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Oz Summer Storms

We only got 31mm last night at my place, but some areas of Brisbane and slightly west of Brisbane got 250mm...... on the already saturated ground, that is a lot of rain.

Yeah you guys are getting a pounding up thar. I spoke too soon about the sun, bloodyraining again and the sky is looking very angry- bloody nora.

On the up side ain't life grand!!
fine & getting to 30 C here....some woman just swept away in a car from the rivers swelling after last nights deluge. Warnings going out to not drive unless absolutely necessary.
75% humidity already....another one tonight for sure. Just hooked some plastic trellis around my toms - a few were flattened last night but not broken so just propped them up again.
Chillis are all coping well...gardening by neglect has its advantages :D
I wish all you guys luck and fair weather soon. Sounds like a rough time over there. Stay dry and safe.
Bentalphanerd.... check the radar - they are on their way in already, though not much to see quite yet.


Edit - Yay!! 10 posts for me. Still some way behind those in the thousands....
dreamboat said:
Bentalphanerd.... check the radar - they are on their way in already, though not much to see quite yet.


Edit - Yay!! 10 posts for me. Still some way behind those in the thousands....

yeah - starting to get grey already.

Congrats on reaching double figures :D
Got hit again today with another bloody hail storm.

The storm came over the coal mine i was working in and me..... being lucky enough to work up in the control room..... watched the whole thing on the weather radar and a licended lightning tracker.

I rang my wife and told here there was a ripper of a storm on the way so she got the washing in and moved the plants (i keep them in pots for this reason) under a bit of cover.

The storm blew in at the best angle to blow the hail under the awning and hammer the plants.

Lots of holes in leaves, a few lost branches and flowers but they will live.

I asked her to put the one little 1 inch high 7 Pod in the garage and she did thank god. one hit and it would have been gone.

more to come all week to aparently

That sux tony. We've had 2 storm fronts go through in the last 3 hours - again the worst has passed to the west of us hitting those same poor b*'s.
I might get a box of food together tomorrow & take it out there.

Another big hit went south...How you coping billyboy?
Well Brisbane apparently copped a massive storm again last night and they say that 37000 or so houses are without power.

I still think they are even now as none of our QLD forum users have been on all day, to my knowledge? EDIT: Stillmanz is on line ;)

I hope all of them have come out of it ok... The images on the news this morning didn't look good at all.....
Last night was nothing compared to what we have had the last couple of events. Again we missed the worst of it - but it only rained for 15 or 20 mins, so I didn't even check the raingauge this morning. Hopefully no more rain for a couple of days to let things dry out a bit.

Warnings are already up for tonight.
"Emergency Management Queensland has issued an urgent storm warning, with the Bureau of Meteorology predicting hail, heavy rain, and strong winds. "

Nothing on the radar yet.
We survived ok last night although some of the lightning was a little too close for comfort (could feel vibration through the floor) - there was hail not far away.

I have to be on the road for next 3 hours ;)
We dodged a bullet of a hail storm over here recently.

Tomorrow's forecast is for rain for the first time in weeks and a high of 27*C

Warm wet weather is the plan for the next few days.

All my plants in the ground are thriving - I added Blood and Bone to the soil yesterday to balance out my soil phosphorous deficiency.
Guys hope you get your storms out of the way and the sumer is a good one,Some of that hail you have being having is terrible :hell:
I thought I had seen this question asked before but I can't find it...

do you guys down under get tornados?