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Paco's Growlog

Planning on growing. Once my heating pad comes in that is.

Jamaican Chocalate Habaneros
White Peruvian Habaneros
Orange Habaneros from Lowes
Red Habaneros
Ghost Peppers
Red Cayenne
Green Cayenne
Thai Pepper
Serrano Pepper

Going try to get some Fatalis and some Scorpion Peppers but might wait until next year.

Only question I have left is once the seeds germinate how long do you keep them on the heating pad.....

I'm a newbie at this, just doing this for my passion for eating hot peppers.
Once they sprout you want to take them off the heat, they like cooler temps then 65-70 or so. Welcome from another fairly new grower.
welcome< just my opinion here, you will have to use what works for you,your situation.I germ. my seeds in a bio-dome on heat mats set to 85*,after I get 2 sets leaves move off heat,put under grow lights.I try to maintain 80*till set out.
Sounds like a plan I will post pics once I get the heating pad set up and start logging in pics every so often for everyones experienced opinion and recommendations. Not being a smart azz just a newbie. LOL

Plus I think it will be fun to take pics of the growth process...Cant wait to eat these puppies!!!
Heat mat in place and I have my tray with 36 styrofoam cups and seed starter mix. My question is how deep in the mix do i set my seeds?
Thanks for the info on the depth of the seeds!
Now I'm trying to u;load my first photos but it's a pain. Must be trying too hard it's probably very simple. LOL

The container in the foreground in the cage we're not sure of what they are. My wife threw the dirt in this container and stored it in the shed for winter and we went and found this growing. Going to repot and see what comes about.

This is my first try at growing so many so wish me luck. Now I need to start on my Garden layout. Thinking on setting them in 2 rows about 2 to 3 feet apart so they have plenty of room to spread out. What do you guys think? Leaning towards 2 feet apart so I can get more in my garden. What ever I don't eat I will dehydrate and do some seed drying for next years crop. I give lots of peppers away to friends but I'm going to limit charity to all but my ghost peppers LOL These will be our special bunch.
To be precise the pot with all the little seedlings will be repotted. Narrowed it down to Tepin or Cayenne We'll see....
I have 50 plants and what is the recommended distance to plant these in my garden for a healthy growing area.I was leaning towards approximately 3 feet apart. What are thoughts on this
Question that has been asked thousands of times most likely. looked in the forum but may not have looked hard enough
10 days in 3 serrano, 2 red cayenne and 2 thai pepper babies have sprouted. this out of 40 seed cups i have planted. 12 of which are ghost peppers. new to growing so i have no idea how long the ghost peppers will take. being patient. woohoo lots of fun watching these puppies pop up. this is my first year growing from seed. totally enjoying this.
Ive planted all kinds of peppers as little as 1 foot apart and sometimess less and still had good production off the plants. I dont think it would be neccesary to plant them more then 18 inches apart for maximum production.


P.S. Yep im growing Serrano, Cayenne and Thai too and im in the same stage as you, ive got new sprouts popping up everyday and its awesome seeing them lil buggers pop up. Yep be patient man, im still having seedlings pop up after 22 days germinating and still counting, probably more gonna pop up too.
3 feet is good. I wouldn't go less if you need to walk between them. I space mine 30 inches in a raised bed and it gets pretty full, but I can reach everything from the outside.