• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2015

Okay, time to get the 2015 grow season underway!
Round One seeding 01/01/15, 3 seeds per plug x 2.  Dates are hook dates (as of 2/5/15).
In Jiffy Plugs:
Roatan Pumpkin……………………………...Honduran Market seed, 3rd generation………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 2, 1/11 x 1, 1/12 x 2….…100%
Congo Trinidad Yellow……………………...Sanarda, 3rd generation…………….……………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 3, 1/12 x 1……………..…84%
Fatali x Red Savina………………………….Spankycolts, 4th generation………..…….…..1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1,1/20 x 1….100%
Yellow Scorpion……………………………..Spankycolts, 4th generation……………………………..1/10 x 5, 1/11 x 1……………….……..…100%
Scotch Bonnet TFM………………………...Trippa, 3rd generation…………………...……………1/9 x 1, 1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 2…….…100%
Scotch Bonnet, chocolate………………...GaGrowhead, 2nd generation……..1/9 x 1, 1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 1, 1/12 x 1, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1..…100%
Bhut Jolokia, red…………………………….Spankycolts, 3rd generation………...……….1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 2, 1/11 x 1, 1/14 x 1, 1/15 x 1…..…100%
Bhut Jolokia, chocolate…………………….GaGrowhead, 2nd generation…………………………..1/15 x 1,1/18 x 1…………..……………….33%
Mystery Cross……………………………….Trippa, F3………………………………………..1/9 x 3, 1/10 x 2, 1/22 x 1………..……...…………100%
Jamaican Red Habanero………………….Devv, 2nd generation…………….………….....1/9 x 2, 1/10 x 1, 1/12 x 1, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1..…100%
Primo………………………………………...MGold, 2nd génération………………………….1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/14 x 1, 1/28 x 1, 2/5 x 1.…100%
Goronong……………………………………Trippa………………………………………………………..1/7 x 2, 1/8 x 3, 1/11 x 1……….……….100%
Bonda Ma Jacques x 7 Pot, yellow……..Windchicken, 2nd generation……………………………..1/7 x 1, 1/8 x 3, 1/9 x 2………………...100%
Naga Brain, yellow………………………..Windchicken, 2nd generation……………………………..1/8 x 2, 1/9 x 2, 1/10 x1, 1/11 x 1…….100%
Datil………………………………………….Romy6, 2nd generation…………………………………1/11 x 1, 1/17 x 1,1/18 x 1, 1/19 x 1………67%
In Aerogarden: 3 seeds per plug except Cabe Gendot, 2 seeds.
Cheiro Recife………………………………Stickman, 2nd generation………………………….……….1/17 x 1, 1/18 x 1, 1/19 x 1…………..100%
Lemon Drop………………………………..onefowl1………………………………………………………1/20 x 1……………………………………33%
Cabe Gendot……………………………….Trippa…………………………………………………………1/16 x 1, 1/28 x 1…………….…………100%
Inca Lost……………………………………Peppermania 2012, 2nd generation
Charapita………………………………..…Stc3248, 2nd generation
Plants already underway - top, Aji Amarillo, peruvian market, 3rd generation. Bottom, Orange Manzano, Stc3248, 3rd generation:

I just moved my Manzano in to the basement a few days age.  It had been in the garage the past two months with very little light and was ripening a pod (see the Manzano thread).  Our garage is unheated but doesn't freeze.  I'd say there have been temps down into the mid-thirties on and off as the weather has changed.  Some smaller branches died and it dropped some of the smaller fruit but overall the plant looks pretty good.  There will be a ripe manzano to eat before too long!
Off to the races! Lookin' good, Paul. Thanks again fro the 2014 powder cache.
I'll be watching that Cabe Gendot. I grew several differnet cabes last year and they are quite versatile in the kitchen.
Good luck for 2014!
Devv said:
I have one Manzano still up and running, what's the lowest temp they can handle?
This ones in a 20 gallon bag, and no fun to move about :confused:
Hey, Scott.  I'm not sure what the lowest they can tolerate is,
but I have had them down to low 40's in the past.  Now I try to
keep the night temps at 50˚ in the greenhouse, and they seem
to like it a little better.  I'm not sure about temps in the 30's.

