• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2013

We are starting the New Year with a little run of freezing weather; lows in the 25˚F range at night.

1/1/13 - Soaked seeds 24+ hours, put into seed starting mix (BG, peat and perlite mix). The temp in the grow shelf about 72 degrees, the dome trays about 84 degrees.




Here's the seed and overwinter list for this season:

OW greenhouse plants. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant:

Explosive Ember, c. annuum (THSC)​
NuMex Twilight, c. annuum (CPI from Ken/Siliman)​
Black Pearl, c. annuum (THSC)​
Goat's Weed, c. annuum (Shane/Stc3248)​
Bushy Peruvian Market Yellow Aji, c. baccatum
Red Manzano, c. pubescens (Shane)​
Wild Texas Tepin, c. annuum (THSC)​
(?) Wild Brazil c. baccatum var. praetermissum (Shane)​
Fatali, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Ghost Pepper, c. chinense (Robin/Spankycolts P)​
Chocolate Habanero, c. chinense (Refining Fire), also 2 in #1 pots​
'Red' Habanero, c. chinense (Lily Miller) - orange pods​
Peach Habanero, c. chinense (Fernando/SocalChilihead)​
Congo Trinidad, c. chinense (Peppermania)​

Seeds for this season. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant,

H = my pod harvest OP, * = repeat from 2012:​

*Costeño Amarillo, c. annuum (Fernando) H​
*Chiltepin, c.annuum (CPI)
*Marconi Rosso, c. annuum (Hume Organic)​
*Tepin cross, c. annuum (Shane) H​
*Tepin 15, c. annuum (Shane) H​
*Orange Rocoto, c. pubescens (Peppermania) H​
Devil's Tongue, c. chinense (USHotStuff)​
Yellow Seven, c. chinense (Trippa)​
*Naga Morich, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
*Bih Jolokia, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Bonda Ma Jacques, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Bahamian Goat, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Congo Trinidad Yellow, c. chinense (Pia/Sanarda pod)​
*Congo Trinidad Red, c. chinense (Peppermania) H​
*Red Habanero, c. chinense (CPI)​
Jamaican Red Habanero, c. chinense (Ferry Morse)​
Red Savina, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Jamaican Red Mushroom, c. chinense (Refining Fire)​
Peruvian White Habanero, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Orange Habanero, c. chinense (CPI)​
*Fatali/Savina, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
*Pointed Yellow Habanero, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Scotch Bonnet MoA, c. chinense (Steve)​
Scotch Bonnet TFM, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Yellow Scotch Bonnet, c. chinense (Refining Fire)​
*Giant White Habanero, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
wow you even know their birthdays... i lost track of mine due to always sowing.. dont know which batch is which
Blue masking tape and black sharpie markers work wonders!

Nice update, Paul. Those plants look so green and lush. It's amazing the difference good soil makes. I've been using Sungro Mixes #1 and #4 (with amendments) and have been quite pleased with the results relative to what I had last year when I was on the steep part of the learning curve. The little greenhouse made my entire grow possible. I can really imaging how much more it would help in your climate.

Ajis and Rocotos are coming along! Love that shot of your Pointed Yellow Hab. I'm growing that one, too, from seed I got from a pod you sent me. Really looking forward to growing it out. I posted a pic of the Orange Rocoto sprout in my glog that I grew from the seed you sent me.

EDIT: Almost forgot to say, I love those clear cocktail cups for seedlings. It's great being able to see the rootball!
Right on for the One Stop Gardens greenhouse! Glad to hear
that your Ajis and Rocotos are gettin' it on for ya. The Pointed
Yellow Habs are a great little pepper.
wow you even know their birthdays... i lost track of mine due to always sowing.. dont know which batch is which
Blue masking tape and a sharpie black marker work wonders for my feeble memory!

Nice update, Paul. Those plants look so green and lush. It's amazing the difference good soil makes. I've been using Sungro Mixes #1 and #4 (with amendments) and have been quite pleased with the results relative to what I had last year when I was on the steep part of the learning curve. The little greenhouse made my entire grow possible. I can really imagine how much more it would help in your climate.

Ajis and Rocotos are coming along! Love that shot of your Pointed Yellow Hab. I'm growing that one, too, from seed I got from a pod you sent me. Really looking forward to growing it out. I posted a pic of the Orange Rocoto sprout in my glog that I grew from the seed you sent me.

