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Passow Pequins: They live!!

Hey ya'll once again from the big dry ditch here in Las Vegas. IGG/Passow sent me some seeds from his high altitude (over 12 foot high) pequins prior to his move to Ohio last year. I have a total of 7 plants, all about 2 feet high and fairly bushy. A couple of the plants have about 50 peppers and another 50 blossoms each. One runt has only 10 peppers and another 20 blossoms. They are now big enough to photo and took a couple pics for those here on THP to talk amongst themselves. Example topic: "Are the pequins ready for alien mutant cow probing?"

Here are the pics.


Cheers ya'll, TB.
Been my second Best grower this year and the pods are still growing and have more flowers,Fantastic plant the Pequin and that looks nice and healthy..I.G any pictures of the original ? :oops:
Hey ya'll, here's some pics of the plants to get some perspective...




Cheers ya'll, TB.
DevilDuck said:
Mine never sprouted......
You'll get another batch. You got the Piqranno and TB got the Piquins.

talas said:
Been my second Best grower this year and the pods are still growing and have more flowers,Fantastic plant the Pequin and that looks nice and healthy..I.G any pictures of the original ? ;)

Somewhere around here...I'm having a problem with my site right now....will have to post later.
ABurningMouth said:
Wow all 7 of those plants (in pic 98) look different.

ABM...yes there are some dissimilarities amongst the 7 plants but overall the peppers themselves are close. I have colors on some varying from almost black to green to yellow. Some are rounded and others have the pointy pequinish look. On one plant this morning when I took the latest pics, I counted 78 pequins and another 40 blossoms. I am quite pleased at this point. I gotta' give at least 1/2 the credit to Passow for the seeds. I did eat one the other day and the heat is very nice. I'd say somewhere in the middle between a serrano and an orange hab. The heat is very up front but doesn't linger too long. I am certainly going to save seed and the bulk of the harvest will go into sauce.

Cheers, TB.
DevilDuck said:
Mine never sprouted......

DD, when I harvest, I'll pm you and hook a brother up with some seed. I gotta' say also that I didn't start them in little pots but I tossed seeds into the containers in the pics, culled out the runts and saved the most promising. So far, so good.

Cheers, TB.
Awesome. So much love for the pequin around here this year :) I like the shape of the pods, nice and long for a pequin.

You should have no problem over-wintering those things in vegas, just chop them to the ground once the weather makes them look dead. I don't even bother bringing mine inside over the winter where I live. Next year you'll be up to your elbows in pequins, they get pretty massive their second year.
I got these seeds from a few pepeprs that I grabbed from a 7 foot tall plant at a hydroponics store well over 5 years ago and kept breeding them myself. They get huge every time I grow them.
texas blues said:
ABM...yes there are some dissimilarities amongst the 7 plants but overall the peppers themselves are close. I have colors on some varying from almost black to green to yellow. Some are rounded and others have the pointy pequinish look.
Cheers, TB.
I love the diversity of all the plants I get from every seed. And all the seeds from every plant that I grew. I have about 25-30 variations of one kind of mother plant growing right now and I love each of them. I grew a bunch of different kinds close together, but I know who the parents are...I think.
Having all the superhots growing in people's backyards with Datils, Habs, and Fatallis is going to result in some flavorful peppers. I love the new possibilities when you bring together 2 different kinds from opposite sides of the world and foreign climates.
PRF's 7-pod is so brainy looking that I would love to see it crossed with anything.
7 plants you are goingto be up to your eyeballs with piquins once they start they dont stop -- My passow piquins got over 7ft and just kep producing even after a few frosts -- very good pepper and very versatile
dang man, those are over 8 feet tall...