cone9 said:
I just moved my Manzano in to the basement a few days age.  It had been in the garage the past two months with very little light and was ripening a pod (see the Manzano thread).  Our garage is unheated but doesn't freeze.  I'd say there have been temps down into the mid-thirties on and off as the weather has changed.  Some smaller branches died and it dropped some of the smaller fruit but overall the plant looks pretty good.  There will be a ripe manzano to eat before too long!
Interesting anecdote. Sounds like they can handle a bit of cold.
jedisushi06 said:
looking good.
Thanks, Mike.
JJJessee said:
Off to the races! Lookin' good, Paul. Thanks again fro the 2014 powder cache.
I'll be watching that Cabe Gendot. I grew several differnet cabes last year and they are quite versatile in the kitchen.
Good luck for 2014!
Thanks, my friend, hope you enjoy the powders, Carl!  
This is my first try for the Cabe Gendot - Seed came from Trippa.
I'm looking forward to trying them.
Hope you have a great season, as well.
Nice list Paul. Great start, hope you have a great season. Grew the inca lost last year, only got like two peppers of my puny little plant but they were really good.
Thanks, a.  Hoping for the best this season.
The Inca Lost was one of my best performers this season; 3' to 4' plant
that pumped out pods all summer long.  I got almost 7 ounces of powder
from one plant!  
:cheers:  Here's to a great season in CO   :cheers:  
Trippa said:
Nice list Paul! Best of luck with the Germ rates and general starting ... I hope you have at least as productive a season as this past year ... I will be watching!
Thanks, Tristen!  Several of your varieties will be in the grow again, some
new and some repeaters!  I'm hoping for a good season, as well; just need
a little luck is all   :pray:
Hope you are getting some chili plant time now that New Year's is past!
PaulG said:
Thanks, Tristen!  Several of your varieties will be in the grow again, some
new and some repeaters!  I'm hoping for a good season, as well; just need
a little luck is all   :pray:
Hope you are getting some chili plant time now that New Year's is past!
The Ducks may need a little more than that.   GO BUCKS!
(I should be careful - don't want to have to eat crow in public)
cone9 said:
The Ducks may need a little more than that.   GO BUCKS!
(I should be careful - don't want to have to eat crow in public)
Anyone who is a Duck fan has had their share of crow to eat
over the years.  I can remember some pretty lean times   :rofl:
Quack Attack!
That's a nice grow list Paul. And it looks like you worked to keep it manageable, but still have some interesting and tasty varieties.  Well done!
I think pubescens almost need two years to really work.  I'm finding that making them the focus of my overwintering is what works best for me.  It would be nice to save some more chinense, but I can get pods from them easy enough when things are going well.  Your season seems to extend longer and you've got that coastal effect that really seems to moderate your winters compared to us in Michigan, so doing the greenhouse seems about perfect for your manzanos from what I can tell.
Even though I'm a B1G Ten guy, I cannot stand osu, so I'll be cheering for the ducks.  And then hoping my Spartans will be able to take down the reigning national champs at the beginning of next season!
Pulpiteer said:
That's a nice grow list Paul. And it looks like you worked to keep it manageable, but still have some interesting and tasty varieties.  Well done!
I think pubescens almost need two years to really work.  I'm finding that making them the focus of my overwintering is what works best for me.  It would be nice to save some more chinense, but I can get pods from them easy enough when things are going well.  Your season seems to extend longer and you've got that coastal effect that really seems to moderate your winters compared to us in Michigan, so doing the greenhouse seems about perfect for your manzanos from what I can tell.
Even though I'm a B1G Ten guy, I cannot stand osu, so I'll be cheering for the ducks.  And then hoping my Spartans will be able to take down the reigning national champs at the beginning of next season!
Your list is pretty impressive, as well - quite a selection of Bhut Jolokia!
Your overwinters are looking awesome; that shelving unit is money!
I need to rig up a better solution for mine.  The days are just too short
in the winter to take full advantage of the greenhouse.  I'm working a
deal for another grow light.  Maybe I'll put it in there.
Thanks for rooting for the DUCKS; they will need all the help they can get!
Tiny bit of an update.
Took a different tack with the Black Pearl and NuMexTwilight OW plants.  Both
are beginning their 4th season.  This year I decided to let them grow unimpeded
until New Year's, and then did some selective pruning and thinning.  Main objective
is a bit larger plant, as well as more attractive.  I just let 'em go hodgepodge last
season   :oops: .  Also top dresssed both with some black Gold Potting Soil:


A couple of the Aji Amarillos are starting to bush out a bit.  These are 3rd generation
bushy phenotype plants, so I'm hoping for a continuation of the trait:


No real action on the Round One chinense seedings, so far.
Devv said:
Looking good Paul!
Things just get better from now on...
Thanks for the positive thinking, Scott!
cone9 said:
Nice plants, Paul.  They must feel a bit like old friends.
Thanks, It is interesting to see them grow season to season.
The Black Pearl makes great powder.  The NuMex just looks awesome!
Some action in the Jiffy Pellet germinators.  
First hook, Tristen's Chili Goronong in 6 days.  Woot!
Nothing in the Aerogarden, yet.
You can see the updated numbers here http://thehotpepper.com/topic/52421-paulg-2015/?p=1097663.
Roguejim said:
The Black Pearl makes great powder??  Wow!  I've grown one every year, but didn't know that.  Thanks.
I'm not sure it is a Black Pearl - that is what Hippy Seed Co. called it.
Anyone who tries the powder loves it, but there isn't much production
on my small plant (3 gal. pot).
The Chili Costa Rica is very similar to the Black Pearl.  I'm going to
powder a few dried pods and see how they compare to the Black Pearl.
Essegi said:
Go Paul! It looks like that you are on an advanced stage, i've yet to plant seeds! :D
Great start!
There's always tomorrow, my friend   ;)
Updated germination data here:  http://thehotpepper.com/topic/52421-paulg-2015/?p=1097663