seed-plant-vendors Ordering Pepper Seeds

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Geez, now I'm nervous. I just bought a bunch of bhut seeds from them. Got them straight from and not from ebay, though. Price was great, shipping was quick and professionally packaged with a bunch of literature and they are germinating nicely. So far, so good. If they aren't bhuts, I'm gonna be pissed. Will let everyone know how it turns out.
Burning Colon said:
Warning! Warning! Thompson Morgan are incompetent! I have 2 packets of their seeds and on the front;


And on the back it says;
"A tantalizing mix of hot Habanero and Scotch Bonnet chilis guaranteed to make your recipes go off with a bang!"

When my plants didn't look right and the fruit looked like a thai chilis I looked closely at the back of the package; there I found; Capsicum annum/frutescens. They are blaggards and incompetent; my friend and I wasted/lost 3 mos. because of those bastards. Buyer beware! :hell:
If you would like to see a picture of the back I'll be more than happy to scan it in. These guys have no business selling chilis! IMO!

And the germination rate sucked!
Burning Colon said:

They also say:
SOWING: Sow seeds late January to February. Sow seeds thinly on the surface of a good free draining compost. Cover with a fine sprinkling of compost or vermiculite. Place in a propagator at 64-68F until after germination, which takes 7-14 days. Do not exclude light, as this helps germination.
Ajarn, thanks for the info, that's what this post is all about, weeding out the bad from the good (pun was intended).

I am being hesitant in purchasing any of the superhots and will use this forum to make my selection on which company to use; if I saw the Bhut from T&M in a local store for $3.99 a pack I would probably buy the package but I don't think I would buy from them over the web.

this group also lists Bhut Jolokia

For me, I would prefer dealing with a Canadian company that has contact info, especially when using a credit card. So far, in my one and only purchase I have a good experience.....I really don't want a bad one!

(FYI, I purchased a red carribean and habanero plant from home depot this year(the plants looked really nice and rich) and the identification card list them as capsicum annumm but they are definitely chinense)
I had to go to the grocery store for some bread, saw some tomato plants and said "hey, let's take a boo", maybe they are on clearance as we have had a number of days of extreme cold and snow(today's high is 2C). As I'm poking around, I see some rather tall pepper plants, hmmmm, sweet ones, sweet ones, more sweet ones....ah, what's that on the bottom shelf, I wipe my watery eyes to get a good view (because all I really wanted to do was get in the store out of the cold), Hot Lemon, from a company called Burpee's. I picked a really nice looking plant and brought it home.

I don't know what they are like to deal with but I went to their website and what is listed on the id tag is also found on their website - that's consistent!

Here's a picture of what I bought for $2.99 (maybe next week I will find them for half price and hopefully they won't be half dead.


I made orders from three separate sellers listed on the first page.

I placed orders with THSC, and Each provided paypal as a method for payment, which I find very simple and safe (along with just about everyone else). Each seller's shipping costs to the U.S.A. were very much acceptable and quickly arrived. I'm very pleased with the services provided. I've started germinating seeds from each seller and feel confident that all will produce as suggested.

If I weren't just starting out I may have taken chances on eBay sellers to decide if they are/will provide good business. However, as I am someone new to growing peppers, hell any plant; I felt that I might as well start with sellers with the greatest reps.
Burning Colon said:
I had to go to the grocery store for some bread, saw some tomato plants and said "hey, let's take a boo", maybe they are on clearance as we have had a number of days of extreme cold and snow(today's high is 2C). As I'm poking around, I see some rather tall pepper plants, hmmmm, sweet ones, sweet ones, more sweet ones....ah, what's that on the bottom shelf, I wipe my watery eyes to get a good view (because all I really wanted to do was get in the store out of the cold), Hot Lemon, from a company called Burpee's. I picked a really nice looking plant and brought it home.

I don't know what they are like to deal with but I went to their website and what is listed on the id tag is also found on their website - that's consistent!

Here's a picture of what I bought for $2.99 (maybe next week I will find them for half price and hopefully they won't be half dead.



burpee has a good rep as long as you dont mind dealing with hybrid seeds or non-organics.
i mean hybrid in the planned sense; they won't give you sneak-in a pepper cross or mislabel seed.
i've had great experiences with them while i was a kid growing random plants that weren't peppers.

burpee is definitely a good company.
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