Thanks for the good wishes friends.
It means a lot and I look forward to a
great season on THP!
Mr.joe said:
I hear ya, been seeing way too much of that stuff here in my family recently. No fun. My grow is coming along well enough I think. I gotta thin them out more and start preparing the outside plot
Good luck with the thinning and prepping.
Always something to do, huh.
CaneDog said:
Likewise, Paul. Wish you the best and a speedy recovery from the remaining discomfort.
Your plants are looking fantastic - particularly for having been neglected!
But that's no surprise
Thanks, CD. I wish my chinese's looked better.
Have been battling aphids as well. Taking a week
away from the plants didn't help much!
Thanks for the good wishes, friend!
Tybo said:
Plants are looking good Paul. Sorry to hear about your medical issue. Wishing you all the best.
Thanks, Ty. I appreciate the good vibe!
DownRiver said:
Plants still looking awesome Paul. I noticed you hadn't posted for several days. Glad you're feeling better. Don't push yourself too hard. Kinda ease back into it. Still lots of grow season ahead.
Thanks, Rick. Am starting to feel better. Now just
trying to avoid the colds my wife and son have
I think I can make it to the grow season. Now if only
the plants follow suit!
Uncle_Eccoli said:
Autopilot seems to have seen you through all right. Be well, friend.
Thanks, Unc. Every time I see your profile pic,
reminds me of some great reads!
PtMD989 said:
Hope the worst is behind you. It’s good that you don’t need the heavy pain pills [emoji106].
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks, Bryan. I'm glad for that, as well.
Mildfruit said:
Im sorry to hear about your tumor Paul! Hopefully you'll make a speedy recovery and the pathology is benign. I wish you all the best.
Your wilds are looking great, always fun to watch the different grow patterns of wilds

Thanks for the well wishes, friend!
The wilds are probably the best looking
group of plants at the moment.