PART 2 Guess the weight and the length contest CLOSED

Just to make sure on this second contest, the winners in the previous are excluded, sorry guys.  I want someone new to win.
Randkev, I need your address for LDHS and for Sicman.
Again congrats, and good luck
Alright, I'm going to bed, contest ends 10pm PST. Y??? Because I have to go to work tomorrow :banghead:
Glad to hear Madison Emiliah came out safe and healthy congrats!!.

I have a 9 month old girl and she's my first. I stayed up for nearly 3 days and that moment when I heard her first cry was just priceless. She weighted in at 5lbs and 17in. She was small but very healthy.

Thanks for this giveaway, I been having bad luck with this weather and plants dying and some hanging in there I thought I wasn't gonna get any pods, but this made my day. Thanks King!

, Walter