• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2020

DownRiver said:
Great start Paul!
All you guys are making it hard for me to hold out until 2/01 to get going, but I'm still holding strong!
Only 8 more days. :dance:
Thanks, buddy!
Good Luck resisting the urge to start those seeds, DR!
Devv said:
Finally caught up!
Well done Paul, you're off to a killer start!  I hope the weather is more favorable this season for you.
You gonna be busy!
Thanks, Scott! Germination has been pretty
good so far. There are a few I’m almost certain
aren’t going to pop, but that’s life in the wilds.
I think a lot of us would like better weather this
season, my friend. I am tired of waiting on pins
and needles to see if we have grow-saving
Fall weather!

Go Ducks' Women's Basketball!
PaulG said:
Chipping away at the stubborn ones!
It does seem like a few of them are playing hard to get  :)
- I'm especially happy to see the Eximium up; that CAP 1491 is a cool plant.  Chris Phillips sent me the seeds for that around this time last season, and your seeds were from the single plant I grew.  I'm still trying to figure out if there's an efficient way to enjoy the pods. They have a great smell and flavor, IMO, but they're seedy little bastages so not easy to work with.
Tybo said:
Ok now I'm jealous!  I'm still waiting on the Eximium here.  I do have the PutaPario already so I guess that evens it out some. :D
Good luck with the rest Paul.  
Not sure what voodoo Paul worked to get the quick germination, but mine took a fair amount longer.  The putapario are cool in their own right and can go through a multi-color ripening process with a yellow, then orange, then red.  They do like to stretch before forking, though.
CaneDog said:
They have a great smell and flavor, IMO, but they're seedy little bastages so not easy to work with.
Sounds like a lot of the wild varieties. Makes
eating them fresh annoying when seeds get
stuck in the teeth  :neutral:
Tybo said:
Ok now I'm jealous!  I'm still waiting on the Eximium here.  I do have the PutaPario already so I guess that evens it out some. :D
Good luck with the rest Paul.  
Any more wilds that germinate are really icing
on the cake, Ty. I've already got more than I
Good luck with the eximium!
CaneDog said:
Not sure what voodoo Paul worked to get the quick germination, but mine took a fair amount longer.  The putapario are cool in their own right and can go through a multi-color ripening process with a yellow, then orange, then red.  They do like to stretch before forking, though.
Both the eximium and Putapario took 23
days for the hook to appear. A second hook 
has appeared for the eximium!
Regarding the stretching, I may do some
topping on the wilds to keep them manageable
for 3-gallon pots, unless you see a problem
with that, CD.
I topped the Eximuim quickly and multiple times and highly recommend that.  It will turn into a great little bush, but only with that treatment.  It was less necessary with the Chacoense due to my timing last season, but given your timing it seems wise. I'm glad you posted this. My OW eximium is starting to stretch and I hadn't thought to jump on controlling it yet. Now I will.
CaneDog said:
I topped the Eximuim quickly and multiple times and highly recommend that.  It will turn into a great little bush, but only with that treatment.  It was less necessary with the Chacoense due to my timing last season, but given your timing it seems wise. I'm glad you posted this. My OW eximium is starting to stretch and I hadn't thought to jump on controlling it yet. Now I will.
At which node do you begin pruning?
I suspect I did something along the lines of letting it grow 4 or so sets of leaves, then cutting back to just 2 sets, then repeating the process on the new growth at 3 or 4 nodes, then probably doing that a third time, though the tips grow unequally so it usually doesn't work out quite that evenly.  Here's a pic of one of the plants when I let it start to grow freely, outside.  You can see how quickly it put on reach. Later in the season it started laterals on it's own, but not while inside.
CAP 1491 2020-05-18.jpg
CaneDog said:
I suspect I did something along the lines of letting it grow 4 or so sets of leaves, then cutting back to just 2 sets, then repeating the process on the new growth at 3 or 4 nodes, then probably doing that a third time, though the tips grow unequally so it usually doesn't work out quite that evenly.
Thanks, CD, that helps a lot. 
I notice some of the wilds are already showing
some of that growth habit. The Texas Tepin is
one example.
Yep, many seem to have some of whatever your old greenhouse Rhomboidium had that makes them want to grow up fast in single stems.  I'm not hesitant to nip that in the bud when i see it indoors. 
It's going to be awesome to see all these cool varieties you have as they develop.
CaneDog said:
Yep, many seem to have some of whatever your old greenhouse Rhomboidium had that makes them want to grow up fast in single stems.  I'm not hesitant to nip that in the bud when i see it indoors. 
It's going to be awesome to see all these cool varieties you have as they develop.
I hope you are right, CD. It would be awesome
if all these made it to plant-out. I always have
a small amount of attrition over the long haul
to June.
Morning roll call, Three more recruits
showed up overnight.
CAP 1141 c. praetermissum iso Brazil:

San Pedro Orange Rocoto c. pubescens:

CAP 1491 c. eximium brought its helmet along:

Not sure why I had two cells for this one,
one labeled CAP 1491, the other 'Eximium'.
Hope there is not a labeling mistake on this
one. I need to double check my charts.
PaulG said:
CAP 1491 c. eximium brought its helmet along:
Not sure why I had two cells for this one,
one labeled CAP 1491, the other 'Eximium'.
Hope there is not a labeling mistake on this
one. I need to double check my charts.
Okay problem solved. I have a feeling the
'eximium' is really the c. chacoense v Exile.
Having two varieties whose names start with
'exi...' is just too taxing for my many-decades-
old brain  :shh:

One of these is a c. eximium, the other is a
c. chacoense v. Exile.

When I checked all the labels, only one was
unaccounted for. 

Evidently, I wrote ‘eximium’ rather than ‘Exile’ 
on the little label :oops: CD will have to tell me which is
which as they grow out!
CaneDog said:
It just keeps chugging right along for ya, Paul.  Great work with getting all those going!
BTW - I consider just a single mishap during any mass germination to be a miracle!
Got a plan for the HH yet? HH?
Thanks, CD. We’ll see how many actually
make it to Spring plant-out.
I hear ya, no matter how careful I am, absent-
mindedness rears it’s ugly head!
CaneDog said:
I meant plans for clearing the helmet head on the CAP 1491.  I tent to get lazy with the shorthand acronyms. 
Haha, I should have known that. Shows
how much I'm thinking about it!
I'll just let it go for a little while and see
where we are at then. My 'surgeries' are
usually successful. Hoping for another
sprout or two so I don't have to worry
about it!
PtMD989 said:
Sorry for being late to the party [emoji52]. I’m usually on time or early [emoji16].
I was starting to sweat a bit a few days ago when it was like "pretty much everything's sprouted now, except every one of CD's seeds..."  :)
And you ain't late to the party if there's still beer in the fridge.