• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2021

Links to my Grow Logs:
Trippaul Threat Community Grow
Purple Thunder Community Grow
Wild, Indeed Community Thread
Just getting this page of urls up so I can
start the next season's grow log. 
"Welcome to the New Year/ New Season!"
Did these dry on the plant?

edit... probably not, didn't see the pictures with the dehydrator yet...
I am going to let the latest season pods stay on some of the
plants this winter and see if the birds will eat them.
Everypod a victory indeed and some lovely variety there.🙂
Thanks, T. It has been a blast growing the wilds this season.
Going to OW a half-dozen or so in 3-gallon pots, and am
starting to pick varieties to grow from seed as we speak.
When All the bagged pods are in a pile together, it's an
impressive sight!
I would call your "wild" season a huge success @PaulG . Congratulations!
Thanks, DR. I am happy with the way things turned out.
I learned that starting them from seed on Feb. 1 is too
late for decent harvests from the preatermissums before
Fall sets in in earnest.
Got a surprising amount of Yellow Pequin yesterday.
Along with the last of the Aji Strawberry Drop.



Still holding out for some more Cappuccino Chiltepin.
Some nights close to 50˚F so there is hope. No freezing
temps for the near future.
Some outdoor berries getting ready to fall off the bush,
so picked a few of the mostly ripe ones.

Not as red as I’d like, but detached from the calyx very easily.

Same with these, would like a darker brown, but I
figured mostly ripe is better than no berries!
Hey, @talas, you are right about the heat. The Capucinno Chiltepins
have a quick-hitting heat, and a ton of seeds. As with most brown
pods, nice flavor in the powder.

I think there can only be a few more of these pods coming in.
There will be a few more Cumari praetermissum, Chiltepin Rojo,
Cumari Pollux, and Seguin pods to grab before the freeze,
whenever that is.
Looks like end of November here for snow and a big freeze I hope your weather holds on a lot longer.
A nice collection of wilds and pubescens to finish on is a lovely and tasty place to be.
You've had a great year Paul.🙂
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