• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2019

No grow log for the 2018 season other than the Pimenta de Neyde x Bonda Ma Jacques
thread dedicated to Trippa's cross. That one is an ongoing community project going into
second year and a test of the F7 generation. I imagine I will mention it once-in-a-while in
this thread, but the details of its progress will be in the dedicated thread.
I am deciding on a grow list for the 2019 season after growing only Trippa's cross this
season (2018). I definitely have some old favorites that will comprise the great majority
of the grow. I have limited space, so I'm counting on nature to help me make the final
decision. I'll probably start lots of seeds since I'm gun-shy from the poor germination
rates the past couple of seasons.
Here's the pool. Would be nice to be able to grow a bunch of all of them!  I think my
neighbor will shelter the overflow in his yard, but we'll see what to plant and how many
based on what might germinate  :rofl:
c. chinese - 10 varieties
  • PdN x BMJ, F7, white and violet varieties, Trippa's cross
  • Fatali, F2 of seed from Pepper Joe's
  • 7 Pot Burgundy, brown phenotype, pecan shape from 2017 F2 of the 7PB from Windchicken 
  • Scotch Bonnet, MoA, F2 of seeds from John/Sim, not high production, but some nice pods
  • JA Red Habanero, F5 of seed from Walk Good/Devv
  • Yellow Scorpion, F7 aka Yellow Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and CARDI Scorpion, from Spankycolts plant 2012
  • Bhut Jolokia, Red, F4, from Spankycolts plant 2012
  • Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate, F3 of seed from Georgia Growhead
  • Bhut Jolokia, hybrid, F2 - I believe it is a  (BJred) x (Pdn x BMJ F1 or F2)
  • Yellow 7 Pot, F2 of seed from Trippa 2013
c. annuum - 4 varieties:
  • JA Red Mushroom, F3, brown phenotype, seed from Refining Fire
  • Pimenta de Padron - Spanish seed, fry up while small and green, throw on some salt
  • Pimenta del Piquillo - Spanish seed, sweet, very flavorful, small stuffers
  • Guindilla - Spanish seed, spicy heat, great pickled, long and skinny
c. frutescens - 2 varieties:
  • Nagahari from Tezpur, India, supposedly very, very hot freebie from Pepper Joe's 2017
  • Chili Costa Rica, F2 (2014) from Hippy Seed Company seed, 2012
c. pubescens - 1 variety:
  • Red Rocoto, F3 of Peruvian Market seed, 2016
That about does it. Seeding time will be here before we know it!
Blitz527 said:
I will be indeed. Not a huge grow list but hopefully a large garden. We are planning on tilling and prepping 2-3 acres at my father in laws this year for next years grow season. a big veg patch and another spot for fruit trees and christmas trees. I have 14 on the list so far this year, will be adding a few more including the throwdown plant, some jalapenos and a few sweets.
:eek:  2-3 acres? Okay, that's pretty major.
Will be keeping an eye out for your grow log!   :shocked:
How have things been with you my friend?
Can't complain, Alex. We are happy and healthy
at the moment. Just hoping someone doesn't
screw things up for us!
Pepper-wise, things are off to a decent start, with
germination percentages more like what I am used
to, unlike the past couple of years.
Your garden project sounds ambitious, indeed.
Can't wait to see photos of its progress!
:cheers: Good luck going forward into the
2019 season, my friend
Okay, GPR, take that! Boom!
Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
Haha nicely done :metal: :dance:

Glad to see germ percentages doing good, buddy
Thanks, GPR, me too

The past few seasons have been marked
by lousy germination rates, so this is an

SpeakPolish said:
Good luck to you this year. Hope you do well as always.
Thanks, Aravind. I will hold a positive thought!

Are you caught up in the intense weather at all?

I hope your season is a good one, as well
The next to hook in the replacement grow.
Note the purple stems!

