• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2021

Links to my Grow Logs:
Trippaul Threat Community Grow
Purple Thunder Community Grow
Wild, Indeed Community Thread
Just getting this page of urls up so I can
start the next season's grow log. 
"Welcome to the New Year/ New Season!"
Picked the last of the c. chinense pods today, some not-quite-ripe
Red CARDI Scorpions from @Jeffcontonio. Shame that the weather
has put the kibosh on these, they are the best scorpion phenotypes
I have grown in terms of size. The cool weather is causing serious
splitting. I am hoping for some viable seeds from the larger closest-
to-ripe pods.

That shot glass for size comparison. I will try to get
seeds from the two pods in the center of the top row.

It's been a pretty good grow season this year. Already
making plans for 2022!
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Haven’t dried many pods except for seeds this season,
but thought these looked good enough to share. Yellow
Purple Thunder and Red CARDI Scorpion.

So hot, I had itchy, runny nose and sneezes just cutting them in half.
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@PaulG Nice looking scorpions and PT's Paul. The house is gonna be smelling good lol.
The garage smelled pretty intense for a couple of minutes :rofl:.
Should be safe to go back in today. I try to keep the pepper
madness out of the house itself ;).

Looks like you had a pretty good season DR, hope you have
not been adversely affected by the flooding rains there.
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That is it's natural growth habit.
There are a lot of varieties of micro tomatoes,
just like their full sized brethren. Or sisters. You
can find out more at the Tomato Talk website.

Snuck in under the wire. Quack!
I might have to join up with tomato talk
I've been interested in dwarfs & micros for sometime & saving tomato seeds etc
I grew purple boy a hybrid in 2020 loved it.
It was some Cherokee purple cross they didn't reveal what the other was but I think some cherry tomatoes as some plants produced some good size cherry tomatoes.
I am thinking of growing them out again next season & save seeds as experiment.
Anyway enough tomato talk
Paul you had another killer year
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Can smell the heat from here @PaulG a perfect pheno of the CARDI Scorpion..actually it's just a gorgeous collection of pods whatever the Origin 👍.
Hope you kept the gloves on two as you'd have had more than itchy nose.😂
@Plantguy76 - Yes a decent year with only a few fails.
Good luck with your tomato projects. The purple hybrid
sounds interesting.

@talas - the Scorpion pods are still in the dehydrator. they
seem to be taking their time to dry out completely. Still
very 'aromatic' ;) It seems like my nostrils burn whenever
I even just hold a hot pepper these days!
You and I both, @talas! I’m not sure how’glorious’ end-of-season
will be :lol: but I don’t mind seeing the Fall coming. Herding the
plants gets tedious after awhile :rolleyes:

It is good to see some positive results, though, I’ll have to admit.
De-seeded some Tasmanian Black (thanks to @Bou) to dry for
some powder. Those are some Purple Thunder yellow/caramel
at the upper right of the tray. I probably threw out at least as
many seeds as I saved.

Most of the pods had a thin purple stripe on the placentas.
I haven’t seen that on any of the other plants I’ve grown.

Tried a bite of one of the latest pods. Mild flavor, a little heat.
Crunchy to the bite, seems like a nice all-around pod. Nice
to eat something that doesn’t melt my face. Should make a
good powder.

Hey Paul, it seems that my Tasmanian black look exactly the same as yours! Once again they all grew the same size and shape and as many darker strain, they took half a century to fully ripen😅 It has been a very consistent variety up tu now and after eating a freshly picked pod, they just earn their lifetime spot in my garden!

Sorry here as I didn't wan't to highjack your glog but I was too lazy to start a thread of my own...! And let me know what you think of the powder you made out of these! Rock on🤘


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@Bou - No problem, buddy, glad to see your results
with the Tasmanian Blacks. I haven’t ground any yet,
but am looking forward to them. They are a nice annuum
variety, lots of pods from a pretty small bush in my #10
nursery pot. Thanks for sending those seeds my way!
Here's a run down of my grow this season.
Another post you can ignore!

