beer Passow Homebrews Beer believe it was Austin Powers!

*bag of walnuts, bag of walnuts.......hmmmm*

Ah well! No matter. Alas, that train has sailed......
Grown your own Hops,Indeed Respect for that..Cannot wait to the results of this fine brew of yours I.G :)
talas said:
Grown your own Hops,Indeed Respect for that..Cannot wait to the results of this fine brew of yours I.G :)
Nope, haven't grown my own hops yet, that's next year. Those hops came off a vine that Willoughby Brewing Company has growing. The brewer gave me his blessing to snag some.
Well, just took a sample with my wine theaf and am getting it down to 60 degrees for the hydromitor reading. I'll take one more tomarrow and if it hasn't drastically changed I'll bottle it.
Well, it reads 1.012....we'll see what it has to say a taste of what's to come!

: sips out of test cylinder :

Very crisp taste with a slight hop presence! WOW! This is really good!

I'll name it "Passows Centennial Brunet"
Just bottled....mwahahahahaha!!!!!!!
Well, just found out it only takes 3 days to carbinate beer....So Sunday I'll be cracking one open...possably for breakfest...

Now's the stage that I satrt worring. Did I mix the priming sugar well enough? Are they going to blow up? Did some get too much suagr? Did I leave the dog in the microwave? AM I sure it was done fermenting? Why the hell did I make a beer that was 2.7% abv?
JayT said:
2.7 Whaaaaa????? Well, I guess you'll have to use them to sober up.
Ya, it's a light beer, :lol: . I didn't have enough fermentable sugars when I started I guess. Definitly going to start using Belgiun candi....