EDIT: Almost forgot to say, I love those clear cocktail cups for seedlings. It's great being able to see the rootball! That is a nice feature, for sure.
I'm glad to hear that the little greenhouse has worked out well for
you, Brent. Not a bad investment! I figure my amortized cost is
about 50 bucks a year at this point, and getting cheaper! Make
that $75 if we count the new roof panel capital investment : ) !

Sounds like your grow is in full swing, brother!
and that the seeds I sent actually germinated for you. I'll try to get
over to your glogand check out the progress!

All's I can say is well done.

Note my sig, it's from looking at good grows :P


edit: poor typing:)
Thanks, Scott. There are some stunning and spectacular grow schemes
on this forum, indeed. You came to the right place to learn peppers! I
sometimes wish I had a few acres to work with like some of the larger
growers, but my little grow shelf seems to keep me quite busy! Good
luck with your grow season, brother!

Looking great Paul!! You will be more than happy with those Naga Morich's once they start podding. I have been super impressed with mine and how productive it us and its only in a 1.5 litre pot!! (I know they are not the same genetics as yours but I think its is a general trait for that variety). Onward and upward brother!!
The Naga's are one of my favorite plants, Tristen! Very productive in our
climate, and HOT! The bush and growth habit is really similar to the Bih
Jolokia. I'm growing both again this year. Your seeds produced some
awesome plants for me, buddy! I am looking forward to trying the pods
very much.
Looking good. My peppers in their 18 pot tray is starting to crowd each other (first pot ups) and I could use a greenhouse I think. Except it is 30 degrees here now lol.

I still got a few more shelves to play with in the grow room so I should make it another month and half.

Love your variety of peppers. Kind of jealous of the ones you got up that I didn't even get to germ though.

Keep up the good growing my friend.
I see all is well in NW Pacific chileland! That Naga Morich and the Bahamian goat looks outstanding!
Hey, Steve! Both are doing well. Thanks for the visit.
Many of the other plants are growing fast, too.
Good ol' Fox Farms and a little kelp foliar spray!
The Scotch Bonnet MoA is still a slow grower, but I
moved it out to the greenhouse for a change of scenery.
Maybe that will perk it up a little.

WOW just got up on the glog from page 13 paul you my friend have some wonderful plants keep up the good work.
Thanks, Tyler. Have been lucky so far. The main problem is they
are crowding each other in the grow shelf! I'll have to move a few
more to the greenhouse in the next few days.

Looking good. My peppers in their 18 pot tray is starting to crowd each other (first pot ups) and I could use a greenhouse I think. Except it is 30 degrees here now lol.

I still got a few more shelves to play with in the grow room so I should make it another month and half.

Love your variety of peppers. Kind of jealous of the ones you got up that I didn't even get to germ though.

Keep up the good growing my friend.
Howdy, Bodeen! It would have to be a pretty awesome greenhouse
to keep 'em alive at 30 without a heater of some kind!
Sounds like your plants are doing great. You will need the extra
grow shelf room!
Getting seeds to germinate can be a pain sometimes. Even when they
germinate they can just flat out be puny no matter what one does.

Thanks for visiting, everybody; hope your grows are proceeding apace.

Here are some pics of the Manznano pods on the OW plant in the greenhouse.
The dark spots are the remnants of the very dark green coloration. I'm not sure
if it's my imagination, but those areas seem to be lightening up a little. I will
wait a few more days and see what happens before I harvest them. The pods
look a bit yellower in real life, and the dark spots not quite so red:


The nodes at the very bottom of the trunk are starting to put out some new growth:
Hi Paul, It's awsome that you're about to pick a few Manzanos and the other babies are jostling to get out of the nest. Good thing you have a greenhouse to take the overflow...

Out of the 30 or so Pubiscens seeds I started, i finally got one Red Rocoto to pop. It's only an inch high yet, and has one set of true leaves, but they're definitely hairy.
Hey Paul, great looking plants and pods as well. Will definitely be trying some Manzanos next season... they look great. It's going to go quick from here ;)
Paul, those plants of yours are going to be monsters. They're looking great and you have some really great growth on them. Mine have been outside from the git go and they're no where near that big. Good on ya, Brother!
Just caught up on your glog- still have to go back and check out the clone info. Great pods on the pubes.

