• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2013

We are starting the New Year with a little run of freezing weather; lows in the 25˚F range at night.

1/1/13 - Soaked seeds 24+ hours, put into seed starting mix (BG, peat and perlite mix). The temp in the grow shelf about 72 degrees, the dome trays about 84 degrees.




Here's the seed and overwinter list for this season:

OW greenhouse plants. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant:

Explosive Ember, c. annuum (THSC)​
NuMex Twilight, c. annuum (CPI from Ken/Siliman)​
Black Pearl, c. annuum (THSC)​
Goat's Weed, c. annuum (Shane/Stc3248)​
Bushy Peruvian Market Yellow Aji, c. baccatum
Red Manzano, c. pubescens (Shane)​
Wild Texas Tepin, c. annuum (THSC)​
(?) Wild Brazil c. baccatum var. praetermissum (Shane)​
Fatali, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Ghost Pepper, c. chinense (Robin/Spankycolts P)​
Chocolate Habanero, c. chinense (Refining Fire), also 2 in #1 pots​
'Red' Habanero, c. chinense (Lily Miller) - orange pods​
Peach Habanero, c. chinense (Fernando/SocalChilihead)​
Congo Trinidad, c. chinense (Peppermania)​

Seeds for this season. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant,

H = my pod harvest OP, * = repeat from 2012:​

*Costeño Amarillo, c. annuum (Fernando) H​
*Chiltepin, c.annuum (CPI)
*Marconi Rosso, c. annuum (Hume Organic)​
*Tepin cross, c. annuum (Shane) H​
*Tepin 15, c. annuum (Shane) H​
*Orange Rocoto, c. pubescens (Peppermania) H​
Devil's Tongue, c. chinense (USHotStuff)​
Yellow Seven, c. chinense (Trippa)​
*Naga Morich, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
*Bih Jolokia, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Bonda Ma Jacques, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Bahamian Goat, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Congo Trinidad Yellow, c. chinense (Pia/Sanarda pod)​
*Congo Trinidad Red, c. chinense (Peppermania) H​
*Red Habanero, c. chinense (CPI)​
Jamaican Red Habanero, c. chinense (Ferry Morse)​
Red Savina, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Jamaican Red Mushroom, c. chinense (Refining Fire)​
Peruvian White Habanero, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Orange Habanero, c. chinense (CPI)​
*Fatali/Savina, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
*Pointed Yellow Habanero, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Scotch Bonnet MoA, c. chinense (Steve)​
Scotch Bonnet TFM, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Yellow Scotch Bonnet, c. chinense (Refining Fire)​
*Giant White Habanero, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Hey Paul, haven't seen ya around much. Stopped by for a walk through the garden. Everything's looking good Brother. Keep them updates coming, I love goi g for a walk through your back yard.
Hey Paul, haven't seen ya around much. Stopped by for a walk through the garden. Everything's looking good Brother. Keep them updates coming, I love goi g for a walk through your back yard.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Everything looks great! I wish I could say the weather was being kind....another round of ruthless thunderstorms tonight coming our way. 
Hey, Chris.  Sorry to hear about the cruddy weather.  We are having our
usual late Spring rounds of alternating cloudy-and-raining, sunny and
warm weeks.  The plants get going pretty good and then just stall out
for a while.  I just hope they are building a good root system while they
aren't doing much up top!
I did manage to get all the first round of plants into their outdoor containers,
so they get whatever they get!
Hope you are dodging the hailstones with the thunderstorms.  At least we
haven't got any hail, yet.
annie57 said:
@ Chris, not gonna "like this" as rains finally left after some . . . well, flooding.
Plants look amazing Paul, flowers, little pods = wonderful! Love those air-root-pruning R-pouches and "Mychorrizae with Humic Acid and some more Dry Molasses"--a man after my heart!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
Thanks a million, Annie.  The pouches are working out pretty well; they do
need an eye toward watering in hot or windy weather, but a good water-retaining
planting medium helps a lot; I'm using equal parts peat, pumice and soil/compost.