2021 Grow List / Germination Rates (3/10/2021)

Wild (18):

c. galapagoense, wiriwiri 2020, x2 67% - fail, cut back to grow out again

c. rhomboidium
, wiriwiri 2020 - fail to germinate

c. chacoense
, purple flower, GIP via wiriwiri 2018 17% - Very productive

Cumari Pollux
, c. praetermissum, Brazil, Pepper Guru 2019, x2 67% - Mildly productive

Cumari Flibu
, c. praetermissum, Brazil, Pepper Guru 2019 50% - Mildly productive - pods ripened very late, if at all

wild collected #1, c.annuum, Brazil, leo72 2019, x2 67% - Very productive

, wild collected #2, c.praet/bacc v B, Brazil, leo72 2019 17% - Mildly productive

c. lanceolatum
, n=26, isolated, CaneDog, 2019 - fail to germinate

, c. cardenasii x XL Brown, brown G2 my pods 2020, x2, orig. CaneDog - fail, cut back to grow out again

Blue Mystery
, c. praetermissum ? baccatum ?, wiriwiri, 2020 67% - Mildly productive

PI 631137 'Chiltepin'
, Guatamala ‘Tolito’ c. frutescens? 2018, wiriwiri 67% - Very productive

Wiri Wiri
, c. chinense, true strain, wiriwiri via CaneDog, 2019, x2 100% - Very productive

Pequin MX, c. annuum v Glabriusculum, Chihuahua, Mexico 2019 - seed train 50% - Very productive

Chili ‘Seguin’
, c. annuum v Glabriusculum, wild-collected, Devv 2020, x2 33% - Mildly productive, slow ripening

Yellow Pequin
, c. annuum v Glabriusculum, G2, PtMD989/Smokemaster 100% - Very productive

Capuccinno Chiltepin
, c. annuum v Glab., Semillas la Palma, 2019 100% - Very productive


Chiltepin Rojo, c. annuum v Glabriusculum, OW, 2019, orig. CPI n/a - Very productive

CGN 24360
, c. chinense, OW, ‘BB Habanero’, 2019 catchthebear n/a - Very productive


Yaki Blue Fawn, Cane Dog, 2019 100% - Very productive

Red Cardi Scorpion
, Texas Hot Peppers, seed train, 2020 100% - Very productive

JA Red Habanero
, (G5, 2016 ?) orig. Devv/WalkGood 2019 100% - Very productive

Yellow Scorpion
, G8, 2019, orig. Spankycolts plant 2012 100% - Very productive

, F2, CaneDog, 2019 83% - Very productive

Scotch Bonnet Beth Boyd,
G2, 2019 50% - Very productive

Trippaul Threat White Lightening
, F9, 2020 17% - Very productive

……………Community Grows……………

Trippaul Threat Yellow
v2 F3 31% - Very productive

Purple Thunder Yellow
, F4 100% - Very productive

Purple Thunder Yellow
, F6 75% - Very productive, earlier ripening than F4

Scotch Bonnet Papa Dreadie
, AeroGarden, G2/ G3 70% - Very productive, 2018 (G2) - better phenotypes


Ecuador Sweet Red, sinn, seed train, 2020 100% - Fail, 2 pods

Tatiana Yellow
G2, orig. CaneDog 100% - Three pods

San Pedro Orange
F2, orig. CaneDog 67% - Fail, no pods

Peruvian Red
G5 100% - Fail, no pods

Rocoto Montufar
, Skullbiker 2019 or 2020 84% - a few ripe pods out of 3 dozen set


Sugar Rush Red, Jeff Contino, seed train, 2020 100% - Fail, no pods, plant died early

Aji Strawberry Drop
, Bou, 2020 100% - Very productive, but late setting and ripening pods


Variegated Jalapeño, F3, orig. catchthebear 90% - Very productive

Orange Spice Jalapeño G2, lespaulde 2019 100% - Pods very small, won't grow again

Tasmanian Black, Bou 2020 33% - Very productive

Mr. Sausage Yellow 100% - Very productive, pods (red) not that great, small and tasteless


Chili Costa Rica, THSC 2019 67% - Very productive, very dark purple foliage
Nice stats and a "very productive" season overall👍
More stats for storage, wild pods edition.
Still another gram or two to be picked for some
of these, plus a few grams already given away,
so call it a wash in that regard.

First up, Wild Cumari annuum v Glabriusculum, 97gr.

Pequín Chihuahua, 55gr.

C. Chacoense purple flower, 55gr.