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Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

AlabamaJack said:
in another thread, Potawie said he pinches the annuums but not the chinenese...
i suppose i'll leave it. it's just the one plant.

what are thoughts on things like growth stimulators and/or flowering stimulators? i've only been reading support for flowering stimulators.
ALL of my plants are doing very well. the orange or red (unknown) hab is budding like crazy, but not much height going on yet. the chocolate hab is getting VERY large. I like the soil mix i bought. It's very soft and has lots of good earthy bits in it too. the nagas seem to be extremely happy with tons of new shoots popping up.

in the non-pepper growth, all herbs are doing fine. the genovese basil is in a bad spot. i think it's getting too much water is all. my tomato plant is gorgeous and bright green with tons of flowers and buds. i expect an early harvest on this puppy. i guess it likes it's new pot. my stevia transplant was successful and it's also doing well.

i'll have some pics tomorrow sometime. I gave the kids their fertilizer today. i expect they will enjoy it.
Awesome growth spurt! The bhuts doubled in size, as did the chocolate hab and other hab. Also got my first tomato of the season that appeared since Sat when i left for my trip. My herbs are doing well and my basil is out of control. My struggling thyme plant doubled in size this weekend as well.

The patio is growing harmoniously and fast! I hope to have my first pepper by this time next month, but i'm patient. Here are some now pics to compare to the old ones.

first two are the habanero, it's either orange or red. No way for me to know.


Chocolate Hab

Bhut jolokia
Great looking...Healthy plants!!! I too have a tiny tomato that I'm hoping grows especially since I thought it was a beef steak variety.
your plants look very very healthy and happy fine....

question...how much sun do they get each day?
AlabamaJack said:
your plants look very very healthy and happy fine....

question...how much sun do they get each day?
They get indirect sunlight much of the day with a full blast for a few hours in the later part of the morning around noon when the sun passes by. They get minimal shade, but do have a cooler part to their day. I believe they are facing east, so as the sun rises over my building they get direct sun as long as it takes for it to pass over. Than it's indirect light until the evening.

Has anyone trained peppers? When i grew something that wasn't legal, i had to hide it and keep it at a certain height. What i did was train the stems and branches to grow in different shapes while the growth was young and supple. As it matured, it held the shape and grew that way on it's own. I had plants that "naturally" grew into S shapes. Advantage was that what would have been 6ft tall ended up being only around 4ft tall.
fineexampl said:
In this pic it goes spicy globe basil - thai basil - genovese basil. My question is this; has anyone grown a plant so close to another that one of the plants began taking on characteristics of the neighboring plant? I'd swear the spicy globe was trying to grow to the leave size and formation of the thai basil. They smell similar as well (kinda anisette-ish).

That spicy globe is a cool little plant. Very tender stems, but solid structure and feels really soft and the smell is awesome and sweet. I think i'll toss some in with some tonight's dinner. :)
Pepperfreak said:
They really are looking healthy...BTW, looks like you've got my car keys...LOL I was wondering where they got off to.:lol:
Another V-Dub owner? Cool. :cool: My car is another love of mine.

I wonder...the newest leaves on the peppers seem to be wrinkly. They're bright green and full it seems, but have taken on a wrinkly appearance. I can't find any signs of an infestation. Could this be a nutrient deficiency or simply something to do with the sudden growth spurt?:?: I'm perplexed.

Another tomato showed it's little head today. At least one of my plants is bearing fruit. I'm hoping it motivates the peppers. :) My habanero (the unknown variety one) has buds growing all the time, but no viable flowers and no fruit. Any ideas anybody?
And in case anyone is wondering, the dark brown stuff in the shots is old coffee grounds courtesy of Fourbucks. I also have used my old tea leaves (red, black, and green).
So i've added seaweed to my fert regimen. i'm sure it'll help.

I've had potawie's wrinkled leaves. apparently the culprit was either mites or aphids. i removed the seemingly only infected leaf and gave all thhe peppers a good dousing in neem oil. i'll repeat this day after tomorrow. The plants look good otherwise.

2 questions to go with these other pics...

1: what is that fly on my tomato plant? is that a lacewing fly or other bug?

2. why are my parsley plants attracting caterpillars? should i get rid of my parsley?? help me on this. this is a new pest for me. they laughed at the neem oil.



wow. my pics suck.

to clarify...

pic 1 a horrible shot of a tiny winged fly thing on my mater. seemed harmless. not sure. damn my cam sucks.

pic 2: shriveled new growth and found some pests on one lower leaf. either mites or aphids.

pic 3 and 4: pics of the yellow and black caterpillars on my parsley
Well i think i found some answers here.


Apparently some black swallowtail caterpillars aka parsley worms or carrot worms have taken up refuge in my parsley.

apparently these little pests turn into this:

Should i let these little guys munch away? According to * http://melanys.tripod.com/black_swallowtail.htm * they don't feed on anything else i'm growing. I may just move them off to the corner as i dont think i could eat this parsley anymore.
I found a big green caterpillar in the greenhouse today, he'd made a comfy bed in a Gerbera plant but he hadn't touched any of the chilli plants, he hadn't even damaged the Gerbera. I took the plant out anyway just in case, he looked dead cosy all wrapped up in the leaf like a duvet and then he vanished from the Gerbera leaving a little hole.
rainbowberry said:
I found a big green caterpillar in the greenhouse today, he'd made a comfy bed in a Gerbera plant but he hadn't touched any of the chilli plants, he hadn't even damaged the Gerbera. I took the plant out anyway just in case, he looked dead cosy all wrapped up in the leaf like a duvet and then he vanished from the Gerbera leaving a little hole.
this is new to me though. i've had problems with beetles, aphids, spider mites, storms, but never caterpillars. And they're big too, almost 2in long. They're about to make their change soon on a few of them. Since they don't eat other plants, should i leave them as a biology experiment??

Aside from koalas, i think this would be the cutest infestation ever.