I hope the mycos and such are really helping.  It males me feel good to give them
to the plants  ;)
I hope the flooding wasn't too bad for you.  Seems like the weather has been crazy this year!
Good luck with the rest of your season, Annie.
Devv said:
Good to see you back online.
Your babies are flourishing! As usual ;)
Have a great weekend!
Hey, Scott. I haven't been a very good forum citizen lately, but thanks
for the encouragement!  Just haven't been spending a lot of time on-line.
Plants are holding on in the current wet, cloudy cycle.  Hopefully some
warm sun will see them flourishing once again!
Hope your grow is going well.
DocNrock said:
Lovin' the updates, Paul.  Keep 'em coming.  Looks like you have been quite busy up there.  Plants are looking superb. 
In answer to your question, yes, my g-house is empty of plants, as well.  Just have gardening tools, ferts, spare pots, etc. filling the space now.
Thanks, Brent;  I know they are few and far between.  I have all the gallon
plants planted out for better or worse, and the second and third round of
seedlings are back in the greenhouse due to the cool weather.  When we
get a nice day, I will take some pics for an update.  Thanks for being patient!
Hope your plants are still lookin' awesome and are kickin' out pods for you!
RocketMan said:
Hey Paul, haven't seen ya around much. Stopped by for a walk through the garden. Everything's looking good Brother. Keep them updates coming, I love goi g for a walk through your back yard.
Howdy, Bill!  Have been kind of scarce, I know.  Have been busy.
 I'm online today since we are inthe middle of two inches of rain in
the past 18 hours.  The plants are sayin' "What?"  Will get up some
yard shots as soon as we get some more nice weather.
Good luck with the rest of your own grow!
Paul, hope the rain let's up ... we're in the middle of a lot down here too, while I love da sky water and so do the girls, too much isn't a good thing. Hope you keep dry and looking forward to seeing the updated pics when it stops raining. Have a great Friday and weekend mon!
Hey Paul! Just wanted to let you know that some of the pods on the Omnicolors from your seeds are starting to ripen. I have one that's turning orange, and I have no doubt there'll be more soon. Cheers!
WalkGood said:
Paul, hope the rain let's up ... we're in the middle of a lot down here too, while I love da sky water and so do the girls, too much isn't a good thing. Hope you keep dry and looking forward to seeing the updated pics when it stops raining. Have a great Friday and weekend mon!
Been raining for about 2 hours - almost 1/2 inch, that makes about 2" in
this last go around.  The containers are wet, but there are no trays under
them, so the water will flush through.  Will probably have to fertilize after
it lets up in the next day or two.  
Hope your grow is going well and you are keeping your head above water.
When you guys get rain down there, you really get rain!
stickman said:
Hey Paul! Just wanted to let you know that some of the pods on the Omnicolors from your seeds are starting to ripen. I have one that's turning orange, and I have no doubt there'll be more soon. Cheers!
Hey, Rick.  I saw the picture on your glog - that plant is really loaded.
I can't believe how far ahead of me your grow is.  Did I miss something?
Keep up the good work, brother!
Trippa said:
Yo Mr G has it stopped Raining yet??? Can't wait to see some pictures ;)
Hey, Tristen!  Let's just say the downpours of late May haven't returned;
just the usual June - sunny a few days, then cloudy and showery for a few days.
Hard for the plants to get up a head of steam, but they forge bravely on.
They look better every time we get some sun!
Your wish is my command   ;)  Here's a shot of the back yard.  Almost all chilis
planted out.  Will include a pic of the round two and round three seedlings in next post:

Most of the plants look okay, but I've was disappointed by my Scotch Bonnets.  
The 2 MoAs just never got off to a good start; I have no idea why.  The TFM
also struggled from the get-go.  It has fared better, but to this day has that
yellowy sick look.  I have planted it out, and will let go until summer weather
perks it up, or it just gives up:

I have started three more Scotch B's; Trinidad Red, Yellow,
and Chocolate.  Pics of those next post!
The Bonda Ma Jacques snapped out of it's earlier funk and
now looks pretty good:

The Bahamian Goat (top) is doing well.  That's
an Orange Habanero in front.  It has set a
few tiny pods:

DocNrock said:
How's my friend Paul doing?  Hope things dried up a bit for you and those growing roots are making things up top flourish!
Hey, Brent, good to hear from ya.  Yes, drier but still cool and cloudy,
punctuated with a few nice days here and there.  Plants are showing 
good growth in spite of weather and working to fill the containers with
roots.  I hope the SD summer is still holding for you and not heating
up too much. Too bad we can't average our climates; we'd have a
heck of a grow season!
The pubescens are flowering and setting pods, and then dropping
them, just like last year.  I have them in the shade of a Red Osier
Dogwood which seems to be much more to their liking than the spots
I had them in last year.  The one on the left is the OW Manzano from
seed Shane sent:

Manzano flower.  The little fuzzy blob inside is a tiny
spider dining on some shiny black insect, probably
a thrip:

Rocoto flower:

Pointed Yellow (left) and Peruvian White Habaneros.  The Peruvian White went through quite a yellow
phase during the cruddy weather in May, but is showing signs of being normal again.  The three small
plants are Basil and Thai Basil:

OW Wild Texas Tepin with a Red Savina (left) and a
pinch-top Giant White Habanero on the plank:

I'll post up some more pix in a bit.
Devv said:
Looks great Paul!
Your back yard is wonderful!
Thanks for the kind words, Scott.  Progress happens in
small increments, but they add up over time! 
Most of the plants are under 12" (30cm), but almost all have flower buds and some are setting pods (during the nice weather  :lol: )
This is from a Fatali/Savina cross I got from Spankycolts last year.  This years pods are all different shapes, and one is ripening orange, rather than red.  Last year all the pods were all savina/hab like.  This year there are definite Fatali-shaped pods.  Will be interesting to see what color they ripen to.  It was a healty producer last year, too.  Makes a spectacular powder!:

Jamaican Red Mushroom.  The pods are kind of soft, but I'll
try them soon!

These are Congo Trinidads.  Red on the left, and a yellow from a pod Pia sent last year, on the right:

Back row:  OW Fatali-tons of flower buds, Yellow 7 from Trippa, Jamaican Red Mushroom
Front:  Red Habanero, Fatali/Savina:

The Red Hab has a nice little pod on it:

This Devil's Tongue has made a nice comeback after I mangled the
growth tip pinching aphids earlier this Spring.  It has finally forked,
and is producing tiny flower buds:

This little Manzano is from seed taken from the two
OW Manzano pods I harvested early this Spring, from
Shane's seed.  This is a 3 gallon Root Pouch.   Very
healthy seedling so far: 

I have 9 pics allotted, so am throwing these in for fun.
Blueberries beginning to ripen for real:

I removed about 98% of the roots from this
Himalyan Pine this Spring, so it is hanging
out in a shady spot this summer.  Seems to
be responding well to the surgery and new

Thanks for looking - hope everybody is having a good Spring/Summer   :cool:
Nice update Paul. Sad to hear the Scotch bonnet struggles you have been having. I hope the TFM turns a corner for you soon.
The good thing is everything else seems to be getting into the swing now ... Once the warmer summer temps kick in they should really fly.
stickman said:
Hi Paul,
   Boy, it sure has been a crazy spring all around this year. I'm glad to see you're at the top of your game for all of that. Cheers!
Right you are, Rick!  You could be accused of being over-generous, but a little sun has
helped matters a lot.  Summer here begins on July 5th, so we're not far away now!
I have put the portable plants back in the greenhouse to ride out the cloudy cool weather.  
These are the round 2 seedlings, sown on April 2nd.  Back row: two Goat's Weed peppers,
harvest 2012 seed.  Front: Chocolate Hab (RF); Peruvian Market Aji Amarillo, harvest seed;
Honduran Market Mountain Pepper, a small yellow-orange Habanero type-very slow grower,
but starting to take off now.  Same story as the Red Savina in Round One:

stc3248 said:
Good to see you're up and running Paul! Can't wait to see what else you have going on up there! Your yard looks freaking amazing! 
You are most kind, my friend.  I strive to make my yard look like your pool garden!  Now, that's awesome.
These are Round One plants, sown in January.  Red Savina on the left, pinch-top Giant White Hab on the right. Three
gallon Root Pouches:

