overwintering overwintered 7 pod

Hi Guys,

Last season I grew a 7 pod from seed sent to me by Tony05 (thanks mate!). It was quite vigorous and I managed to overwinter it (the Naga and Habanero didn't survive unfortunately).

The only treatment they received was to be moved up against a north facing wall to try and keep them warm. The 7 pod lost all its leaves and I was certain it wasn't going to survive Melbourne's winter like it's sisters, but it pulled through. Leaves started sprouting a month or two ago, but they haven't been very lush. I've fed the plant with some Seasol, epsom salts, potash, dynamic lifter and trace element mix. It's been flowering without much leaf development!

I'd like to attach some pictures of the foliage so you can see what I'm talking about, but can't work out how.

What should I do?

welcom to the forum when you over winter plants you dont give them any fertilizer bcz they are not in growing stage you just try your best to keep them alive till next spring
welcom to the forum when you over winter plants you dont give them any fertilizer bcz they are not in growing stage you just try your best to keep them alive till next spring

Thanks PepperLover, I've only started feeding it recently, when the weather started getting warmer again - I'm in the Southern hemisphere...
hey bro

did you re-pot it?

I let mine die back over winter, then cut them back, trim back the root ball and put them in fresh soil when it warms up.

3 year old 7 pod ME ("Mother of Evil" as i call her):

And to attach a pic...... you need a photobucket or equivelent account and post the img link

JungleRain - I've been a member for over 12 months but never posted! Thanks for the welcome! The only one growing currently is the 7 Pod, but last week I planted Tobago seasoning, Jalapeno, and tomorrow Poblano; still waiting for germination. I'm going to turn a 3 year old Birdseye into a bonsai in a couple of days too!

Hey Tony, I've been a busy boy for the last couple of years so haven't been able to log in to AHB much at all. Haven't attended a single Melbourne Brewers meeting either!

I didn't re-pot, and didn't cut it back, just left it in its pot up against a wall. I was expecting it to die and when it didn't I was mighty happy. Given I had a birdseye for over 10 years, I'm hoping I can get the 7 pod to last for years too.
If you look after them they will last a long time mate

perhaps trim it back lightly and see how it goes

Also... seasol has no nitrogen. Drop all the trace elements, and just give it a good ballanced liquid fertaliser, the yates ones are good.

I tried to add pics from photobucket, but the board gave an error message about not being able to use the file extension as it's not allowed. They were .jpg files :crazy:

I only used the Seasol as a root tonic and wetting agent, not as a fertiliser - that's what the chook poo was for. I usually use Powerfeed.

Potawie: I haven't dug them up to look, should I dig it up, clean and repot?

If you look after them they will last a long time mate

perhaps trim it back lightly and see how it goes

Also... seasol has no nitrogen. Drop all the trace elements, and just give it a good ballanced liquid fertaliser, the yates ones are good.

Good to know!
in photobucket under the pic there will be 4 different types of links.

I click on the one thats says IMG and a little "coppied" flashes up in the box containing the link.

I them just paste this into the text of the post where i want the image displyed.

stange it wont accept them......... maybe they are too big? are you resizing them?

I resize them down to about 250K

i use this program:

Josh put together this step by step tutorial on posting pictures. Hope it helps.

Potawie: I haven't dug them up to look, should I dig it up, clean and repot?

I'd try to turn the plant upside-down and gently pull the pot off to inspect the roots. This may be difficult if they are in huge pots but they could probably be potted up at the same time if needed to give more root space
Quit the espsom salt until you get some leaves. Go get some pure grass fertilizer. It's pure nitrogen fert. Make sure it isn't "weed and feed" and just add a little at a time. N is for plant growth.
Lawn fertilizer will likely burn your chile plants, too much nitrogen and most is in the form of urea. I'd recommend conservatively using fish emulsion or some aged compost or manure for nitrogen, but the plants will also need some phosphorous for root development and potassium for overall strength/vigour
Hehe, the avatar always gets a comment ;)

Potawie: it's in a terracotta pot, but I'll see what I can do today. I've got balanced ferts.

Hot Stuff: the epsom salts were added after the foliage was seen to be pale and small.

I'll have another go at some photos - the only camera I've got here is my 100mm macro SLR so getting good shots is really difficult! I could get a nice closeup no worries though :D




I'll see if I can dig up an old 28-105mm lens and get a better shot.

I just realised too, this is not the 7pod afterall, it's the Naga. Better plant a new 7 pod seed!
Pale, huh? Try some lime.

But really in your pictures they look fine to me. Just give them some time and tender loving care.
By the looks of those shots, the plant is too busy trying to put out flowers as opposed to growing healthy foliage. Not sure how you'd fix that aside from pinching off the buds as they grow.

Good luck mate.

