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Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

I know it sounds strange, but the new hab and the older hab had a nice growth spurt last night. the older hab is finally growing up and out. Nice bright green stems and leaves and a good looking little flower. the chocohab just looks flat out tough. the bhuts look the same, which is better than looking like crap.

i brought home some groovy mulch today and gave all the pots a good helping. i missed the rose bush, but it was 107 degrees out there according to the temp from my car. I'll get it later. ;)
Fine...I had problems with my neighbors cat urinating in my front flower bed last year...It was harvest time so I ground up some orange hab (made powder out of it) and sprinkled it all on the ground behind the boxwood where he was going...there was a heavy dew the next morning and when I got home from work, the cat was frothing at the mouth on the front stoop of the neighbors house...I figure the heavy dew caused the powder to stick to its paws and when it was cleaning itself....umhuh...dang thats hot...
AlabamaJack said:
Fine...I had problems with my neighbors cat urinating in my front flower bed last year...It was harvest time so I ground up some orange hab (made powder out of it) and sprinkled it all on the ground behind the boxwood where he was going...there was a heavy dew the next morning and when I got home from work, the cat was frothing at the mouth on the front stoop of the neighbors house...I figure the heavy dew caused the powder to stick to its paws and when it was cleaning itself....umhuh...dang thats hot...
Nice! I hava little concoction steeping right now consisting of hab, jolokia, and more hab, and some extract, and some dried hab. If i had any Death Rain Nitro, that'd in there. I'm gonna strain it good and spray all around where i've seen the evil long haired couch rat.
All pepper plants have very obviously grown at least another inch. The chocolate hab is looking to hold the title thus far cuz it's just doubled in size since Saturday. The bhuts look to have doubled as well.

Now...can i or should worry about cross polinating? Can i prevent it?
fineexampl said:
Now...can i or should worry about cross polinating? Can i prevent it?

There are several threads that talk about cross pollination...just do a search for detailed information...

If you are not worried about keeping the seed strain "pure", then there is no problem. If you decide you want to save "pure strain" seeds from what you are growing, there are several methods you can use...like I said above, just do a search....people use anything from distance between plants to putting empty teabags over the flowers.
AlabamaJack said:
There are several threads that talk about cross pollination...just do a search for detailed information...

If you are not worried about keeping the seed strain "pure", then there is no problem. If you decide you want to save "pure strain" seeds from what you are growing, there are several methods you can use...like I said above, just do a search....people use anything from distance between plants to putting empty teabags over the flowers.
Teabags?! that's pretty clever. What if i staked a couple of poles in the ground and put a net between? This is new territory for me.
1.- AJ the cat story was HILARIOUS!!:lol:
2.- I'm investing in some really good HID grow lights for this winter so those will be the seeds that I keep for growing again. I figure if I have to pollinate them myself they'll be pure.:)
3.- Nice looking plants there!!:cool:
rabbit said:
1.- AJ the cat story was HILARIOUS!!:lol:
2.- I'm investing in some really good HID grow lights for this winter so those will be the seeds that I keep for growing again. I figure if I have to pollinate them myself they'll be pure.:)
3.- Nice looking plants there!!:cool:
Thanks! They look better today!

Should i pinch back the buds on my hab?? It's startign to flower and is barely 8" tall. :?:
fineexampl said:
Thanks! They look better today!

Should i pinch back the buds on my hab?? It's startign to flower and is barely 8" tall. :?:

Honestly, I wouldn't know the answer to that one. I've never had them bud that quickly. I'm not sure what the benefits are either way. All I know is that bud's turn into peppers!!:D
rabbit said:
Honestly, I wouldn't know the answer to that one. I've never had them bud that quickly. I'm not sure what the benefits are either way. All I know is that bud's turn into peppers!!:D
With herbs, such as basil for instance, you pinch back all the buds to stimulate growth both upward and outward. This guy is SHORT as heck with tiny buds. It just doesn't make sense so far. i'm so confused. :lol:
fineexampl said:
With herbs, such as basil for instance, you pinch back all the buds to stimulate growth both upward and outward. This guy is SHORT as heck with tiny buds. It just doesn't make sense so far. i'm so confused. :lol:

Maybe it's eager to reproduce. You may have one with teenage syndrome. In other words they want to, but it may not be right yet:lol:
in another thread, Potawie said he pinches the annuums but not the chinenese...