• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

Passow Retires From TheHotPepper.com

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Due to recent policy changes here on the forum I am saddened to say I can no longer, in good conscience, be a part of this community.

I’ve been a long standing member of this site and have thoroughly enjoyed the time spent and effort put into it. I love you all very dearly and will sorely miss the fun and joy that you all brought into my life.

I would like to keep up with everyone here so feel free to contact me through this link which will provide you my email. Just be sure to mention your screen name so I know who I’m talking to (I don’t recognize everyone’s email ;) ).

For the next day or so I will stay online collecting emails (to the industry folks here, don’t be offended if I don’t PM you for your email, I will contact you through your websites) and then I will ride off into the sunset.

17,224 posts over 3 and a half years. It’s been a long ride, goodbye.
NOooooo now whose avatar should I use ??? -- Heyyyyyy JayT where are youuuuu .....

Sorry to see you go -- wont be the same - not sure of the policies in which you refer but it must be for a good reason ... So long little buddy ..
Noooooooo....don't leave us man...

WTH Jon, what happened?

THP without Passow is like Reese's without Peanut Butter...just not the same.

I'm stunned by this development dude! You're not serious are you? Can't imagine this forum without you - who am I gonna have my weird and whacked out conversations with?
Jon if it wasn't for you i wouldn't know to fear cows, enjoy pie, ride a donkey.... oh the list goes on and on and on.

I say nix to the supposed policy changes, i will miss you like i missed my teddy bear after i napalmed him, goodbye Passow :cry:
Nope, no new policy changes. The mods have been getting PMs for a week now and can attest to the following. He disagrees with some mod decisions and had repeatedly said it is because there is a cop as a moderator. I told him that's BS, the mod decisions he was talking about were joint decisions, and it went through me as well. If thehotpepper.com wants to remove a thread we can remove a thread. See that little check box when you register that says we can delete or edit a thread at any time? Nope no policy change, always been there.

Sorry to see you go. It's really silly you would leave over this.

Yes guys, he is serious. He said he was going to take a few days to decide if he was leaving.

Wish you well.
Well, I for one hope he's not going to let an internet sqaubble lose him the company of the many friends he has here.

Jeez, I'm likely much worse a PITA than IGGY, and I'm still here.

I don't fit in at any other chilehead site, or I woulda joined them instead. Yea, I trawled HZO, HSB, etc for years before I joined here.

Hell, if it was REALLY that bad, I'd start my own forum. I have the tools to do so.

But, I don't. I like it here.
Bye Bye Passow!!!!!

Is sad to see you cut you nose off to spite your face but I guess you have to do what you have to do.........Life, and this forum will move on!!!
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