These are both Congo Trinidad Red (PM).  The one on the right is an OW that has seen lots of ups and downs, including 
an aphid infestation that really set it back:

Trippa said:
Nice update Paul. Sad to hear the Scotch bonnet struggles you have been having. I hope the TFM turns a corner for you soon.
The good thing is everything else seems to be getting into the swing now ... Once the warmer summer temps kick in they should really fly.
Maybe they just don't like the climate here    :liar:   This is my first shot at Scotch bonnets.  Obviously I have a way to go!  Round Three looks much better; left-to-right starting at #2, SB Chocolate, SB Yellow, SB Trinidad Red.  The Yellow and Red are from pods that Andy sent last season.  Both SB Chocs had severe helmet head; the one on the left had cotys the size of a BB.  Sowing date 5/19.  The plant on the far left is a Round Two Chocolate Hab (harvest seed) that had a stem injury of some kind - like a chew all the way around, or almost damped off, but not quite.  It was larger than the ChocoHab above!  I cut it off replanted the top.  The leaves are just now starting to grow some:

I forgot to include the Costeño Amarillo (harvest seed), and the OW Wild Brazil
(Shane's seed).  They live by a great Star Jasmine in the morning sun.  The CA
has several small pods, the WB tons of flowers and buds:

Not much else going on in the pepper patch.  Just to fulfill my allotted quota of pics,
here are some gratuitous non-capsicum species.
Summer garden finally starting to grow.  I got the peas in late this year.  They should be 2' ft tall
by now.  The rest mostly Romaine lettuce.:

This is where the blueberries in the post above came from:

We have a very small rose bed.  This is my favorite, Dream Come True.  The red in the
petals is caused by exposure to the sun as the bud unfurls:

Okay enough running on.  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  We're heading for the beach
for a day or two of stormy Oregon Coast Weather!  Good growin' out your way!
Bodeen said:
Looking good.  Does your spring always run this late?
Thanks, Bo.  Yeah, June is always disappointing.  You'd think we'd get
used to it.  It's like a fish run, unpredictable.  Once July gets here we get
three or four months of great weather, and often a very nice Fall.  Thanks
for dropping by; hope you are catching big-uns!
Peptacular said:
Gorgeous looking yard and plants! I love blueberries, how difficult are they to grow?
Thanks, Pep!  The blueberries are easy to grow.  These are in 12-14
gallon containers,  the one on the right is at least 15 years old.  The 
other is in it's third summer.  They don't mind getting their feet wet,
and some nice fish fertilizer and MorBloom will keep them pumped up.
I add some new soil to to the top of their containers every so often.
Hope you are having a good season, thanks for the visit.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
all loooks well on your end paul.. any clones lately?? i have one MoA that barely woke up after 8 weeeks!
Hey, Denniz!  I have two going.  One, the little Choco Hab up in post #415 - the
red cup on the left end of the row.  It's brother Choco Hab is in the first pic in
the same post.  The clone was the stronger plant when they were little.  The other
is a Manzano branch I cut from the OW plant after harvesting the pods this
Spring.  Haven't got a pic of it yet, but I should do that.  It was in water for a
month-6 weeks with no result, so I put it into Rootone then into potting soil about
3 weeks ago.  It doesn't look any worse - in fact I think there is a little growth
going on at the branch tips.  Will shoot a pic when we get home and post it up.
Your glog is approaching the boundaries of the glogosphere, my friend!  