• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2013

We are starting the New Year with a little run of freezing weather; lows in the 25˚F range at night.

1/1/13 - Soaked seeds 24+ hours, put into seed starting mix (BG, peat and perlite mix). The temp in the grow shelf about 72 degrees, the dome trays about 84 degrees.




Here's the seed and overwinter list for this season:

OW greenhouse plants. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant:

Explosive Ember, c. annuum (THSC)​
NuMex Twilight, c. annuum (CPI from Ken/Siliman)​
Black Pearl, c. annuum (THSC)​
Goat's Weed, c. annuum (Shane/Stc3248)​
Bushy Peruvian Market Yellow Aji, c. baccatum
Red Manzano, c. pubescens (Shane)​
Wild Texas Tepin, c. annuum (THSC)​
(?) Wild Brazil c. baccatum var. praetermissum (Shane)​
Fatali, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Ghost Pepper, c. chinense (Robin/Spankycolts P)​
Chocolate Habanero, c. chinense (Refining Fire), also 2 in #1 pots​
'Red' Habanero, c. chinense (Lily Miller) - orange pods​
Peach Habanero, c. chinense (Fernando/SocalChilihead)​
Congo Trinidad, c. chinense (Peppermania)​

Seeds for this season. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant,

H = my pod harvest OP, * = repeat from 2012:​

*Costeño Amarillo, c. annuum (Fernando) H​
*Chiltepin, c.annuum (CPI)
*Marconi Rosso, c. annuum (Hume Organic)​
*Tepin cross, c. annuum (Shane) H​
*Tepin 15, c. annuum (Shane) H​
*Orange Rocoto, c. pubescens (Peppermania) H​
Devil's Tongue, c. chinense (USHotStuff)​
Yellow Seven, c. chinense (Trippa)​
*Naga Morich, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
*Bih Jolokia, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Bonda Ma Jacques, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Bahamian Goat, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Congo Trinidad Yellow, c. chinense (Pia/Sanarda pod)​
*Congo Trinidad Red, c. chinense (Peppermania) H​
*Red Habanero, c. chinense (CPI)​
Jamaican Red Habanero, c. chinense (Ferry Morse)​
Red Savina, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Jamaican Red Mushroom, c. chinense (Refining Fire)​
Peruvian White Habanero, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Orange Habanero, c. chinense (CPI)​
*Fatali/Savina, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
*Pointed Yellow Habanero, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Scotch Bonnet MoA, c. chinense (Steve)​
Scotch Bonnet TFM, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Yellow Scotch Bonnet, c. chinense (Refining Fire)​
*Giant White Habanero, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Gas chambers for unripe pods+1. Which is almost what we I do, putting pods in brown paper bags or boxes with apples to ripen. But the chambers sound like an easier method.
Pretty funny; when lived over at other house few years ago, had huge garden, going on vacation, all these tomatoes close but not ripe! Got shoe boxes, apples, had cellar, tons of toms went down there. Wherever could stick a box or bag. Later gnats let me know which ones had forgotten to get when came back from vacation :surprised: .
Loving the grow room, Paul! Space-shuttlesque! (And oh so clean!!) :party:
Devv said:
Oh no the gas chamber!
They look so cute and helpless...
Were they bad pods? ;)
Love the shelf shots, you're well on your way there Paul! And those pods are half way there already.
Haha, They were bad pods, indeed.  Guilty of slow ripening!
We'll know tomorrow if the first batch ripened up for us.  I sent
in the second batch, too, but they will take a bit longer since
they weren't as far along as the first group.
The T-5 grow lights in the grow shelf are the ticket.  The plants are
really rockin'  I had to pinch a couple again today, but the growth is
starting to spread out more now that the branches are all forking,
so maybe this will be the last of the cutting for a while.
Here's a general shot of the grow shelf today.  Goat's Weeds on the left
end, Wild Texas Tepins on the right, Mazano and Yellow Ajis here and there:

The Tepins are setting pods on the lower branches.  I was going to try to trim the flowers, but the first few just fell off.  
Then there were so many and they were so small it didn't seem worth the effort.  So we have the Tepins setting pods
at something less than 80 days.  That's way better than any results last year:

The Goat's Weeds have been flowering, too; pods beginning to appear:

We had two frosty nights, and then the night temps warmed up again.  The pods that I left on the some of
the bushes before the frost have started to ripen up.  Go figure.  Looks like no frost in the picture for the next
seven days, so who knows what will happen?  The worst problem would be too much rain, and pods splitting.  
Here's the Scotch Bonnet TFM cross:

The Devil's Tongue:

jsschrstrcks said:
Hey Paul!

Long time no chat brother.
Good looking pods as always! :)
Thanks, Ken!  Hope your seminary studies are proceeding well.  Brought any seminarians over to the hot side, yet?
HabaneroHead said:
Absolutely b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! :-)
My season suddenly ended with a frost of -6 Celsius a month ago, therefore it is so good to see these amazing late season pulls you have.
Keep us posted, pls! :-)
Ouch, -6˚C!  Let's see, that's 'bout 20˚F or so.  Okay, that's enough to put the skids on your grow season!  Our frosts were light, around 31˚F, maybe 29 officially.  Hopefully there will be some more pods in the near future.  
Perhaps off the Bonda:

Or the Bahamian Goat:

The greenhouse is full of pods ripening on stripped down plants.  
Aphids forced the issue - just couldn't keep them down.  Cutting
off all the growth tips was the easiest way to deal with them and
no great loss since it's so late in the season, and these will be OW
attempts, anyway.  You can see the light I hooked up:

annie57 said:
Gas chambers for unripe pods+1. Which is almost what we I do, putting pods in brown paper bags or boxes with apples to ripen. But the chambers sound like an easier method.
Pretty funny; when lived over at other house few years ago, had huge garden, going on vacation, all these tomatoes close but not ripe! Got shoe boxes, apples, had cellar, tons of toms went down there. Wherever could stick a box or bag. Later gnats let me know which ones had forgotten to get when came back from vacation :surprised: .
Loving the grow room, Paul! Space-shuttlesque! (And oh so clean!!) :party:
I'll bet the gnats were clouds I'd use the bag trick, but there are so many pods in both batches.  He just hangs them up in the circulating air, so they get the gas from the ripening tomatoes, as well as the gas pumped into the system,  I can't wait to see how the first group did.
Haha Space-shuttlesque   :rofl:  You mean all the foil and cables hanging around?  
That's putting lipstick on a pig!
Have a good week, Annie!

Here are a couple of the greenhouse plants.  
NuMex Twilight , trimmed off to get rid of aphids and
ready for OW this winter:

Black Pearl.  Same drill:

Okay.  Hope everyone has a good week.  I'll post some
more greenhouse pics a little later.
I have indeed... Well I shouold qualify that. I have brought one of my roomates over to the moderately warm side. lol He's still not down to try the really hot stuff.
PaulG said:
Haha, They were bad pods, indeed.  Guilty of slow ripening!
We'll know tomorrow if the first batch ripened up for us.  I sent
in the second batch, too, but they will take a bit longer since
they weren't as far along as the first group.
The T-5 grow lights in the grow shelf are the ticket.  The plants are
really rockin'  I had to pinch a couple again today, but the growth is
starting to spread out more now that the branches are all forking,
so maybe this will be the last of the cutting for a while.
Here's a general shot of the grow shelf today.  Goat's Weeds on the left
end, Wild Texas Tepins on the right, Mazano and Yellow Ajis here and there:

The Tepins are setting pods on the lower branches.  I was going to try to trim the flowers, but the first few just fell off.  
Then there were so many and they were so small it didn't seem worth the effort.  So we have the Tepins setting pods
at something less than 80 days.  That's way better than any results last year:
Looking Great Paul. Do you have any issues with mold or mildew on those grow bags while keeping them indoors? Mine seem to stay damp constantly and I am seeing signs of a white mold on the outside of the bag. Annoying.
You're kickin' butt Paul, both in the GH and on the grow shelf as well! I'd be curious to see how gassing your half ripe pods came out, and whether or not if affected the flavor. I'd always thought that "vine ripened" tasted better. Continued success my friend!
Nice grow room setup and greenhouse. Looks like your season faired better than here in the midwest. That's what I miss, not having a GH. The best I have is a South facing window in a spare bedroom. I'll be overwintering only one plant this yr, later today...lol
A mini Thai.....that will put the zing into the winter stir fries.

Have a great week !
jsschrstrcks said:
I have indeed... Well I shouold qualify that. I have brought one of my roomates over to the moderately warm side. lol He's still not down to try the really hot stuff.
Haha moderately warm side.  I can just imagine Darth Vader
saying "Luke, come over to the moderately warm side"   :rofl:
Good luck this year, Ken!
Jeff H said:
Looking Great Paul. Do you have any issues with mold or mildew on those grow bags while keeping them indoors? Mine seem to stay damp constantly and I am seeing signs of a white mold on the outside of the bag. Annoying.
Thanks, Jeff.  This is my first try using the Root Pouches in the grow shelf.  So far no problem.  I am pretty stingy with the water - I use a hydrometer and give them 8 ounces when they are close to dry.  The bags never get damp, even the bottoms are barely moist.  So far they need 8 oz. every two or three days; the Goat's Weeds are the thirstiest of the group.  The grow shelf temps are in low 70's with the doors off, and low 80's with them on, so it's sort of like being outside, I guess.  
Hope you can get a handle on the mold issues.  You could spray the outside of the bag with Safer fungicide if it's a problem, I suppose.  Have a good week, buddy!
stickman said:
You're kickin' butt Paul, both in the GH and on the grow shelf as well! I'd be curious to see how gassing your half ripe pods came out, and whether or not if affected the flavor. I'd always thought that "vine ripened" tasted better. Continued success my friend!
Thenks, Rick, been lucky, I guess.  The new T-5s are the cat's meow!
I'm with you, vine ripened is best, but the alternative was fresh frozen
on the vine!  I'm interested in seeing the outcome, too.  I don't care so
much about the heat - they are all too hot   ;)  - but I do want some flavor!
PIC 1 said:
Nice grow room setup and greenhouse. Looks like your season faired better than here in the midwest. That's what I miss, not having a GH. The best I have is a South facing window in a spare bedroom. I'll be overwintering only one plant this yr, later today...lol
A mini Thai.....that will put the zing into the winter stir fries.

Have a great week !
Thank you, Greg.  It has been a crazy year this year, but that seems
to be the new normal.
Sorry you won't be OWing a passel of plants - but when
you retrofitted the bedroom back to being a bedroom, I figured that would
be the case.  I suspect your one plant will be lavished with attention!
Have a good week, my friend.
I'll post up a few more pics when I get back from my walk.
Thanks for tuning in.
The mountain Pepper has flourished in the greenhouse, so have the aphids.  I basically
striped the plant after I took these photos of the greenhouse to let the rest of the pods ripen up:

I've never had plant so densely flowered as the Mountain Pepper.  It has continued setting pods up to
the present moment.  I can't wait to grow it out for a full season next year.  Wait.  That's almost here!


The Chocolate Habanero and the Chocolate Hab clone are ripening pods up in the greenhouse:


The Orange Manzano is still setting pods, as well.
 A few of the older ones are starting to get larger day-by day:


This is the original Orange Manzano that got hit with 2-4-D
overspray and subsequently was pruned back to the forks.
It seems to be coming back nicely.  I have pruned out most
of the new growth that had sort of deformed leaves; the
newer growth looks just fine:

I put the Yellow Scotch Bonnet (Pulpiteer) into the greenhouse after stripping the leaves - they were
looking pretty bad outside, cold weather and all.  When I put the plant in the greenhouse, there were
two pods starting to ripen.  Literally, the next day, there were 8 more ripening up:

Had a pod with some chicken the other night.  Great flavor, but not much heat.  Will try another later for
comparison.  This was another late start plant, so I'm not sure how typical these pods are.  They seem
sort of smooth for SB's, but then I don't know much about Bonnets:

Okay, yard chores calling.  'Tis the season to pick up leaves.  Every day.
Hope you are all having a good Monday!
Things are looking pretty good your way Paul!
I like how you have things setup for the winter, seems you have the grow shelf and greenhouse down.
Have a great week!
PaulG said:
I'll be right here when you get that dialed in   :lol:

Managed a little bit of a harvest on the 27th.  This is the third pull; hoping for one or two more.  There are still
some plants with lots of pods to ripen up.  I pulled some of these due to the heavy rains we re having to keep
the pods from splitting.  Several had little cracks in them:

  So where did you get those cool mesh bags?  Do you store them in the fridge in those?
@Bonnie: "So where did you get those cool mesh bags?  Do you store them in the fridge in those?"
I get them at our local Kroger chain.  They sell them in the produce section.  
They are used for produce instead of plastic bags.  they are very durable.  
edit:  I have used them in the fridge - they work great.  You can put them in paper bags for ripening, too.

Devv said:
Things are looking pretty good your way Paul!
I like how you have things setup for the winter, seems you have the grow shelf and greenhouse down.
Have a great week!
We've been lucky, buddy;the season just sort of keeps on goin'. 
Both are works in progress.  We'll see how things fare in the
long gray months of winter.  Welcome to Monday!
Pinoy83 said:
nice to see ur glog again pauly...ur plants and pods are so wonderful...everything is looking GREAATTTTTT.... :fireball: :fireball: :fireball:j
Woah, Pinoy!  Good to have you visit, brah!
Thanks for the kind words...
Here's one for ya.  I pulled every pod that was even hinting at turning a week ago before our two
frost nights.  These pods that were left on the plants ripened up in the 7 or so days since.  Bahamian
Goats and Devil's Tongues to the left of the Chocolate Habaneros (greenhouse pods), two Yellow 7s,
one Bonda Ma Jacques and some Scotch Bonnet TFMs to the right:

Got the pods back from the gas chamber this afternoon.  You can see them
before they were sent in post 730.

Here are the Orange Habaneros:

Red Habaneros:

Giant White Habanero cross:

Not bad for late October pods   ;) :

The second round of gas chamber pods should be done by Friday or next Monday!
PaulG said:
Woah, Pinoy!  Good to have you visit, brah!
Thanks for the kind words...
Here's one for ya.  I pulled every pod that was even hinting at turning a week ago before our two
frost nights.  These pods that were left on the plants ripened up in the 7 or so days since.  Bahamian
Goats and Devil's Tongues to the left of the Chocolate Habaneros (greenhouse pods), two Yellow 7s,
one Bonda Ma Jacques and some Scotch Bonnet TFMs to the right:

Got the pods back from the gas chamber this afternoon.  You can see them
before they were sent in post 730.
Here are the Orange Habaneros:

Red Habaneros:

Giant White Habanero cross:

Not bad for late October pods   ;) :

The second round of gas chamber pods should be done by Friday or next Monday!
im so jealous lol....nice podsssss
Devv said:
They came out just perfect!
Yes, I'm very pleased with how they ripened up.  Can't wait to see
the others.  They were not quite as far along as these, so they will
take more time, and there will probably be some that don't make it.  
I only lost three pods to spoilage from the first batch.  Not bad for a
week in the chamber.
Will post more pix when the next pods come back.
PaulG said:
Thanks, Lourens!  I'm thinking you should be well underway with your
own grow.
oh its a sticky start to a tricky season this year! But we will whip it into shape :) I see that picyure of yours with the snow in the background and it just reminds me of real christmas' I used to have in europe... somehow christmas just isn't the same in the summer lol