seeds from him. NONE germinated. Tried to e/mail him and he has stopped all from comunicating with him. . With a nasty inundo. For this I no not.

EDIT: Personal email link removed.......Never a good idea to post personal info on an open forum.....

If you are referring to Neil at the Hippy Seed Co. I (as can most others) can be very confident in the thought that Neil would not do this...It's just not in his nature. Maybe you did something to that batch of seeds????? In all the time that Neil has been doing business, I have never heard of any major problems with his seeds.....I know neil personally and i can assure you that if you are really in contact with him and he is ignoring you then something has happened for him to do this....

I'm sorry that none of your seeds worked...
FadeToBlack said:
Moyboy, I think he was refering to Uncle Steve's seeds
But as far as Hippyseedcompany, from my experiance he is a top notch guy.

So he/she was...:oops:

FAIL!!!!!!! I just didn't read it properly last night.

I apologise for my total lack of brain power.......Where are the Mods when you need someone banned....that moyboy is out of control...:lol:
Judging from his posts here and from the feedback here, I'd definitely give my business and money to Neil @ The Hippy Seed Co. With the exchange rate what it is, it's a good time to get some seeds from down under.

I have had excellent results from Fatalii's seeds, great germination rates and the strains appear to be very pure. The exchange rate to Euros isn't that good, so it's pretty expensive to order at the moment. He does have great seeds and some rare ones.

One that I haven't seen mentioned yet is Seed Savers Exchange. Their seeds are very good, and I've gotten great viability from them.
I see most folk on this site don't swap seeds too often. (I'm judging by the names in the seed swap forum and by responses I've had via pm to requests/offers I have made.) It's always the same people who use the facility, which is a real pity as it is also a great source of seeds and a cool way to interact with other members...

Just a thought.
huntsman said:
I see most folk on this site don't swap seeds too often. (I'm judging by the names in the seed swap forum and by responses I've had via pm to requests/offers I have made.) It's always the same people who use the facility, which is a real pity as it is also a great source of seeds and a cool way to interact with other members...

Just a thought.

I will be more than willing to trade when I start getting some ripe pods :)
huntsman said:
I see most folk on this site don't swap seeds too often. (I'm judging by the names in the seed swap forum and by responses I've had via pm to requests/offers I have made.) It's always the same people who use the facility, which is a real pity as it is also a great source of seeds and a cool way to interact with other members...

Just a thought.

Here's my thought:cool:
Some of us who have been here for a while have been trading and/or giving away many seeds for many years, and fall/winter is usually when its most convenient. Even without advertising I am always swamped with requests but this year I'm taking a break for the most part so I can organise my own supplies. Another thing is that isolating a large number of plants for seed can be a lot of work and very time consuming, so I usually can only isolate enough for personal use these days. More times than not when trading seed with newer members, the recieved seeds don't all turn out as expected and I just don't have the time for it all anymore.
tinsoomboon said:
I bought 25 Naga Jolokia seeds from him. NONE germinated. Tried to e/mail him and he has stopped all from comunicating with him. . With a nasty inundo. For this I no not.

EDIT: Personal email link removed.......Never a good idea to post personal info on an open forum.....

I like Neil,

I bought quite a lot of seeds off him (the first time), none of my tabasco or jalapenos sprouted, but the others (savinas and nagas) did. The reason for this is my tabasco and jalapenos were planted in egg cartons that did not have a humidity cover over them, where as the other seeds were planted under a dome and with a heat mat.

Did I blame Neil? Or ask for more seeds? No ... granted I was not happy, but I didn't blame him for something I did. I don't think I have ever mentioned this to anyone until now.

I had a nasty habit of killing a lot of seedlings, from many different vendors I lost a lot of plants, even with high germination rates. Not exactly tomatoes are they ... just throw the seeds in the ground and they grow like weeds.

Another good seller I like is, the girl there is really nice, and has the best customer service I have come across in a seed dealer. When my Nagas (which sprouted in 6 days with 100% germination rate from her) got hit by frost, go figure ... :shocked: I went back to her website and she was out of stock, I asked her when she was going to get the new stock in and it wouldn't be for months, at that time I was going to go overseas and had a limited time frame, so she sent me some spare seeds she had, for free, even the postage was free, from which I have a beautiful 3ft Naga that has grown over winter and has new growth on it for this spring.

Nagas are a pain in the ass to grow, but once it gets to a couple of inches high it is usually set for life.


FYI, I bought my seeds from, and, so far around $300 spent on seeds. The best one IMO is also the most expensive, ... but I trust them most as a vendor, but they do not have everything.

Different seed dealers hold different stock, Neil covers a lot especially when it comes to the superhots, are basically resellers and as such has the largest variety of seeds, as well as tomato seeds, Chillibird covers quite a lot of the milder strains as well as a few superhots.

For me, I am only interested in Superhots and good tasting chillis. I have no intention to collect every variety in the world.

I only traded in the trade forums for the ones that I could not buy, which are the rarer varieties, such as Yellow Scorp, Doughlah, Barrackpore, Morouga, Brain Strain. I did not even realise there was a trade forum until after I bought the bulk of my seeds. That being said, I would rather pay my way than beg my way through life.
For anyone who has ordered from peppermania...did it take awhile for delivery? I just realized from looking at this post it's been a few weeks since I've ordered and I haven't received anything. NO big deal, just curious if it's the norm. Thanks.
ThePepperGrowingMan said:
For anyone who has ordered from peppermania...did it take awhile for delivery? I just realized from looking at this post it's been a few weeks since I've ordered and I haven't received anything. NO big deal, just curious if it's the norm. Thanks.

I got an e-mail from Beth at peppermania notifying me of why I received a full refund.
Pretty much very low stock this time of year, and preparing for 2010 season.

I imagine she will do the same for the rest of her customers.
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