We almost did that same cruise this winter. We ended up changing to one out of Galveston going to Roatan, Belize and Cozumel. I didn't find any pods while we were there. There were about 800 Cajuns/zydeco fans on the ship with us. They were lots of fun!

I also do a lot of genealogy. I have been able to get some lines back pretty far. Others, not so much. Since I was adopted and then found my birth parents I have done those trees as well. I even got pics from "cousins" of my greats and grands- amazing to see the same features in myself and the kids.

Those clear plastic soup containers are a fantastic idea. I cant believe I didnt think of that before. Thanks Paul I could probably gather thousands of those with all the soup I eat. FANTASTIC :dance: :doh:
Hi Paul, It's awsome that you're about to pick a few Manzanos and the other babies are jostling to get out of the nest. Good thing you have a greenhouse to take the overflow...

Out of the 30 or so Pubiscens seeds I started, i finally got one Red Rocoto to pop. It's only an inch high yet, and has one set of true leaves, but they're definitely hairy.
Just picked the two manzanos today. Glad to hear you
have at least one rocoto to germinate for you, Rick.
All my plants went out to the greenhouse today.

Nice Paul...I think that Manzano is about done cooking! The burn on that thing will surprise you...not the hottest pod out there, but it'll burn for a LONG time. Can't wait to see your chili oasis once you get them out in the sun...
Thanks, Shane.
They were definitely ripe; the seeds just fell out of one of them.
Very little heat in the dish I made with them, though. Great flavor.

I'm doing back flips ... great Manzano pods, I'm sure you're stoked ... awesome success!
Thanks, Ramon. Those pods were a looooong time ripening!

Can't beat OW pods this early!
No kidding! Those pods set late last Fall when I put the plant
into the greenhouse, so they were about 4 months or so! I was
amazed they survived the winter, actually.

Hey Paul, great looking plants and pods as well. Will definitely be trying some Manzanos next season... they look great. It's going to go quick from here ;)
Thanks, Lourens! Good luck with the manzanos/rocotos
if you decide to give them a go.
You're right; it's about time to seriously consider potting up to gallons,

Paul, those plants of yours are going to be monsters. They're looking great and you have some really great growth on them. Mine have been outside from the git go and they're no where near that big. Good on ya, Brother!
So far, so good, Bill. Once that warm Florida sun gets rollin',
your plants will leave us PNWers in the dust!

Just caught up on your glog- still have to go back and check out the clone info. Great pods on the pubes.

We almost did that same cruise this winter. We ended up changing to one out of Galveston going to Roatan, Belize and Cozumel. I didn't find any pods while we were there. There were about 800 Cajuns/zydeco fans on the ship with us. They were lots of fun!

I also do a lot of genealogy. I have been able to get some lines back pretty far. Others, not so much. Since I was adopted and then found my birth parents I have done those trees as well. I even got pics from "cousins" of my greats and grands- amazing to see the same features in myself and the kids.

Thanks for visiting, Michelle. Hope the clone stuff is useful to you.
We had to ask in a bar/restaurant if they had any spare hot peppers,
as we never saw a market.

The genealogy stuff is interesting, for sure. Cool that you were able to
trace the lineage of your birth parents. God luck finding even more stuff.

Those clear plastic soup containers are a fantastic idea. I cant believe I didnt think of that before. Thanks Paul I could probably gather thousands of those with all the soup I eat. FANTASTIC :dance: :doh:
They work great. And they are very stable, which is a short coming for the party cups.
The Congo Trinidad Yellow is really growing! Pics soon, I promise.

lots of catching up! I feel your pain, Sic! looking good my man.
Thanks, buddy. hope all is well down Florida way.

These one or two little pics is not feeding my need...... Just saying!
Okay, Pia, these will have to do for now!

Plant's eye view of the grow shelf:

First pod of the 2013 season; Marconi Rosso:

Last pods of the 2012 grow season! Manzano pods:

Seeds came out readily:

All cleaned out:

There were quite a few seeds:

Manzanos soaked in cold water, sugar and a little vinegar, babybel cheese, slice of hard boiled egg, our peruvian friends relleno stuffing yum, one beaten egg:

Stuff the peppers and layer the ingredients:

Bake 15 minutes at 350:

Very flavorful and hearty. Not much heat, but a great dish.