Updated germination data:
Variety................................cells w/ sprouts...............germ rate
Scorpion pod 1.........................
10/12 84%: seeds from three pods, one pod zero hooks - speaks to sowing variety.
Scorpion pod 2.........................
2/9 22% All three pods 5th generation my seed.
Scorpion pod 3.........................1...............................
3/6 50%
Aji Amarillo...............................2................................6/12 50%
Aji Lemon Drop........................3................................
9/9 100%
PDN x Bonda F5......................
4/18 22%%: ouch, hope Tristen doing better - all the marbles riding on this one.
6/12 50%
MoA Bonnett...........................
11/12 92%
JA Red Habanero CPI.............2.................................4/12 33%: again, good to plant more than one variety. my seed from two pods:
JA Red Habanero pod 1.........2..................................
6/6 100%
JA Red Habanero pod 2.........0..................................0/6 0%
9/9 100%
Manzano.................................3.................................6/9 66% - one manzano accidentally terminated - 1/25
3/9 33%
Aji Limo, peruvian seed..........0..................................0/9 0%
Cabe Gendot..........................0..................................0/9 0%
The most dismal results since I started using the heating mat. I don't know what the
is, maybe the cold nights in the garage. 51/162 total germination rate is about 31%.
This is 26 plants if all survive to plant out. Going to try to start some of
the Chocolate Habanero from RF and BOC from Jason - tonight into the soak.
edit 1/15 - another Scorpion hook today
edit 1/17 - one BOC hook today. Some seeds have germinated in the Jiffy Pellets
after transplanting. After a count this morning the results updated in the
chart above. 60/162 = 37% 17 days after sowing. Later same day, another
BOC hook has emerged 61/162...
edit 1/18 - one more MoA today... 62/162
edit 1/19 - one Chili Pepper Institute Caribbean Red Habanero finally
came out...63/162 = 39% - 29 seedlings underway.
edit 1/21 - a few more hooks have emerged in transplanted Jiffy Pellets, many
of which have now germinated 3/3 seeds...Grand total 73/162 = 45%
after 3 weeks since sowing.
edit 1/23 - first hook out of the second round - one BOC 2013 from GaGrowhead.
edit 1/26 - Aside from the second BOC 2013 to emerge yesterday, there were four
new hooks this morning: BOC 2013; F5 PDN x Bonda
; Caribbean Red
Habanero CPI; Scorpion 5th gen. 79/162 = 49%
Swapped a 2x4 T5HO light for a 4 x 4
so i could have a double row of plants:
As of now, have these plants going forward

to plantout.
In four or five months

BOC - 5
Scorpion - 6
Fatali - 3
Rocoto - 3
Manzano - 2
Aji Amarillo - 2
Aji Lemon Drop - 3
F5 PDN x Bonda - 2
Red Habanero - 4
MoA bonnet - 4