All of these have seeds with radicles showing.
The hidden one on the left is a Bhut Jolokia Red,
from round one. The radicle for that one appeared
After day 22 or 23 in the rockwool cube:

I hope everyone is having success getting
the 2019 grow season underway! Thanks
for visiting
violentglitter said:
Good luck this season! You are already off to an inspiring start! :) :)
 Thanks, Liz, you are too kind    :oops: 
I considered ordering some rockwool, because I'm anxious to try ALL the methods. I still have time to think about it. I would also love to get my hands on an Aerogarden. Someday.  :lol:
I would give it a try.  You can get small pkgs. at a grow store.
I've used all the methods, and to me, these are the easiest
and most versatile solutions. As for an AeroGarden, I'll bet
there are some on Craig's List or eBay right now. It's a good
investment, especially in a climate where you can start a few
seeds at various times of the year. 
Good luck. Hope to see seedlings soon!
On the home front, update on Red Rocotos.  
Plants at 40 days since hooks, topped at 29
days, 11 days ago.

violentglitter said:
Good luck this season! You are already off to an inspiring start! :) :)
I considered ordering some rockwool, because I'm anxious to try ALL the methods. I still have time to think about it. I would also love to get my hands on an Aerogarden. Someday.  :lol: 
If you do get an Aero garden then you wouldnt need rock wool, my germ rates went up and took less time when I got one. If not, it looks like rock wool is a great alternate way to germ too. :metal:

Paul, what is a bj hybrid?
Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
If you do get an Aero garden then you wouldnt need rock wool, my germ rates went up and took less time when I got one. If not, it looks like rock wool is a great alternate way to germ too. :metal: I have seen some folk on the forum make rock wool inserts for the AeroGarden baskets.  At the time, I didn't give it much thought being a soil/peat guy in a former life  ;) 

Paul, what is a bj hybrid?
The BJ hybrid is a Red Bhut Jolokia that was pollinated
by either F1 or F2 of Tripp's PdN x BMJ. I know this   :think:
 because the cross has purple foliage  and there were no
other purple plants in my grow that year, 2014. The next
year when the BJ Red sprouted, the cotys were purple! :eek:  
I grew it out and a generation more. One plant had rust
colored pods looking like BJ. The other more orangish
were smaller, but had good shape.  This seed comes
from the second plant. I think I still have some of the 
first plant's seed, as well.
Later: The cotys on these sprouts have not turned purple, yet.
I may have to start some seeds from the other pod again.
The first round failed.
Helmet removal surgery successful:

New hooks today. The BJ Red is 27 days in!
And another triple cotyledon:

About to pull the plug on the replacement round.
It has been two weeks and there are still a few
Nice work on the surgery Paul.  That Bonnet looks in fine shape!
PaulG said:
And another triple cotyledon:
Hmmm...  Maybe it's time to consider drinking only bottled water - ?  Not sure what's going on down there, but I'd hate to hear about you growing a third eye or something.
PaulG said:
Helmet removal surgery successful:

New hooks today. The BJ Red is 27 days in!
And another triple cotyledon:

About to pull the plug on the replacement round.
It has been two weeks and there are still a few
Impressive surgery, you must have a very steady hand! :)

Awesome progress and I'm thinking you must have a hugely successful season ahead of you! :dance:

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I've done a couple successful surgeries myself this year. Idk if I could pull it off while they were in the soil or those cubes though. I have to hold the helmet between my fingernails to accurately cut it.
I have a few seedlings struggling as well with helmet heads...I keep seeing you guys getting them of with alot of success but I am terrified to try it myself, might have to let nature sort it out on its own.
CaneDog said:
Nice work on the surgery Paul.  That Bonnet looks in fine shape!
Hmmm...  Maybe it's time to consider drinking only bottled water - ?  Not sure what's going on down there, but I'd hate to hear about you growing a third eye or something.

I put alot of thought into this 3rd eye thing..at least 25-30 seconds worth...and really it wouldn't be so bad...now if my wife had the extra eye it would be terrible, wouldnt get away with anything ever again.   :hmm: 