I know, this thread fails without pics but tough nookies, I don't have the camera this week. I'm brewing twice this week (within two days of each other) and both are pumpkin beers.
Yesturday I brewed my pumpkin ale (I'll post the ingredents soon). I used 5.5 pounds of Pie Pumpkin (fresh and roasted) and lost about a half a gallon due to sediment in the boil kettle. All the sediment plugged up my drain spout so I had to use my racking cane to get the wort out.
What's interesting about this one is after it's done fermenting I'm going to bottle about 2 gallons and the rest is going into a large pumpkin to age for a week. Should be a fun experiment!
Tomarrow's brew is Passow's Geraucht Kürbis Pförtner (Smoked Pumpkin Porter). Should be interesting. It's either going to be amazing or total crap
Yesturday I brewed my pumpkin ale (I'll post the ingredents soon). I used 5.5 pounds of Pie Pumpkin (fresh and roasted) and lost about a half a gallon due to sediment in the boil kettle. All the sediment plugged up my drain spout so I had to use my racking cane to get the wort out.
What's interesting about this one is after it's done fermenting I'm going to bottle about 2 gallons and the rest is going into a large pumpkin to age for a week. Should be a fun experiment!
Tomarrow's brew is Passow's Geraucht Kürbis Pförtner (Smoked Pumpkin Porter). Should be interesting. It's either going to be amazing or total crap