• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2016

Okay, back in the saddle again.  I checked out of this forum last September,
when my wife and I went on an 8-week vacation.  We had a blast, then I came
home to two months of yard work to catch up on, and holiday season to
contend with   :doh:   
I just this week finished grinding up all the dry pods from last season.  Managed
to get my seeds in to soak on Jan. 15th, and into the Jiffy Pellets on Jan. 16th.
I'm going for fewer varieties this season, but 3 or 4 plants of most varieties that
I grow out.  No small pod peppers this year, just too labor intensive for the results,
although I have some awesome small pod powders laid away.   Speaking of which,
I have so much powder I'm considering packaging and selling some this summer.  
I'm going to try to sell my fresh pods this Fall, so maybe no more powder production
until I need some, and then, just my favorites.  
2016 grow list and germination record:
Pod name                                             Source                                               seeds sown            germinated  
Aji Amarillo ................................ Peruvian Market, 4th gen. ................................... 6 ......................... 6 ................  100%
Yellow Scorpion......................... SpankyColts 2012, 4th gen. ................................ 9 ......................... 7 ................    77%
Scotch bonnet, TFM ................. Trippa 2013, 4th gen. .......................................... 9 ......................... 6 ................    66%
Fatali ......................................... Peppermania, 2012, 2nd gen. ............................. 9 ......................... 9 ................   100%
7 Pot Burgundy ........................ Sawyer 2014, 2nd gen. ....................................... 12 ......................  11 ................   92%
Red Rocoto .............................. Peruvian Market 2015, 1st gen. ........................... 6 .......................  5 .................    84%
JA Red Habanero .................... Devv/WalkGood 2014, 3rd gen. .......................... 12 ...................... 12 ................  100%
Bhut Jolokia Red ..................... SpankyColts 2012, 3rd gen. ................................ 12 ...................... 12 ...............  100%
Primo ....................................... MGold 2012, 2nd gen ........................................... 6 ........................  6 ...............  100%
Mystery Cross ......................... Trippa, 2014, F4 .................................................... 9 ........................  9 ...............  100%
Scotch Bonnet, Chocolate ...... GaGrowhead 2015, 2nd gen. ............................... 9 ........................  7 ................   77%
Padron ..................................... Spain 2015, 1st gen. ........................................... 12 ...................... 10 ................   84%
Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate .......... GaGrowhead, 2nd gen. .......................,................ 6 .......................  5 ..................  84%
Total ........................................................................................................................ 117 .................. 105 ...............  89.7%
The first seeds began germinating on Jan. 22nd and continued until Feb. 5
1/29 - First watering of earliest germinating plants
2/2 - Begin light fertilizer routine on older seedlings:  Cal-Mag, 1 tsp / gal.
                                                                                          AK Fish Fertilizer, 1 tsp / gal. 
     - Start fan on taller seedlings
stc3248 said:
A reaper eating contest...yuck!
Plants and pods are looking great Paul. Love those Red Rocotos!
aww damn...top of the page without trying!  :dance:
You have always been Master of the Page-Topper, my friend!

I felt bad for the people in the Reaper contest.

For a minute

A few pods come in every few days; just playing the waiting game
now, hoping for good pod- ripening weather between now and

Aji Amarillo, Rocoto:


Aji, Padrones, 7 Pot Burgundy brown phenotype, runts:


Ajis, Fatalis, Padrones, BJ Chocolate, red phenotype, runts:


The fifth year Fatali bonchi has set a dozen new pods. Hard to
Photograph, but you can see a couple just above and right of
the big pod, and end of branch, upper left:


Tristen's Mystery Cross is rockin' - lots of pods on all three plants,
just waiting to turn white:


Pacific Beach, San Diego, where we spent last weekend:


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Devv said:
I wish I was a fly on the wall for the Reaper eating contest ;)  they taste great, but the pain...just slivers for me.
Have yet to go far enough West to see the Pacific, one of these days. I hope the trip was enjoyable!
The Reaper contest was pretty grim. Pretty much leveled
everyone who participated. San Diego is awesome - we
were there to visit our daughter for her birthday weekend.
If you ever make it to the Portland area, you have a place to bunk!

The 'Scorpion' plants are loaded with green pods - just need time
to ripen up:

The 7 Pot Burgundy, brown (chestnut) phenotype in
the 20-gallon container has exhibited good resistance
to the BLS. By far the best of the four plants; looks good
even after three 100-degree days in the back yard
pepper patch:


Looks like a few more ripe peruvian seed Rocotos in the near future:


Some of the bigger pods showing color:


Cluster beginning to ripen on the other plant:


Hope everyone is having a good summer.
Devv said:
Those pubes are certainly doing well for you this year Paul!
Simply huge pods!
stickman said:
+1 on that! Are you doing anything different from other years Paul?
Thanks, fellas, but credit goes to the seeds, fresh from Peru.
This is better success than I've had with the Orange Manzanos.

As for change in growing, not much. Got them out from under the
T5HO lamps earlier, and under regular flourescents, and then out into
the greenhouse earlier. They seem to like cooler temps and less heat
from the lamps. I fed all my plants pretty heavy during the indoor stages,
then every two weeks after plant-out with fish fertilizer and mor-bloom,
slightly dilute for the fish fert, about 1.5 strength on the Morr-Bloom.

The shade helps a lot, but this variety seems to handle the heat a little

Maybe this is just a better variety for this climate...
All caught up, Paul.

Expo looked fun. I would love to ride my bike out to one of those.

Fatalii is making some good pod's. Five years is great.

Congrats on the nice pod assortment. The White mystery looks really cool.

Glad you had a good time in San Diego. I lived there my whole life. That looks like Law Steet. I've seen many great sunsets at that beach.
tsurrie said:
Cool looking pod Paul. How is the taste?
To me, it has the typical strong chinense taste and scent,
which isn't horrible. I'll try to gather some tasters
at the PNWChiliFest and post a report on here. I'm not real
adept at the flavor thing. It is hot, and four thin rings in a bowl
of thin bland chicken and veggie soup added lots of heat and
flavor very quickly!

Hope all is well for you, my friend.

OCD Chilehead said:
All caught up, Paul.
Expo looked fun. I would love to ride my bike out to one of those.
It was great, Charles. A really great laid-back atmosphere..
Fatalii is making some good pod's. Five years is great.
Last year it had no pods this is a bonus year...
Congrats on the nice pod assortment. The White mystery looks really cool.
Glad you had a good time in San Diego. I lived there my whole life. That looks like Law Steet. I've seen many great sunsets at that beach.
I can see why people like it there so much. Our daughter's friends
live two blocks from the beach in the pic.

The Mystery White (I think now that it has produced white pods
in both F3 and F4 generations it is safe to call it Mystery White)
is totally awesome - deep purple foliage, pods going from dark purple
to light yellow with both ivory colored and white phenotype pods
at the end of the ripening stage. Every generation has been hot!

Speaking of hot, the Bhut Jolokia hybrid is ripening some more
pods thanks to warm, make that hot, weather:


I've always wondered if the original male plant of the
BJ hybrid wasn't the F1 or F2 version of Trippa's Mystery
Cross. It was the only purple foliage plant in the back yard
at the time, and the Mystery White and the BJ hybrid have
similar foliage and growth habit.

Aji Amarillos starting to accelerate the ripening pace:


Gave the Fatali bonchi a little leaf pruning. Has turned
out to be a nice specimen this season:


The Red Rocotos are looking more tempting every day.
Will harvest some small ones tonight or tomorrow:
